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500 Questions

How much would a swimming pool cost?

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A quick search turned up this blog:

One of the most difficult aspects of planning for an inground pool is estimating the total cost. There are several variables that affect the overall cost of building and maintaining an inground pool, including the size of the pool and the material will comprise it. In the Chicagoland area a small, basic inground pool will cost between $20,000 and $50,000. Some of the larger, deeper and more high-end inground pools can cost as much as $100,000.

Swimming pool skimmers?

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A device that pulls in the surface water of a pool. It uses the surface tension of the water to pull in the leaves, buds, etc. that get blown into or fall into the pool in through a small basket before it goes to the pump. There are several methods of skimming swimming pools

(1) The most widely used is the static skimmer this is installed int most private (backyard) pools. These depend on maintaining the water lever of the pool to operate properly and have a limited effect using the surface tension of the water to attract floating debris. (2) A more effective pool skimmer is the floating swimming pools skimmer, this type of skimmer connects into the vacuum plate over the leaf basket in the static skimmer unit via a hose like one connects a pool vacuum. The advantage with this type of skimmer is that it always skims at optimum performance because it moves up and down with the water It has a very fine fast moving skim that has a far wider ranging effect on the surface tension of the water as well as being able to be place in a strategic position in the pool. (3) wet wall or overflow This method is the best way to skim a pool, the pool is built in such a way that it overflows acros one or more walls into a collection point or balance tank from where it is cleaned and pumped back into the pool most public pools work along these lines. It is more costly to set up which is why it is not seen in private pools very often.

How do you scare ducks away from a swimming pool?

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We have used a product called Kings Duck Solution that is applied to the area around the pool that the duck likes to frequent. It is all-natural and non toxic and ducks simply hate the stuff and leave...... and they have not returned. Easy. There is a web page

Trapping is apparently the only sure fire method. Or a gun, I suppose, but that's mean. i don't think u should use a gun i think use a trap to remove them call animal control to relocate them hope this helps.

How do you refinish swimming pool slide?

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It depends on what you want. Fiberglass is the most durable and has a lifetime warranty! Then there is Pebble, Hydrazzo, Quartz and my favorite Beadcrete which has glass beads in it! Check out and and finally this site tells you exactly how they apply Fiber Glass, Quartz and Pebble finishes! Good Luck!

What is the rules and regulations in swimming pool?

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1. Pool users must wear swimming suits or swimming trunks upon entry into the pool. Clothing such as cut-offs, gym shorts, and underwear is not permitted as swimwear. Swimwear should not have been worn for exercising immediately prior to pool use and must be colorfast and of a lightweight material suitable for swimwear, such as Lycra, Spandex, or nylon. Clean T-shirts may be worn for modesty or medical reasons but first must be sanctioned by the Pool Manager.

2. Guards have authority to enforce all pool rules. Patrons who repeatedly violate the rules may be ejected by the Manager.

3. Any person having a skin disease, sore or inflamed eyes, cold, nasal or ear discharge, communicable disease, or who is wearing any kind of bandage or band-aid is discourage from pool activities.

4. Persons having any considerable area of exposed sub-skin tissues, open blisters, cuts, etc., are warned that these are likely to become infected are discourage from pool activities.

5. Any adult or child who is experiencing even a mild case of diarrhea may not use the pool.

6. Running, boisterous or rough play, pushing, acrobatics, dunking, wrestling, splashing, yelling, diving or jumping haphazardly, snapping of towels, improper conduct causing undue disturbances in or about the pool area or any acts which would endanger any patron are prohibited.

7. Spitting, spouting of water, blowing nose or urinating in the pool are prohibited

8. No prolonged underwater swimming for time and/or distance. Competitive and/or repetitive breath holding can be deadly and is not permitted. Hyperventilation is absolutely not permitted.

9. Non-swimmers must remain in shallow water or wading pool (chest deep or less).

10. Toys, balls, inner tubes, inflated boats, and rafts are not permitted in the main pools. Small toys may be allowed in the Wading Pool at the Manager's discretion.

11. The outdoor pools will be closed and cleared for a 10 minute safety break each hour. This is a good time to head to the restrooms.

12. Single groups shall not monopolize a particular area of the pool and thereby limit its use by or intimidate other patrons. Private group uses are not permitted during a Recreation Swim period and must be scheduled as a private rental.

13. Wearing eyeglasses in the pool is discouraged unless absolutely necessary. Non-breakable lenses and frames are necessary for safety.

14. Gum chewing is not permitted anywhere in the pool complex for health and safety reasons.

15. Chairs are not permitted within 3 feet of the pool side.


What president built the swimming pool?

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Since 1969, the White House press briefing room has stood over an indoor pool that was built by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933. The above info is from the following website:

Is there a swimming pool in Central Park?

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I was unable to find the exact size of Lasker Pool(perhaps someone else can update this answer later). But it is HUGE. According to the second Related Link, it can accommodate up to 1,824 people! See the first Related Link for pictures.

What causes black mold in swimming pool?

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Type your answer here... PH-7.5 TEM-76f CH-100ppm TA-50ppm 125,000 gallons (imperial)

Is an olympic swimming pool heated?

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Yes, Olympic swimming pools (and all competitive swimming pools) are heated.

Olympic swimming pools are kept at temperatures typically around 77-79 degrees Fahrenheit or around 25-26.1 degrees Celsius. However, the temperature can go up to 82 degrees Fahrenheit or 27.7 degrees Celsius and be acceptable to FINA, the organization overseeing Olympic swimming.

FINA's optimal temperatures for water polo are 79 Fahrenheit or 26 Celsius; for synchronized swimming, 81 Fahrenheit or 27 Celsius; and for diving, not under 79 Fahrenheit or 26 Celsius.

How do you build a swimming pool?

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By "opening" I'm assuming you are referring to the seasonal opening of a pool. Also, I will assume that you have an electric pump and a sand filter.

SUMMARY: Essentially, you want to minimize the amount of air in the circuit between the pool drain, the filter, and the pipes leading from the filter to the pool inlets before turning on the pump. When you get water flowing, you want to shock it and make sure it's bacteria free.

CLOSING FIRST: How to open a pool will depend a lot on how you closed it before winter. If you properly closed your pool, the pool should have been drained below all your inlets, and the filter, and the pipes from the filter, should have been drained as well. This is to prevent cracking of the pipes due to freezing of the water in them.

NOTE ON YOUR FILTER: Your filter motor definitely should be on its own breaker switch.

TEND TO THE FILTER FIRST: Before you do anything, determine if you need to change the sand in the filter. I usually change it about every two years, but depending on how often it's used, how many people use it, and whether or not you allow dogs in the pool, you might want to change it annually. You don't want to do this when the sand is wet, if you can avoid it; it's a tedious process to begin with. Also check for any loose fittings or pipes that need maintenance.

FILL THE POOL: Bring the pool up to about an inch or two higher than it's normal fill height. Don't fill it higher than the top of the bucket skimmer opening.

FLOOD THE PIPES AND FILTER: Add water to the pipes and filter directly through the filter. This may be a relatively slow process, but by adding the water slowly, you minimize the possibility of large air gaps.

SKIM THE POOL: Clear as much debri from the surface of the pool as possible. Make sure the bucket skimmer is clear of leaves, dead frogs, etc.

START THE FILTER (on and off): Run the filter in intervals of 60 seconds or so. In between, if you're getting air and not water, add more water through the filter. Eventually, after a couple times of doing this, the water should be flowing smoothly. You can tell because the pump motor will sound a lot louder if it's trying to pump air; when it's pumping water, it should quiet down. Your pump will also probably have a chamber that allows you to see what's being pumped (if anything). This usually also serves as a pre-filter (before the water goes into the filter) and can get clogged up easily when opening the pool, so open it up and check the strainers frequently for sticks, twigs, leaves, and little amphibians that might have snuck in.

SHOCK AND CLEAN: Where I live (USA Midwest), algae grows very thickly, so depending on your location, you may want to alter the amounts. I usually bought 16 gallons of liquid chlorine, with eight gallons going into the pool on the first day, 4 on the second, 2 on the third, 1 on the fourth. Before adding the 4 gallons and successive shocks, use a wide brush on a pole to loosen the algae from the sides and bottom of the pool. The chlorine will kill it, and it will eventually filter out.

When you can see the bottom of the pool clearly, throw in the last gallon of chlorine. Then test chlorine levels (you need a test kit) until it's okay to swim.

This process, by the way, is why I no longer have an in-ground pool.

Can you insulate a swimming pool?

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I've insulated my pool with 1/8th thick home insulation that is sold in rolls. I used rolls that were 24 feet long and 48 inches high. it was installed between the pool wall and the liner. To attach the insulation I used 2 inch duct tape. It also makes the interior of the pool walls softer.

Swimming pool for conducting swimming competition?

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As far as I know, regulation dimensions for a short course pool is 8 lanes wide by 25 yards long. Long course pools are 8 lanes wide by 50 meters long. However, I have seen a lot of competitions in 6-lane pools, and some in 10- or 12-lane pools. One time, I went to a swim meet in a 4-lane, 20-yard pool, but that was pushing the limit.

What is oxidizer for swimming pool?

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A very simple answer to it is that the oxidizer chemicals bind to the combined "dirty" chlorine and oxidizes and brings it to the top of the water. It then gets pulled through your filter via the skimmers. It is then out of your water

Do not jump in swimming pool?

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you can jump in a pool as long as you can do it safely, if its no deeper then 3 ft i would advise against it unless there is an emergency and even then its always feet first, if your going to dive make sure its at least deeper then 4ft and its a shallow dive!

Dangers of sex in a swimming pool?

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jacuzzi sex is great

i speak from expierience but some of the germs and the bacteria in the water could get into you and that is not good!!! but if you are on a pill during jacuzzi sex than you will most likely be ok

how to have it?

for guys

start by massaging your girls boobs slowly and softly pull down her bottoms and massage her butt

when hers are off pull down yours and rub your penis on her face and boobs start sucking and licking and kissing her boobs

let her rub kiss lick and suck your penis

rub your penis on her vagina and put it in slowly and gently the rest is history

for girls

start making out then pull down his pants pull down yours and lick his penis

pull off your top and rub your boobs on his face and penis

lets him suck your boobs and nipples

suck on his penis and put it in

you know the rest

hope this helped

Gas swimming pool heaters or electric heaters?

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form_title=Swimming Pool Heater Installation or Replacement form_header=11613 Please select the type of pool that needs to be heated*= () Above ground () Spa/hot tub () In ground What type of heater would you like to use? (Select all that apply)*= [] Natural-gas fired [] Propane-gas fired [] Electric [] Heat pump [] Solar heater [] Want recommendation Is the pool indoor or outdoor?*= () Indoor () Outdoor

How do you treat dirty swimming pool water?

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If the water is cloudy you could have a couple of problems.

1. Could be out of balance; many factors lead to this, check it and fix it. You can take a water sample to a local pool & spa place for professional advice.

2. Green means algae; scrub and shock.

3. Filtration system could be messed up or just full. Particles may be recirculating.

Easy answer is to shock it and vacuum. How does it look the next day? Go from there. If it is dirt you can see on the bottom (ie. alot) vacuum to waste instead of to the filter. This will remove the particles but not clog the system.

How big is a regulation swimming pool?

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50 meters but people use usually 25 yards to swim laps.

Can you swim in a tepid swimming pool?

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Tepid means lukewarm (slightly warm). So the answer is yes, I could swim in tepid water.

Raise pH level in swimming pool?

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Soda ash (sodium carbonate) raises pH without significantly affecting Total Alkalinity (T/A). Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) raises T/A without significantly affecting pH. pH levels below 7.0 should be corrected immediately to prevent damage to equipment and the pool surface.

Can chlorine turn swimming pool water brown?

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What type of test reagent are you using. All reagents have a shelf life and should be at least replaced at the beginning of every season. If you just purchased it there is a chance it may have been merchandise left over from last year. Taylor testing products are the most reliable I have found. Check out their website for more tips on testing your water.

What is a free form salt water swimming pool?

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a free form pol is a pool that is made in any shape that suits the builder or the situation where it needs to fit.