



Includes questions related to the comprehension, usage and identification of the parts of speech used to name a person, place or thing

500 Questions

Is ghost a proper noun?

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No, "ghost" is a common noun. Proper nouns refer to specific, unique names of people, places, or things (e.g. Casper the Ghost).

Is clothes countable or uncountable?

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"Clothes" is typically considered uncountable, as it refers to a general category of clothing items. However, you can use the plural form "pieces of clothing" to refer to individual items.

What is the noun for impact?

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The noun for impact is "impact." It refers to the effect or influence that one thing has on another.

What is the noun for the word weak?

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The abstract noun form of the adjective 'weak' is weakness.

Is shirt a verb or noun?

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"Shirt" is a noun. It refers to a garment worn on the upper body, typically with a collar, sleeves, and buttons.

Is plastic an adverb?

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No, the word 'plastic' is a noun and an adjective.

  • The noun 'plastic' is a word for a synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers; an informal word for credit or debit cards; a word for a thing.
  • The adjective 'plastic' is a word used to describe a noun as made of this material; as easily shaped or molded.

The adverb form is plastically.

What part of speech is physics?

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The word 'physics' is a noun, a word for the science or study of nature and properties of matter and energy; a word for a concept; a word for a thing.

Is metal a proper noun?

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No, "metal" is a common noun. It is a general term used to refer to a category of materials with specific properties.

Is declare a common noun?

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No, the word 'declare' is a verb, a word for an action.

Example: You have to declare the truthfulness of your testimony.

The noun forms for the verb to declare are declarer, declaration, and the gerund, declaring, all common nouns.

What is the noun form of burst?

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The noun form of "burst" is "burst."

Could an entity be a noun?

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Yes, an entity can be a noun. In general, an entity refers to something that exists as a distinct and discrete unit, which aligns with the definition of a noun as a person, place, thing, or idea. For example, "company" or "government" can be considered entities, and they are nouns.

Can radiation can be seen and smelled but not heard?

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Radiation cannot be seen or smelled, as it is invisible and odorless. It also does not make any sound, so it cannot be heard.

What is the noun for sound?

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The word 'sound' is a noun, a verb, and an adjective.

The noun 'sound' is a word for the vibrations perceived by the sense of hearing; one of the components that together make up human speech or animal communication; the voices, music, or other types of noise produced or reproduced by a mechanical device such as TV or CD; a narrow stretch of water forming an inlet or connecting two wider areas of water; a word for a thing.


The sound of a crash came from the street. (noun)

You sound like a couple of kids. (verb)

The proposal is a sound idea. (adjective)

The noun forms of the verb to sound are sounder and the gerund, sounding.

Is calcium a noun?

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Yes, calcium is a noun. It is a chemical element with the atomic number 20 and is essential for the growth and maintenance of strong bones and teeth in humans and many other animals.

Is substance a countable noun?

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Yes, "substance" can be a countable noun when referring to individual types or instances of substances. For example, you could say "There are five different substances in this mixture."

Is fire's flame an example of a possessive noun -?

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No, "fire's flame" is not an example of a possessive noun. "Fire" and "flame" are both nouns, but "fire's" is a possessive form indicating ownership. An example of a possessive noun is "the dog's tail."

Is cause a noun?

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Yes, "cause" can be a noun. As a noun, it refers to the reason for something happening or the motive behind an action.

What is the proper noun of the common noun candy?

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The proper noun for the common noun "candy" could be a specific brand name such as Hershey's, Kit Kat, or Skittles.

What the noun evaporate?

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The noun form of "evaporate" is "evaporation." It refers to the process of a substance turning from a liquid state to a gas state due to heating or exposure to air.

Is firefighter a compound noun?

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Yes, "firefighter" is a compound noun because it is made up of two separate words ("fire" and "fighter") that come together to represent one singular concept or idea.

What parts of speech is the word flashlight?

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The word "flashlight" is a noun. It is a common noun that refers to a portable light source typically powered by batteries.

Is clothes a common noun?

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Yes, the noun 'clothing' is a common noun; a general word for any garments worn on the body; a word for any clothing of any kind.

The word 'clothing' is a gerund, the present participle of the verb to clothe that functions as a noun in a sentence.

The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.

What kind of noun is aroma?

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"Aroma" is a common noun.

How you use rain as noun?

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Rain is a natural phenomenon in which water droplets fall from the sky. It is often associated with precipitation that occurs when water vapor in the atmosphere condenses and forms droplets that become heavy enough to fall to the ground. The word "rain" can be used as a noun to refer to this water falling from the sky.

What is the noun for movable?

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The noun form of the adjective 'movable' is movability.