


Muscular System

The muscular system allows humans to move. Muscles also provide strength, balance and heat.

500 Questions

What is the prefix 'a' mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

The prefix 'a' typically means "not" or "without." It is often used to indicate the absence or negation of what follows it. For example, "asymmetrical" means not symmetrical and "amoral" means lacking moral principles.

Is muscle memory real?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, muscle memory is real. It refers to the ability of muscles to perform a specific task more efficiently through repetition and practice. This improvement is due to the brain creating stronger connections between neurons that control muscle movement.

What is muscle worship?

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Asked by Wiki User

Muscle worship is a form of body worship involving specifically the musculature of the worshiped participant, sometimes called the "muscle god (or goddess)". The muscle god is often very muscular, such as a competitive bodybuilder or strength athlete, although anyone in a reasonably fit, athletic condition would suffice. The worshiper is typically of a less-developed musculature; sometimes two muscle gods, goddesses, or one of each, will swap roles and worship one another's muscles.

The act of muscle worship involves the physical manifestation of appreciation, love, and obsession of the muscle god's body shape. This often involves touching, petting, rubbing, massaging, licking, kissing, and other sensual contact with the hands and mouth of the worshiper to the major muscles of the muscle god, though the worshiper will sometimes touch or rub the muscles with other parts of the worshiper's body. During the contact, the muscle god will often pose or flex the major muscles, adding to the intensity of the experience. There can also be verbal communication, often with the worshiper expressing appreciation, gratitude, and amazement while the muscle god invites the worshiper to enjoy the experience, often in a condescending or egotistical manner; the experience is as much for the muscle god's ego as it is for the worshiper's enjoyment.

The contact is usually explicitly non-sexual, and both participants usually wear some clothing, such as shorts or bodybuilders' trunks. A muscle worship session can turn sexual, however, doing so usually marks an end to muscle worship and the beginning of a muscle fetish sexual encounter. As such, the practice of muscle worship should not be confused with muscle play or teasing as part of sexual foreplay.

Although muscle worship is primarily done by male bodybuilders in the role of muscle god, both male and female bodybuilders often offer muscle worship sessions for a price to supplement their low or nonexistent income from bodybuilding and fitness competitions.

Those who engage in muscle worship, predominantly male-on-male sessions, do not consider the activity to be homosexual in nature. This is because the muscle god's musculature, and not the actual person having the muscles, are the subject of the worship. Mainstream society tends to disagree with this notion, believing that any prolonged physical contact outside of professional services (massage, medicine, competition preparation, etc), particularly that which is worshipful or obsessive, is inherently sexual, and in the case of same-gender muscle worshipers, homosexual. While there is an incidence of homosexual muscle worship, this is not the case in general; most homosexual muscle worship sessions that turn toward sexual contact qualify as muscle play as described above, and not pure muscle worship.

As its heart, muscle worship is the physical manifestation of profound appreciation and respect for a person's musculature, much in the same way that many people are excited to meet and shake hands with a sports hero or movie star, muscle worshipers feel that way about having the opportunity to touch and experience exceptional muscle.

The psychology of muscle worship is not fully understood. The practice developed from envy, jealousy, or profound appreciation for excellent muscularity. It is a relatively modern social activity that began to gain popularity with the rise of competitive bodybuilding. When the worshiper is of a less-muscular stature, the aspects of envy or jealousy are more pronounced. Typically, profound appreciation for the achievement of exceptional muscularity and stroking of the muscle god's ego remain the primary motivations, particularly when muscle worship is done between two or more accomplished bodybuilders in a session.

There is a subset of muscle worship which is more intimate in nature. This form usually involves more sexual or erotic aspects, such as domination by strength using wrestling, lifting/carrying, and other activities also common in non-muscle domination and submission sexual encounters. These encounters, while not "pure" muscle worship, most often involve opposite-gender partners, though homosexual encounters of this type are also common.

Muscle worship (both "pure" and sexual) sessions are sometimes produced professionally or by amateur webcam for the enjoyment of an audience. This voyeuristic aspect is usually sexual in nature, if not for the participants, then for their audience.

How can you block an attack without thinking?

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Asked by Wiki User

By practicing defensive techniques repetitively, the body can naturally react without explicit thought when faced with an attack. Muscle memory developed through training allows for faster and more instinctive responses in self-defense situations. Engaging in regular self-defense training can help condition the body to react quickly and effectively without needing conscious thought.

How do you control sexual thoughts?

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Asked by Alanevan

It is normal to have sexual thoughts, but if you find them intrusive or distressing, you can try redirecting your focus to other activities, such as exercise or hobbies. Mindfulness techniques, like deep breathing and meditation, can also help manage overwhelming thoughts. It may also be helpful to talk to a therapist or counselor for additional support.

Do girls or boys have more muscle mass?

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Asked by Wiki User

Typically, boys have more muscle mass than girls due to higher levels of testosterone, which promotes muscle growth. However, individual differences in muscle mass can vary based on factors such as genetics, physical activity, and nutrition.

Does listening to music improve coordination?

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Asked by Wiki User

Listening to music can help improve coordination by providing a rhythmic beat to follow and synchronize movements with. The tempo of the music can help regulate movements and enhance coordination skills. However, the extent of improvement may vary depending on the individual and the type of music being listened to.

Does drawing make your arm's muscle fierce?

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Asked by chloe lu

Yes you may get your muscles fierce because you move your hand around!

What do abdominals do?

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Asked by Wiki User

The abdominals are a group of muscles that help stabilize the trunk, support posture, and facilitate movement of the spine. They play a key role in core strength, which is important for everyday activities and sports. Strengthening and conditioning the abdominals can help improve overall stability and reduce the risk of injury.

How much energy can a human produce?

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Asked by Wiki User

A human can typically produce up to about 100-200 watts of power during sustained exercise like cycling. However, bursts of power, such as in sprinting or weightlifting, can generate significantly higher levels of energy output.

Why is the muscle structure of African-Americans different from other races?

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There is no significant biological difference in muscle structure between African-Americans and other racial groups. Variations in muscle size, strength, and composition are more closely linked to individual genetics, lifestyle factors, and training habits rather than race. Any observed differences are likely due to these individual factors rather than broad racial categorizations.

What is a rotator cuff?

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The rotator cuff is a group of tendons and their related muscles that helps keep the upper arm bone securely placed, or seated, into the socket of the shoulder blade. Rotator cuff disorders are usually caused by a combination of factors, such as normal wear and tear. Age-related degeneration slowly damages the rotator cuff, causing one or more tendons to rub against the bones (impingement). Partial or complete tears to the rotator cuff tendon are more likely to occur when the rotator cuff is already scarred, weakened, or damaged. A complete rotator cuff tear in a person with an otherwise healthy shoulder is most often caused by an extremely forceful injury. PAINPAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What muscles is not involved in the process of chewing or manipulating food in the mouth A. Masseter B. Omohyoid C. Temporalis D. Pterygoid E. Hyoglossus?

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Asked by Wiki User

B. Omohyoid. The omohyoid muscle is not directly involved in the process of chewing or manipulating food in the mouth. It acts to depress and stabilize the hyoid bone in the neck.

When doing bicep curls I dont really feel and pain or burning yet it is extremely hard to lift arms to do another rep I dont think this is helping me get bigger biceps What should I do?

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Asked by Lowndzy

If you're not feeling a burn or pain during bicep curls but are struggling with lifting arms for another rep, you may need to focus on proper form and increasing the weight gradually. Ensure you are using a weight that challenges you but allows you to complete a set with good form. Consider incorporating a variety of bicep exercises and increasing overall training volume to stimulate muscle growth.

How does one lose arm muscle?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can lose arm muscle by reducing overall calorie intake, implementing a lower protein diet, and incorporating more cardiovascular exercise into your routine while limiting strength training workouts targeting the arms. It's important to note that losing muscle should always be done in a healthy and balanced way, under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Why muscle cell called muscle fibre?

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Muscle cells are called muscle fibers because of their long, slender shape that resembles a fiber. The structure of muscle cells allows them to contract and generate force, which is essential for muscle function. The term "fiber" is used to describe the long, cylindrical shape of these cells that run parallel to each other in muscle tissue.

The smallest functional unit of the muscle fiber?

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The smallest functional unit of a muscle fiber is the sarcomere. Sarcomeres are composed of actin and myosin filaments arranged in a repeating pattern, allowing for muscle contraction and relaxation to occur. They are responsible for the striated appearance of skeletal muscle under a microscope.

What is the medical term meaning recording of the strength of muscle contractions?

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The medical term for recording the strength of muscle contractions is electromyography (EMG). This test involves placing small electrodes on the skin or inserting needles into the muscles to measure electrical activity during muscle contraction and at rest. It is often used to diagnose nerve or muscle disorders.

What is a cuff injury?

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Asked by Wiki User

Possible rotator cuff? as in your shoulder.

What muscles are affected by trichinosis?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

The most frequently affected muscles are the muscles outside the eye (extraocular muscles) that control eye movements; the muscles of the jaw, neck, and upper arm (biceps muscle); the muscles of the lower back (lumbar region); and the diaphragm

Muscle that is attached to stapes?

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The stapedius muscle is attached to the stapes. It is the smallest striated muscle in the human body.

What muscles cause horizontal adduction in the shoulder?

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Asked by Wiki User

The major muscles involved in horizontal adduction or flexion is the anterior deltoid fibres, pectoralis major and minor. Bicep complex(bbicep brachii, brachioradialis and forearm flexor) comes into action as synergists, if the leverage is long.The antagonists of horizontal flexion is posterior deltoid fibres,teres major, minor, lats and the associated rotator cuff muscle(infraspinatus)

What muscle cramps and muscle spasms symptoms of?

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Muscle cramps and muscle spasms are both symptoms of a sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. They can be painful and can last from a few seconds to several minutes.

Muscle cramps are most common in the legs, especially the calves, but they can occur in any muscle in the body. Muscle spasms can also occur in any muscle in the body, but they are more common in the back and neck.

The symptoms of muscle cramps and muscle spasms are similar, but there are a few key differences. Muscle cramps are typically more painful and can be accompanied by a visible bulge in the affected muscle. Muscle spasms are typically less painful and may not be accompanied by a visible bulge.

Muscle cramps and muscle spasms can be caused by a number of different things, including:

  • Dehydration
  • Electrolyte imbalance
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Overuse of the muscle
  • Holding a position for too long
  • Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, kidney disease, and thyroid disorders
  • Certain medications
  • Pregnancy

If you experience muscle cramps or muscle spasms on a regular basis, it is important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Here are some tips for relieving muscle cramps and muscle spasms:

  • Gently stretch the affected muscle.
  • Massage the affected muscle.
  • Apply heat or ice to the affected muscle.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Rest the affected muscle.

If the muscle cramp or muscle spasm is severe or does not go away after a few minutes, seek medical attention.

What muscles do you work by doing spotty dogs?

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Asked by Wiki User

deltoid, biceps, triceps adnd gastorcnemius. not sue if ther are any more. hope this helps xxx