


Male Puberty

This category houses all questions related to the stage of Puberty in a male's life. This includes questions related to growing up for males.

500 Questions

Is a 6 inch penis big for a 14 yr old?

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6 is average for an adult.

If you read about it on-line, you'll find that most experts say, 7 inches is average for an adult. So yes, I guess you can say that you are pretty well endowed for your age. (depends if your penis is erect or not.)

Explain any four changes that occur at puberty?

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Assuming you want four facts about male puberty:

1. Testicles Get lower

2. Penis Gets Bigger

3. Voice Gets Deeper

4. You Will Produce Sperms

How do you ask you mom for boxers?

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Asked by Wiki User

well take out your ags and spec and the get 100k and buy bandos

How does a boys penis go into a girl?

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They don't it's physically impossible

There is a sexual activity called 'docking' in which a boy (or man) inserts the end of his penis inside the foreskin of his partner's penis.

Does puberty happen at night?

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Puberty is a 24 hour a day process. You may be thinking of what doctors call, "Nocturnal emissions", also alled, "Night dreams". As your body turns into that of a man, you get the ability to ejaculate semen, a clear to milky liquid that carries the spermatazoa, or just 'sperm' cells that can start a pregnancy in a female. When you dream, you have sexy dreams when you are in puberty. They cause your sex organs to activate. Your penis grows hard and longer, and semen is ejaculated (squirted) through the penis. It is absolutely and 100% normal.

What would happen if a boy took Enzyte pills?

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Asked by Therealkennyk

Nothing would happen. Enzyte is marketed as if it were a drug, but it is actually a nutritional supplement that claims to increase the size of a man's penis. The advertising of this product plays on male insecurity by tying penis size to masculinity. Testimonial claims aside, there are no published, peer-reviewed clinical trials that show any effect whatsoever. Nutritional supplements are not subject to the same level of scrutiny and rigorous testing as prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

Why does your voice deepen when you have a cold?

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Inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis) can sometimes accompany common cold and can lead to hoarseness or loss of voice.

How old are you when you get your pubic hair?

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Based on the focus of the question, I would guess that you might be concerned about puberty, when it begins and when your body will start to change. Pubic hair is considered a "secondary sexual characteristic" and in the same category as underarm hair, facial hair, and general body hair. These things are all controlled by hormones (a type of chemical) in our body that controls when puberty begins and ends. One of the challenges about puberty is that it can happen over a wide range of ages. Some children can begin puberty as early as 8 or 9, which would be fairly early. Some will not fully enter puberty until as late as 15 or 16. So when will you get pubic hair? Generally it will happen sometime between ages 11 and 14. But remember, it all depends on a bunch of factors including genetics, your diet, and other aspects of your environment.

You should not worry about when this particular aspect of development begins, although for some boys it is the first outward sign that they see that let's them know that puberty and all the exciting things that go along with growing into a young man, have begun in earnest.

As with all things associated with puberty, growing up and maturing, try not to worry about when and how these changes will occur. Unless there is a major problem, your body will develop at its own pace and in its own way. Try to just relax and treat the process as an adventure that unfolds rather than something that's planned and scheduled like your day at school. If you are 15-16 and not seeing anything change, it would definitely be time to consult a doctor. Otherwise, remember that there is a gigantic variation in the age that all these different changes occur.

What does it mean to have Little bumps spreading around the rim of your uncircumcised penis?

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There are several things it could be. It you have recently had unprotected sex, it may be an STD or STI. If not, it could be something common such as Pearly Papules, which is a common occurrence and affects about 10% of all men. It would not hurt to visit a doctor, just to rule out any infection or problem.

What happens if you have hypothyroid n you get a tattoo?

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Hypothyroidism would have no effect on your tattoo, and conversely, your tattoo would have no effect on your thyroid gland.

Are you gay if you compare penis size with friends?

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Asked by Wiki User

Probably not. There's a natural curiosity during your teenage years to see your friend's penis and to compare their development to your own. I know guys in my high school gym class that were straight and would compare penis size in the locker room.

You're only gay in my opinion if you desire a sexual relationship with another man, and I don't think you do.

What is happening when boys pee out white creamy stuff?

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It's Called Sperm.

Is a 7.4 flaccid and 11.3 inches penis big for a 15 year old?

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For a teenaged Sperm Whale, it's appropriate. For all other mammals, you should consult your physician.

What should i do i weigh 286 and you want to lose 143lbs within the next 10 months how do you do it?

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It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to lose that much weight that quickly. Understandably, you want fast results. I myself have been in that position. I weighed 200 pounds, and after 4 months of exercise and healthy eating, i have lost 15 pounds. I still need to lose 40. It takes time if you want to keep the weight off. I highly recommend tae-bo as a form of exercise. It burns a lot of calories and is fun to do. To lost weight, you need to watch what you eat (without starving yourself, because that is not an effective way to lose fat), and exercise. You won't lose quickly. It will take about two years to lose that weight.

You are a 13 year old boy and havent started sperming how do you make ypur self sperm?

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I think you can sperm at ages 10 11 and 12 and up. Im 11 and i know how to sperm. plus you can sperm by masturbating till you get the feeling.

yeah all you need to do is masturbate

Avrage size of penis of 15 years old guy?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average size of any penis AFTER PUBERTY is anywhere between 4 to 9 inches. This size however varies with races. In general, for example, Blacks have larger penises compared to Asians.

If you are 15 and still going through puberty, then don't think about your penis size now. Wait till after puberty.

I am 15 years old and I have a 5 inch penis when erect. I have leg hair arm hair 2 pubic hair arm pit hair and little facial hair. I am 5'6 and middle voice. How much longer will my penis get?

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Asked by Wiki User

5-6 inches is a pretty healthy size!! I'm no expert, so personally, I'd consider that on the normal-to-kinda big in size (if erect). I know there's alot of talk about a 10" penis. But that is not normal, and sorta freakish to find (welcomed by somepartners, but NOT welcomed by others!) Anyway, 5-6 inches is a very HEALTHY size and although I don't know about any more growth at your age... I'd certainly be proud of what you've got!!

Is it normal for a 13 year olds sperm to be clear?

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Yes, I had this problem too, it means that you are STARTING to produce sperm, it will be white in a few years.

There is no problem regarding clear semen. It is natural when beginning puberty to produce a clear liquid until it becomes a milky-white substance once sperm is produced. The shade of it's colour can vary between man to man but makes no difference at all.

Do boys get erections everyday?

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Some do and some don't. Everyone is different. Pubescent teenagers often wake up in the morning with an erection though.

Yes, while dreaming males get erections while females have additional blood flow to their genitals as well. If a male isn't getting an erection there may be a medical condition.

At what age do sperm begin to be made in an average human male?

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Around 12 but varies slightly with individual rate of development

How long does it take for your penis to reach it's full size?

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its done growing when you have a massive erection like Ron burgandy.

How long should a erect fifteen year old boys penis be?

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It will vary around that age. It all depends on when you started puberty, but usually by then it shouldn't be short unless you are a late starter when it comes to puberty.

What is the hormonal trigger in puberty to start this process mitosis?

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The trigger to begin puberty is GnRH from the hypothalamus.

Is it puberty when you have hair on your pussie?

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for one its pussy not pussie and no its not