

Model Rockets

Model rockets are made or assembled by hand, and propelled by a variety of means; the hobby can be quite simple, or very involved. This category will cover the information and skill levels on making and launching model rockets.

500 Questions

When a rocket runs out of fuel what two forces slow the rocket down?

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When a rocket runs out of fuel, the two forces that slow it down are gravity and atmospheric drag. Gravity pulls the rocket back toward Earth, while atmospheric drag creates resistance against the rocket's movement through the atmosphere.

Does the length of a model rocket affect its distance?

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Yes, the length of a model rocket can affect its distance. A longer rocket may have more surface area for wind resistance, slowing it down. However, a longer rocket may also have more fuel capacity, allowing it to reach greater heights and distances.

What is model rocket fuel made of?

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Model rocket fuel typically consists of a solid mixture of chemicals, primarily a fuel source such as ammonium perchlorate, potassium nitrate, or sugar, along with a binder such as polyvinyl alcohol. Other additives may be included to enhance performance and stabilizers to ensure safe combustion.

Why does the rocket have to go sideways?

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The rocket needs to go sideways to reach orbit. By moving sideways fast enough, the rocket can overcome the force of gravity pulling it back towards Earth. This sideways velocity allows the rocket to enter a stable orbit around Earth.

Does the length of your rocket affect the flight of your rocket?

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Indeed they do! There are a few primary forces that affect a rocket's flight, and one of those forces is drag. Aerodynamics is basically how drag affects an object in motion, and making something "more aerodynamic" means building it in such a way that it has less drag. The less drag something experiences, the faster (and in the case of model rockets, higher) it can go.

How can you measure how high a bottle rocket goes?

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if you tape 3 or 4 rulers together

How big is the engine of a model rocket ship?

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It depends on the letter. the smallest ones begin with an A. As they get bigger they go B,C,D,E,F......... all the way to Z. To find how big of an engine you need look on the back of the box.

Does weight affect how high a rocket goes?

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our* stop cheating :)

How do you make rocket fly straight?

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i would recommend using feathers, if you only have 2, put them directly across from each other, if you have 3 feathers put 2 feathers on the same way as if you had 2 and 1 in in the middle of them on 1 side. make sure that when shooting the arrows the feathers don't touch the bow because they will break off or slow down the arrow.

How tall is a rocket?

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From several inches (model rockets) to 363 feet (Saturn V). At 380 ' 6.92 " the Ares V Cargo rocket would have been the tallest, but the NASA Constellation program it would have been part of was scrapped in 2010.

Where can you fly a model rocket in san mateo county?

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At the Ventura community park at Kimball.

How might changing the shape of the nose cone on a model rocket affect the height of flight?

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The nose cone is one of the most vital parts of a space ship, if the cone is like a triangle than it will break through wind making it faster, if the cone is flat than wind will be a major problem slowing the rocket down because it cannot break through wind as easily

What is the best angle for bottle rocket fins?

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About 50 Degreise

What is the best material for model rockets?

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i like to use balsa for fins; paper tubes for the body and balsa or plastic for the nose.

How do you make a model rocket come straight down?

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It happens sometimes, but usually wind will push it off course.

What happens if you launch a model rocket with no fins?

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It Can Cause The Rocket To Spin Out, and/or wobble of course

How the igniter works to set off the model rocket engine?

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The typical igniter is a very thin piece of wire with a blob of pyrogen on the centre.

What is the water rocket nose cone?

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"Rocket nose cone" pretty much says it all, I really don't think there is another suitable name.

What is the best material to use for fins on a bottled rocket?

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Yes or else the rocket won't be stable and will veer off course. Three or four fins is the best number of fins, more and you are just adding drag, less and there is not enough stability

What happen during rocket launch?

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it helps to bring the legendary and slows the pace not the game and gets other legends like deoxys in all forms

Does humidity affect a model rocket?

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A strong low wind will very much affect it's angle of flight. We try to wait for breaks in the wind to launch. Wind is bad for parachutes too, a rocket that went high can float a mile or two on it's parachute.