


Lymphatic System

This category is for questions about the various vessels by which lymph, a watery fluid of leukocytes, circulates through the body, providing transportation for some materials and removing particulate from tissues.

500 Questions

In what body regions are lymph nodes found?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Clusters of lymph nodes are found in the pelvis region, underarm, neck, chest, and abdomen.

What does Lymph contain a type of white blood cells?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, lymph contains white blood cells, as well as salts, water, and large molecules

Lymph vs plasma?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lymph is actually plasma without plasma proteins. Lymph is formed when plasma oozes out of the minute pores of the capillaries. Since plasma proteins are too large to go through the pore, lymph is devoid of any plasma proteins.

Are child immune systems weaker?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depression lowers everyone's immunity. Everything is depressed, not just the mood.

How is the immune system interdependent on the cardiovascular system?

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Asked by Wiki User

1. From a cardiovascular point of view, current medical focus is on the effects of chronic inflammation on vascular health. It is known that patients with chronic disease, esp. inflammatory disease, have higher risk of CV disease. Certain medications that have a immune modulating effect have been shown to lower CV risk. One of the main ideas is that inflammation has an adverse effect on blood vessel intima, leading to higher risk of artherosclerotic disease.

2. From an immune-system point of view... this is even more complex. Immune modulators released in all sorts of circumstances (from stress, to sepsis) have effects on the CV system, with wide ranges from inotropic, chronotropic, as well as vasodilative effects.

White blood cells are part of the immune system's what?

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Asked by Wiki User

White blood cells are part of the immune system's defense. White blood cells flock to irritations and infections to heal or eliminate them.

What is responsible for stimulation the immune system to produce antibodies?

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Asked by Wiki User

The presence of something that shouldn't be there like bad bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Also your immune system does not only become active when under threat much of it patrols your body keeping you healthy specialised T-cells and B-cells enable you to be immune to things that you have encountered before as they become memory cells keeping lookout for whatever triggered them in the first place and to quickly call for reinforcements should you experience it again.

Other cells such as Destroyer cells are your 1st line of defence which find infected cells kill what's inside by destroying that cell unfortunely they destroy many others nearby creating alot of collateral damage for instance when you have a cold and you get a you get a sore throat that is evidence that your destroyer cells have been hard at work.

What is overactive immune system?

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Asked by Wiki User

It means your immune system begins to attack your body's own healthy cells and tissues, when it is only supposed to attack viruses and bacteria that might cause you harm. Check out auto immunity

What prevents backflow of lymph fluid?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depending on where the problem exists, you could use supportive hose. For example, compression stockings on the legs or compression sleeves on the arms. Other areas might be more problematic.

What is the importance of the lymph nodes?

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Asked by Wiki User

The lpmph vessel is important for your heart because it is a important blood vessel in your body

What organ or lymph filters blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nearly all organs in the body have a primary lymph node group filtering the tissue fluid, or lymph, that comes from that organ.

What are two diseases that your immune system can't fight?

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Asked by Wiki User

I would like to believe that they can be Cancer and HIV/AIDS, since seeing that the body's immune system would be broken down/damaged and would not be able to defend the body (HIV/AIDS).I am not sure the reason for cancer

What is the name of the structural units of lymph node that contain a germinal center?

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Asked by Wiki User

Is the central ,light staining region within a lymphoid follicle in spleen ,lymph nodes,or mucosal lymphoid tissue that forms during T cell-dependent humoral immune response and is the site of B cell and antibodies affinity maturation and antibodies class swiching .

Does stress weaken your immune system?

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Asked by Wiki User

It definitely weakens your immune system! I contracted MRSA 4 years ago (due to surgery) and it took over a year after being off of IV antibiotics to build up my system enough that I would not have to go to the dr everytime I got a cold. I just could not fight anything off! Even now, I have a hard time kicking a minor cold.

Where does lymph go after it leaves the collecting ducts?

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Asked by Wiki User

The processed lymph will exit one of the lymph ducts, the right lymph duct or the Thoracic duct, depending on where the lymph came from. When it exists the lymph duct, it will enter the subclavian vein, which is also near the superior vena cava, the final vein before blood enters the heart. The lymph once again a part of the bloodstream. It will once again serve its purpose as tissue fluid. hahaha

What group of proteins mark foreign invaders and attract phagocytes to destroy them?

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Asked by Wiki User

B cells release antibodies that attach to foreign invaders and mark them for destruction by phagocytes.

What is a pineal?

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Asked by Wiki User

The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis, conarium or the "third eye") is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located near the centre of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.

The arrector pili muscle is composed of?

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Asked by Wiki User

it is located underneath the sebacecus gland :)

Where is lymph located?

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Asked by Wiki User

unlike blood, lymph does not have a pump to push it around the body therefore lypmh relies on the contraction of skeletal muscles and the bodys natural movement to push the lymph back upto the neck where it empties into the subclavian veins