


Comprised of 9 orders, 23 families, and around 330 species, with the exception of opossums, the majority of marsupials are found in Central and South America, Australia, and Asia. Immediately after birth the young crawl to the mother's nipples and remain attached to them while continuing their development.

500 Questions

Are cats marsupials?

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No: cats are placental mammals. Marsupials are those mammals that rear their young in pouches, for example a kangaroo.

Specifically, marsupials are characterised by bearing very undeveloped young. Not all marsupials raise their young in a pouch. the numbat of Western Australia, for example, does not have a pouch, but the undeveloped young latch onto a teat on the mother's underside, and cling to her belly with sharp claws for several months.

Does the quoll attack its prey?

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Yes, the quoll does attack its prey. They attack their prey viciously in the neck.

How does a newborn marsupial get to its mothers pouch?

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The blind, furless, miniature newborn, the size of a jelly bean, crawls across its mother's fur to make its way into the pouch, where it latches onto a teat for food.

What is the name of a tree climbing marsupial?

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There are several:

  • Tree-kangaroo
  • Koala
  • Possum, e.g. Ringtail possum, Brushtail possum, Honey possum, Leadbeater's possum, Pygmy possum, etc
  • Opossum
  • Quoll
  • Phascogale
  • Sugar glider
  • Feathertail glider
  • Squirrel glider
  • Greater glider
  • Mahogany glider
  • Yellow-bellied glider
  • Cuscus

What is unique about the way in which marsupials are born?

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I assume that you're talking about marsupial mammals. At first, they are born live, like human babies. The difference is that the mother's gestatoin period (nine months in humans) is very short, so the babies are born very undeveloped. After emerging from the birth canal, the babies must immediately crawl to the mother's nipple, which may or may not be surrounded by a pouch (for protection). They attach themselves to the nipple and suckle for several weeks or months without getting off it. By the end of this time, they are much more developed.

Does the spotted tailed quoll hibernate?

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No; no Australian marsupials hibernate (apart from the Mountain pygmy possum which hibernates in mid-winter for up to three weeks).

How big are kangaroos when they leave their mother's pouch?

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The joey is in the mother kangaroo's pouch for about eight months (235 days), depending on the species. The young Joey continues to suckle until it is about 12 months old.

Do opossums migrate?

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Yes. They don't usually stay in one spot for long.

Is a bandicoot a herbivore?

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Bandicoots are vertebrates. They are mammals and marsupials, and all mammals are vertebrates, having an internal skeleton and a backbone.

What kind of animal is a Pygmy glider?

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"Pygmy glider" is another name for the smallest species of glider, the Feathertail Glider. Like all gliders, it belongs to the possum family (which is different from the 'opossum' family), and so it is a marsupial.

What features does the koala share with other animals?

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It has claws like other animals and it has eyes, nose, ears, fur, its a mammal, and it feeds for its own survival.

What does a marsupial look like?

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Wallabies are smaller members of the kangaroo family. Any member of the kangaroo family, or macropods, is related to the wallaby, and thus looks like the wallaby. These related species include Red Kangaroos, Grey Kangaroos, Pademelons, Bettongs, Quokkas and Euros (Wallaroos), to name a few.

What are all the animals with pouches?

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Animals that have pouches belong to the class of mammals called Marsupials. Marsupials include kangaroos, bandicoots, wombats, banded anteaters, koalas, opossums, wallabies, Tasmanian devils, and many other species that I cannot name.

Does a squirrel glider have a pouch?

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Like all marsupials, sugar gliders have very undeveloped babies. These joeys crawl into the mother's pouch where they attach to a teat, which swells in their mouth to secure them. The joeys then continue their development in the pouch.

Type of marsupial that hops?

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A marsupial - a pouched mammal - that moves by hopping on its large hind legs describes any one of the family Macropodidaewhich is native to Australia and New Guinea and which includes kangaroos, pademelons, wallabies, and others.

These herbivores also have a characteristically large and well-muscled tail which assists in movement. They hop only when moving at speed; when grazing or otherwise moving slowly they simply use their forelimbs and tail for balance while moving their hindlimbs forwards.

What does bandicoot poo look like?

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It's about the diameter of a pencil, bullet shaped. I've seen it between an inch and maybe 3 inches long (sometimes in segments). I've heard you can occasionally see casings of insects in the poo but I haven't found that in my yard.

Is a bandicoot the same as a numbat?

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No. The bandicoot and the numbat are completely different animals. Although they are both marsupials, the numbat is a member of the order Dasyuromorphia, while the bandicoot is a member of the order Peramelemorphia.

Is a bat adapted to sugar glider?

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Bats and sugar gliders are both warm blooded, air breathing mammals. As mammals, they nurture their young on mothers' milk. Also, both being mammals, their limbs are oriented vertically, they have a four-chambered heart and they have a flexible neck with seven cervical vertebrae.

That is where the similarities end.

Bats are placental mammals and gliders are marsupials. Bats are capable of free flight; sugar gliders can only glide between tree tops. Bats have wings which are made of leathery skin stretched across bones which move like the fingers of a hand. Sugar gliders have a membrane of skin which stretches from their wrists to their ankles, which enables them to glide between treetops. They do not fly but, depending upon the species are capable of gliding between 50m and 80m. They must always launch out from higher points such as treetops or power poles.

How does a quoll behave?

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As the largest dasyurid (carnivorous marsupial) on Australia's mainland, the quoll is needed to help keep down the numbers of marsupials such as possums which would breed prolifically. If left unchecked, possums would cause damage to the environment as they are doing in New Zealand, where there are no native predators for them.

Is a sugar glider a diurnal or nocturnal animal?

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Sugar gliders are mainly nocturnal (active during the night) however they do crepuscular tendencies i.e. are active sometimes at dusk and dawn.

What is the scientific name for the bandicoot?

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Australian bandicoots belong to the order Peramelemorphia, and their scientific name is Petramele, meaning 'pouched badger', even though they are not mambers of the badger family. They are not related in any way to the animal of India also known as a bandicoot (scientific name: Bandicota).

There are eleven distinct species of bandicoot, and they each have different scientific names, e.g.

  • The Southern Brown Bandicoot: Isoodon obesulus
  • Eastern Barred Bandicoot: Perameles gunnii
  • Greater Bilby: Macrotis Lagotis
  • Long-nosed Bandicoot: Perameles bougainville

Will possums eat small ducks?

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Possums, which are the marsupials found in Australia, New Guinea and some neighbouring islands, have no interest in ducks. Possums are essentially herbivorous, and occasionally eat insects.

Opossums, which are a quite different animal in a quite different continent, may eat small ducks. Opossum species are found in North America and Central America. When especially hungry, they have been known to attack adult or juvenile ducks, especially when in an enclosed space.

How does a kowari adapt to its environment?

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A kangaroo has many features that have helped it survive in its harsh Australian environment. The Kangaroo has powerful legs that allow it to travel the necessary far distances with a minimal amount of energy. The tail is used for balance while bounding the 30 plus feet each jump.

During the hot summer months the kangaroo licks its blood vessel filled forearms in order to cool its body. The forearms act a radiators for the animal and the evaporating saliva only increases this effect.

The last major adaptation that the kangaroo has acquired is its ability to abort a fetus in the presence of a predator. The predator will take the free meal and allow the kangaroo to escape.

Are northern quolls nocturnal?

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All four quoll species are nocturnal marsupials.

What does joey mean?

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A joey is the young of any marsupial, so it will depend upon the parent animal. A joey of a kangaroo looks just like a smaller version of the kangaroo. A wombat joey looks like a miniature wombat. A bilby joey looks like a smaller bilby. However, when first born, all of these animals are about the size of a bean, pink and hairless.