


Muscular System

The muscular system allows humans to move. Muscles also provide strength, balance and heat.

500 Questions

How long is your tongue?

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3 feet depends what type of frog it is (ME)
18 inches i think. Completely dependent on species. usually 1/4 to 1/3 the body length.

an average adult frog has a tongue of 12 inches long.

What type of muscle is the heart made of'?

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the heart is made out of a special type of muscle called cardiac muscle

Why does my Rabbit keep tilting its head?

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This condition is frequently called "head tilt" or "wry neck", and is known scientifically as torticollis. This is a very serious condition with several possible causes, sometimes of a viral, parasitic, or bacterial nature. Symptoms may come on both gradually or immediately, and may include mild to severe head tilt, loss of appetite, depression, lethargy, head shaking, nausea, excessive salivation, teeth grinding (not to be confused with tooth purring), facial paralysis, drooping ear/lip/eyelid, inability to sit or stand upright, or nystagmus (eyes move rapidly in either a horizontal or vertical motion). This can condition can be fatal if left untreated. Immediate veterinary care by a rabbit-savvy veterinarian is strongly recommended.

it's also possible that one of its legs or something is hurt...either way, take your rabbit to the vet asap; rabbits are, unfortunately, quick to die :'(

What happens if you move out at 17?

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Your parents are responsible for you until your 18th birthday. Legally, you cannot move out without their permission. If there are hardship or abuse issues, you can petition the court to have yourself legally emancipated before you turn 18.

What muscles start with F?

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Flexor digiti minimi brevis is a muscle that flexes the little finger. Frontalis is a facial muscle that wrinkles the eyebrow. FLexor pollicis brevis is a muscle that flexes the thumb.

What are the three types of hackers?

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There are thee types of hackers white hat, grey hat, and black hat.

If a white hat hacker finds a fault in a security system ie. a website then they will inform the owner immediately.

Whereas if a grey hat hacker finds a fault he will do what he feels like at the time ie. exploiting the site OR informing the owner.

A black hat hacker if they find a fault will immediately exploit the site for there own beneficial gain ie. advertising and infecting other computers with "viruses" to gain access to more sites.

So a hacker can be many things from protecting systems by informing the owners or Exploiting and stealing data.

The most common name for the destructive type of "hacker" is a "cracker". I always try to refer to a bad hacker as a cracker to avoid confusion.

Also, there is a very important distinction between the three, as to both HOW and WHERE they attempt to break a system or program.

A White Hat (or, more properly, a "computer security specialist" or similar) will NEVER attempt to break into a system that they do not own or do not have explicit permission from the owner to do so. That means, they will usually be hired by a system or software owner to test the security of the said system or software package. They will always report their findings to the owner of the system, though there is somewhat of an ethical responsibility to report any significant (i.e. things that would impact the public) exploits to the community-at-large, if the original owner does not seem to be willing to address the issues - e.g. in case of a coverup of the problem, a White Hat is generally ethically bound to report the problem to the proper authorities, which may include public organizations such as CERT. More concisely, a White Hat is a professional, who abides by professional ethics and performs his or her duties out in the open.

Grey Hat folks generally don't have obvious ill intent (to contradict the previous answer). That is, they're not looking to exploit any problems for personal gain. However, they generally follow an ethic which believes that it is OK to perform intrusion and exploit scans on systems which they DON'T own or have permission to do so. This makes it hard for a target to determine the difference between a Grey and Black Hat hacker, as the initial method of operation looks identical. That said, Grey Hat folks generally report their findings to the target - that is, they'll inform the target as to what security issues they have found. Most Grey Hats will give the target a small window to address the issues; however, a GH will always report the issue to the wider media and security groups, and will NOT consider any information that the target wants to keep private. That is, GH folks seem to see themselves as "defenders of the public good", and that by exposing weaknesses of systems, they will ultimately force folks to be more secure. This is a plausible, but not provably true, scenario. Grey Hat folks are hobbiests and enthusiasts, who generally don't get paid for their work, but pursue it for personal reasons. They generally keep their identities masked (or at least don't usually broadcast them), as much of their work is quasi-illegal.

Black Hat folks, of course, are in it for the money (one way or the other). They're targets will never be informed of breaches, and in fact, most BH folks strive to keep their exploits secret from everyone, as it allows them to sneak in and steal information of value undetected. Black Hat folks are pure criminals.

What muscles are used when answering the phone?

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First, the metacarpal and phalangeal joints are used to pick up the phone. This brings the extensors and flexors of the forearm into play. When the phone is brought to the ear, the biceps and triceps as well as the elbow, wrist and shoulder joints are used. The deltoids are used as well as the pectorals and the trapezius and the subscapularis muscles. When speaking, the mandibular joint is used as well as facial muscles, the diaphragm, the tongue and neck muscles. Of course, the cardiac muscle is used this entire time as well.

What are muscle spasms and cramps?

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what is the difference between muscle spasm and muscle cramps

What happens when you flex your muscle?

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The muscle in your arm contracts. The muscle on the other side of your arm, opposite from the side that you are flexing, stretches.

What is the correct golf swing plane?

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There is plane 1 and plane 2 swing. Plane 2 is the one that is mostly used by everyone, but now the professionals changed it to plane 1 because it's better. In plane 2 you only use your arms and when you do then you barely get any power to hit the ball. What do you think is stronger, pushing a box with only your arms or with your whole body power? The body power is a lot stronger. So what I'm saying is that plane 1 NEVER worries about arms. You have to pretend you don't have arms and all you do is rotate your hips back and forth. I'm 13 years old and I have been doing this swing since I was 8 even though I started playing golf when i was five. This swing is fantastic. It is completely round like a forty five degree circle and it all ends up right on the ball. There isn't a correct golf swing; both are correct but plane 1 is so easy to do and so powerful. If you do plane 2 then you will have to many things in your mind that will mess you. Plane 2 is all about timing, you have to have the PERFECT swing just so you can hit a good shot. You will get too many things going on in you mind. Jim Hardy invented the First plane and now every professionals is doing plane 1, even Tiger Woods and Lorena Ochoa. Do plane 1 swing and you will see that it is the best swing you will ever do in your life. So to do it just PRETEND you arms are cut off and that you can only use your hips and chest. Just rotate it back and forth. Your probably thinking that this swing wont work because it's round and since the face of the club is going in a circle you will either slice it or hook it. THAT HAPPENS WITH THE PLANE 2 SWING. Why do you think some people with plane 2 swing aren't improving. It's pure luck that they hit the ball. So on Plane 1 swing, since the shoulders are attached to your chest and your arms are attached to you shoulders then it will all go with the flow on your swing. The best type of exercise for plane 1 swing is a workout on the abs. Pumping iron is not so important but keeps the swing balanced. It wouldn't be right if you had tight, muscled abs and one of the most sluggishly looking arms ever right? It's really hard to find a coach that does 1 plane, (most coaches I have talked to doesn't even know what that is?!... and most coaches didn't even know there is two swings and which one they are teaching now. It's quite an enormous challenge to find one, it's like a needle in a haystack.) I know a famous golf coach in Texas and there is this guy that lives in Florida. He flys about two to four times a year just to have a one hour class with ONE OF THE BEST 1 plane teachers. (sorry, I wouldn't like to say the name cause people will have a few questions which I wont want to answer on who and where she lives.)

But seriously, just rotate your body through like crazy and people will look at you as if you a pro, (just like they look at me!) I shoot right now low eighties from the whites and WoW I'm so close to seventies,(YAY) I think that's pretty good for someone my age and with a good golf swing, it's not perfect yet, it's still improving (handicap 10). My goal is to get to the LPGA with this golf swing. I WILL GET THERE BEFORE EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD WITH PLANE 1 SWING!

Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy the Tour! (Golf Tour!)

What muscles used when doing the rope climb?

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Mountain Climbers are a leg, arm, and core exercise mainly focusing on cardio and rectus abdomines. The muscles that are primarily worked are your abs and legs. Great fat burner and cardio workout. Try to consist 3 sets between reps of 30 to 60 senconds.

How do you kick flip?

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Hard flipping in skateboarding is done by placing both feet on a moving board. Your front foot skids off the side of the board. At the same time as skidding your front foot, your back foot pushes on the back of the board. You must also jump when doing this. This motion causes the skate board to lift off the ground, and in theory, it should flip and drop down right side up so you can continue on the skate board.

Why is Physical fitness test conducted?

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You must first gauge your current fitness levels and abilities before engaging in weight training, because it will minimize the risk of overtraining and possibly injury, as well as help prevent using too light of a weight that renders your efforts ineffective. Proper weight training always begins with knowing where you are and where you want to be.

What component of physical fitness is being measured when you do 50 M sprint?

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Your cardio-respiratory component of physical fitness is measured when you do 50 meters sprint.

What muscles help throw a dodge ball?

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Many muscles are involved in throwing a dodge ball. Your back muscles, all of your arm muscles and some of your stomach muscles. Even muscles from your legs may be used depending on how hard you are throwing it.

Why are boys stronger than girls?

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Boys are stronger than girls because they tend to have a greater muscle mass. Hormones, including testosterone, contribute to this.

How does muscle build after a workout?

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According to my personal trainer, when working out muscles are torn down, in a manner of speaking, and when the body repairs them, it repairs them back stronger. Kind of like how a callous forms on your skin.


A good diet is also key in helping to repair and promote muscle growth.

AnswerMuscle growth happens when you push the muscle you are exercising to the brink and just beyond it's present capacity. Then, while you sleep, the muscle fibers signal the brain that "This part of the body needs more muscle cells!" and the brain gets right on it. This also why intensity is always the most important part of any resistance training program. And you must incorporate proper durations of recovery (meaning, zero weight training) in between workouts for new muscle to properly build up. Otherwise your body will burn out and your muscles decrease.

How many dumbbells are used in an exercise called the Dumbbell Fly?

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Flys work the pectoral muscles of the chest. Usually they are done on a flat bench or an incline bench.

What are the two components of physical fitness and give example of each?

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Cardiovascular Endurance (swimming)

Muscular Endurance (crunches, sit ups)

Muscular Strength (weight lifting, push up)

Flexibility (yoga)

How do you work out your calf muscles?

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The most direct way to exercise your calf muscles are to stand on your tippy-toes, going up and down slowly. You can do this exercise with your toes on the edge of a box or stair in order to get a better stretch. Many gyms also have machines specific to calf raise exercises, and those are designed to isolate your calves and avoid using other auxiliary muscles. The main benefit of a calf-raise machine is that weight can be added beyond your body weight, allowing for a harder workout. You can achieve this effect without a machine by wearing a weighted backpack.

To exercise your calf muscles without weight training, you can run. Focus on keeping your heels off the ground as you run, because your calves will be doing a lot of the work. You don't need to run fast for this, just keep moving and keep your heels off the ground.

How strong is a bodybuilder?

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Well it depends of course on whether you are referring to natural bodybuilders or not. and of course height differences will create great variables.

The average, beginning bodybuilder of average height usually walks onstage in contest condition at between 140 and 170 lbs. More advanced natural bodybuilders with several good years under their belt can walk onstage at heavier weights, in the 175 to 195 lbs range. But the very best natural, average height bodybuilders can weigh over 200 lbs onstage, but this is very rare for any natural under 6 ft tall.

When you're talking about Non-tested bodybuilding events, then obviously there will be steroid users and the weights we speak of will be higher. Sometimes much higher.

220, 240 and even 260 lbs are all possible for an average height, steroid using bodybuilder. Jay Cutler, 2010 Mr. Olympia, who stands only 5ft 9in, weighed 268 lbs in contest condition....but there have been larger guys than even him. Markus Ruhl, Ronnie Coleman, Dennis Wolfe, Gunter Schleirkamp, Art Atwood, Greg Kovacs, and Lou Ferrigno have all weighed more at some point, anywhere from 270 to 320 lbs onstage!

How big are Serena Williams biceps?

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does Anyone actually know how big Serena’s arms are now in 2021? Flexed and unflexed? Is The answer above just someone’s opinion or a really old stat?

What are the two major composnents of physical fitness?

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aerobic - uses oxygen to produce energy

anaeorbic - does not include oxygen, and produces lactic acid
The 2 components of physical fitness essential for complete fitness include Cardiovascular fitness(endurance) and body composition.