


The liger is a big cat born from the breeding of a male lion and a female tiger. This genetic combination produces an offspring with more lion features than if the reverse mating had occurred. A member of genus Panthera, it has not been assigned a scientific name because of its human-assisted ancestry.

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Can ligers have babies?

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No, since Ligers are a breed of tigers and lions they can't breed on because of their genes.

Answer: The above is incorrect.

Female tigons and ligers have often proved to be fertile and can mate with a lion, tiger or in theory with another species such as leopard or jaguar. Tigons and ligers have been mated together to produce ti-ligers (tig-ligers). Tigers and tigons have been mated to produce ti-tigons. Ti-ligers and ti-tigons are more tigerlike (75% tiger). Ti-tigons resemble golden tigers but with less contrast in their markings. During the late 1970s/early 1980s, the Shambala Preserve had both a tigon and a ti-tigon. Noelle, the tigon, was born in 1978. Believing that big cats are always infertile, staff allowed Noelle to share an enclosure with a male Siberian tiger called Anton. In 1983, Noelle produced a ti-tigon name Nathaniel. Being 75% tiger, Nathaniel had darker stripes than his mother and he "spoke" tiger rather than the mix of sounds used by his mother. Being only 25% lion, Nathaniel did not grow a mane. He died age 8 or 9 years old due to cancer. Noelle also developed cancer and died soon after. It is possible that the mix of genes contributed to the illness.

How heavy can a liger get?

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A normal non-obese liger weighs around 900 to 1000 pounds. However, a liger can grow and gain weight beyond that as well. The highest recorded weight for a liger was in Wisconsin. That liger weighed 1600 pounds. So my answer is that at maximum a liger can weigh around maximum 1600 to 1800 pounds. That is very huge.

What organ does a tiger use for locomotion?

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"Locomotory" refers to movement. It refers to muscles. Muscles are innervated by nerves under control of the brain, and supplied with nutrition through the circulatory system and respiratory system.

Are ligers prey?

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ligers are not recognized as a specie. They are hybrids, created when two animals that would never encounter each other naturally are tricked to breed with each other.

And since they're usually sterile - ligers can't make new ligers - they can't form an own specie.

Are there any ligers in britain?

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How many chinchillas are living today?

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In the wild they are almost extinct but now they are domesticated as well

What animal in a liger is the girl?

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the liger is a hybrid of a male lion and female tiger

How long are Ligers?

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Usually between 9-11 feet, you may think that's low if you have ever read that lions and tigers are up to 12-13 feet, and that ligers are usually larger than both, ligers are indeed larger, its just the average male of both tigers and lions is really less than 10 feet, a lot of the large measurements come from old stretched truths, or strecthed skins which is a popular practice with lots of animals including crocs and snake.

What is a liger daily life?

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How do ligers behave?

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Ligers are a hybrid made from a male lion and a female tiger. This generally only happens in captivity, although very rarely it does occur in the wild. Male ligers become sexually mature and will mate, but are sterile. Female ligers can reproduce. They are the largest member of the cat family. Hercules the liger is over 900 pounds and not obese. That is twice the size of a male lion. Ligers have the coloration of a lion and the patterns of a tiger. Ligers have the coloration of a lion, but the striped pattern of a tiger. They are very large.

someone else>>>>>>Actually, i have seen a Liger in real life, they had the poor thing in a glass display thing like at the zoo, It looks like a White tiger, and it has orange stripes, and yes the are large, the female ligers can get as big as a male Bengal tiger, and the males are a little bigger than that. Also, some may gain the characteristics of a lion, they can have a mane, and a fluff at the end of their tail, like a lion.
It is a very large cross breed of a lion and a tiger. It has a body of a tiger but much larger and mostly a face of a lion, it has a short mane. ( beard )

How old can a liger get?

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A normal life span of a liger is about 15 years. 2 liger's that were kept in zoo's, lived until their early 20's.

How are ligers made?

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Look at a picture of a tiger and a picture of a lion. When you draw your Liger, you can use whatever characteristics you want from each animal.

What is the crhomosome number for a liger?

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what cromosomes does a mother and father of a liger have A Liger , as you know, is a cross between a lion (Panthera leo) and a Tiger (Panthera tigris). Since these parents each have 38 chromosomes (2N=38), so do the Liger. To explain this a little deeper, a Liger should get 19 chromosomes from its' dad, and 19 from its' mom (1N=19), this is the haploid number, so 2N=38 for Lion, Tiger and Liger. As a good analogy to this, we all know a human has 46 chromosomes (2N=46). 23 of them are from Mom and 23 from Dad.

Do ligers have any defenses against there predators?

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most likely no most likely no

What is a ligers life Cycle?

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A liger is the offspring of a male lion and a female tiger. This should not be confused with a tigon, which is the offspring of a female lion and a male tiger.

What is a group of ligers called?

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a group of ligers are called preaks..

Is the Liger endangered?

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yes it is because not a lot of tigers and lions mate

What are the ligers defense mechanisms?

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the ligers are a cross between a lion and a tiger

their defense mechanisms are their teeth and their claws

Does a liger have a female liger?

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Normally no, the rule of thumb is that all hybrid animals are sterile because of their mismatched chromosomes but as in all things there are exceptions to the rule and there have even been several documented cases in which hybrid animals have unexpectedly given birth.

There have been about 6 cases of female ligers that have produce offspring but even so their fertility was low with the mothers producing only one cub at a time. To my understanding in all of the cases the mothers only gave birth once, now whether it was because of low fertility or they where just prevented from breding again I don't know but all of the births where just the single cub.

There has never been a liger cub born to two liger parents as there has never been any fertile male ligers, all of the cubs born to liger mothers where sired either by a male lion or tiger creating li-ligers or ti-ligers (depending on the father).

Theoretically a receptive liger could be bred to any other big cat such as a leopard or cougar making a three way hybrid but no such crosses have ever been recorded.

Which is the climate where ligers live?

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It has none. Ligers do not occur naturally in the wild- they were created through captive breeding.

Can you ride a liger?

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well a tiger isn't build like a horse or donkey it may be possible if verry tame and well trained but i don't bellive you should tame a tiger and you wouldn't be able to go verry far without being thrown of a horse,donkey and possibly a camel or maybe even a elephant but i don't recommend you ride any animal without proper training. my son has been begging me for a tiger on a game he plays i think its called wizard101 or something but to me the game seems verry childish and hes 15 so i don't think im going to be doing it for him any time soon he has plenty of real life horses he can ride sources:17 years of horse breeding and training

Do ligers live in heards or packs?

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no they dont live with their parents. they need to be speapted. no they dont live with their parents. they need to be speapted.

Do ligers threaten cheetahs?

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Does a liger make a good pet?

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NO. You are not supposed to have a liger as a pet . You are in great danger if you have one and you need a license to have one . If you get one you will probably take it back so as for there I highly recommend not to get one!

How long is a black panther's teeth?

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about 3m depending of the panther, some can grow up to 4 and a half m in length