


Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is a branch of engineering that encompasses the generation and application of heat and mechanical power and the design, production, and use of machines and tools. Mechanical engineering involves application of the principles of dynamics, control, thermodynamics and heat transfer, fluid mechanics, strength of materials, materials science, electronics, and mathematics.

500 Questions

Is Grade SAE1006 is alloy or non alloy steel?

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SAE1006 is a low-carbon steel grade that is classified as non-alloy steel. It contains relatively low amounts of carbon and other alloying elements, making it suitable for applications where high strength and hardness are not critical factors.

Can a solid be a fluid?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. However, there are substances that don't fit neatly into a solid/liquid dichotomy. Glasses, for example, are much more like solids than they are like liquids, but they do have some liquid-like characteristics. Liquid crystals are liquids that show some solid-like characteristics. Viscoelastic materials (Silly Putty is probably the best known example) are somewhere in between.

What three examples of stored energy come from photosynthesis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Three examples of stored energy from photosynthesis are glucose, starch, and cellulose. These molecules store energy in the form of chemical bonds, which can be broken down through cellular respiration to release energy for various metabolic processes.

What vehicles can go to the ozone layer?

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No vehicles are capable of physically reaching the ozone layer, as it is located about 6 to 30 miles above Earth's surface. However, certain aircraft like high-altitude planes and rockets can temporarily penetrate the ozone layer during flight.

What is interstitial alloy?

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An interstitial alloy is a type of metallic alloy that contains interstitial elements, which are small atoms or molecules that fit into spaces between the atoms of the host metal. These elements can occupy interstitial sites in the crystal lattice of the host metal, leading to changes in the properties and behavior of the alloy. Examples include steel, which is an interstitial alloy of iron and carbon.

How much air flow required to windmill?

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The amount of airflow required for a windmill depends on the design and size of the windmill. Generally, a wind speed of at least 6-9 miles per hour is needed for a windmill to start generating electricity efficiently. The higher the wind speed, the greater the airflow and power production of the windmill.

Converting therms to btu?

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To convert therms to BTU, you can use the conversion factor: 1 therm = 100,000 BTU. Simply multiply the number of therms by 100,000 to get the equivalent number of BTU.

Why are metals and alloys used in so many materials?

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Asked by Wiki User

Metals and alloys are used in many materials because of their good mechanical properties, high strength, durability, and ductility. They can also conduct heat and electricity efficiently, making them ideal for a wide range of applications in industries such as construction, automotive, aerospace, and electronics.

Melting point A36 steel?

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The melting point of A36 steel, which is a low carbon steel, is around 1510-1570°C (2750-2850°F). This temperature range indicates when the steel transitions from solid to liquid form.

How do you make bisynthium alloy?

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Bisynthium alloy is a fictional material often found in video games or sci-fi literature. The specific process for creating bisynthium alloy varies depending on the fictional universe in which it is featured. In general, it is typically made by combining specific fictional elements or materials and subjecting them to advanced fictional technologies or processes.

What is the unit of surface finish commonly used?

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The unit of surface finish commonly used is Ra, which stands for roughness average. It is a measure of the average deviation of the surface texture from the mean line over a specified sampling length.

What is the meaning of Therme?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Therme is a spa or facility that offers various treatments and activities focused on relaxation, health, and well-being. It typically features amenities such as saunas, pools, steam rooms, and massage services to promote physical and mental rejuvenation.

Is vitallium a alloy?

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Yes, Vitallium is a type of cobalt-chromium alloy that is commonly used in dental and medical implants due to its biocompatibility and corrosion resistance.

What are the Properties of dustless chalk-piece?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dustless chalk is made with a special coating that reduces the amount of dust produced when writing. This type of chalk is smoother and less prone to breaking, making it easier to write with and clean up. Dustless chalk is popular in classrooms and for chalkboard art because it creates less mess and provides a more consistent writing experience.

What is density of EN8?

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The density of EN8 steel is approximately 7.85 g/cm^3.

How do you increase the tire life?

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Asked by Wiki User

To increase tire life, make sure to maintain proper tire pressure, rotate your tires regularly, and get the wheels aligned and balanced. Avoid aggressive driving habits and keep an eye out for signs of wear and tear on your tires.

What is a tidle turbine?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm not familiar with the term "tidle turbine." It may be a typo or referring to a specific technology or product that I am not aware of. Can you provide more context or details so I can better assist you?

Name an alloy with C and Fe?

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Asked by Wiki User

One example of an alloy with carbon and iron is steel. Steel is a versatile and widely used alloy that contains varying amounts of carbon and iron, which can be adjusted to achieve different properties such as strength, hardness, and ductility.

What is the annealing temperature for 304 stainless steel?

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The recommended annealing temperature for 304 stainless steel is typically between 1010°C to 1120°C (1850°F to 2050°F). This temperature range allows for the recrystallization of the material, improving its ductility and reducing internal stresses. It is important to follow specific annealing procedures to achieve the desired properties in the material.

What is the creep ductility definition?

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Creep ductility refers to the ability of a material to deform plastically under constant load over time at high temperatures. It is a measure of how much strain a material can undergo before experiencing failure due to creep deformation. Creep ductility is important in high-temperature applications where materials are subjected to prolonged loading.

What is the formula for converting cubic feet to US gallons?

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To convert cubic feet to US gallons, you multiply the number of cubic feet by 7.48052. This conversion factor is based on the fact that 1 US gallon is equal to 0.133681 cubic feet.

Why line reducer is used for centrifugal pumps?

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A line reducer is used for centrifugal pumps to reduce the size of the discharge line. By reducing the line size, the velocity of the fluid increases, which can help to prevent cavitation and ensure proper flow and pressure within the system. This can improve the efficiency and performance of the centrifugal pump.

Would nuclear fusion break the laws of thermodynamics?

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No, nuclear fusion does not violate the laws of thermodynamics. It is a process that involves combining small atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, releasing energy in the process. This energy release is consistent with the principles of thermodynamics.

Do the same laws of thermodynamics hold true for humans and for machines?

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Yes, the laws of thermodynamics apply universally to all systems, including humans and machines. These laws govern the flow of energy in systems and provide a framework for understanding how energy is transferred and transformed within them.

Is milk an alloy?

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No, milk is not an alloy. An alloy is a mixture of metals, while milk is a liquid secretion produced by mammals for feeding their young.