


Of Mice and Men

"Of Mice and Men" was written by John Steinbeck, and published in 1937. It is set in California, during the Great Depression.

500 Questions

Why does crooks live separate from everyone else?

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Crooks lives separately from the other workers on the ranch because he is the only black man there, facing racial discrimination and isolation. Being marginalized due to his race, he is forced to stay in the segregated living quarters away from the white workers.

In mice and men what does Carlson suspect happen to his Luger?

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Carlson suspects that the Luger, which George later used to shoot Lennie, was taken by Slim. Carlson thinks that Slim may have hidden the gun since it wasn't found in its usual spot.

What does George ask Whit about the new kid. Curleys wife?

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George asks Whit if the new kid, Curley's wife, is good-looking.

When Lennie questions George about telling the boss Lennie was kicked in the head by a horse George says Be a damn good thing if you was.... Save everybody a hell of a lot of trouble. What does this m?

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George is suggesting that it would be beneficial if the boss thought Lennie was kicked in the head by a horse because it would explain Lennie's behavior and prevent them from facing any potential trouble or scrutiny. George is looking out for Lennie's well-being by trying to protect him from the consequences of his actions.

What does George see in the bunkhouse that gives him pause?

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George sees a can of insecticide on the shelf in the bunkhouse that gives him pause. He is concerned about the safety of using the substance as it may pose health risks to himself and his bunkmates.

How does Lennie kill curley wife?

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Lennie was obsessed with soft objects. Curley's wife allowed Lennie to touch her hair and couldn't stop. Lennie was so strong he broke her neck.

What does stable buck mean?

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"Stable buck" was a derogatory term used in the past to refer to a Black person who worked in a stable or on a farm. This term reflects the racism and discrimination prevalent during that time towards people of African descent.

What uneasy feeling does George have about Curley's wife in mice and men?

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George feels uneasy about Curley's wife because she is flirtatious and seeks attention from the ranch workers, which could potentially lead to trouble or misunderstandings. He is also wary of her because she is the only woman on the ranch and he knows that the men are prone to gossip and inappropriate behavior.

What does the dead mouse and puppy represent in Of Mice and Men?

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The dead mouse and puppy in "Of Mice and Men" represent the vulnerability of those who are weaker and unable to protect themselves in a harsh environment. It highlights the idea of powerlessness and the cycle of tragedy that can occur in an unforgiving world.

Why doesnt Steinbeck give chapters to of mice and men?

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Steinbeck chose not to divide "Of Mice and Men" into chapters because he wanted to create a seamless narrative flow. This format contributes to the novella's sense of immediacy and intensity, allowing the story to unfold without interruption or distraction. Steinbeck's decision also reflects the simplicity and straightforwardness of the characters and themes in the novel.

What do the men do on Sundays ' of mice and men?

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They have the day off they can do whatever they want...although they usually play Poker.

While talking to slim what does george ashamedly admit to him about what he did to Lennie when they were younger?

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George admits to Slim that he used to play mean tricks on Lennie when they were younger, like making him do things just for laughs. He expresses shame for his past behavior and acknowledges that he now feels responsible for looking out for Lennie.

How does the men in of mice and men like to spend their money and free time on the weekends?

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In "Of Mice and Men," the men typically spend their money on drinks at the local bar and entertainment like visiting a brothel on the weekends. They also enjoy playing horseshoes or cards in their free time. Their limited leisure activities reflect the tough and monotonous life of itinerant workers during the Great Depression.

What are some examples of perseverance in 'Of Mice and Men?

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1. George does not kill Lennie untill the very end of the book(Last Page) by putting up with all the trouble that Lennie causes throughout their journey as friends or just even their journey together to earn some money.

2. George might also be considered a symbol of Perseverance due to his tenacity. (Although George might seem cold and uncaring on the outside, he does truly care for his friend and tries to looks for a brighter future for both of them.)

3. George lies to Lennie about "rabbits and ...." on the "fatta the lan" and goes along with Lennie on all these "happy" terms just so he could calm Lennie and keep Lennie happy while doing his job. (This shows George's patience with Lennie)

What is the significance of talking to another guy to Crooks of mice and men?

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Talking to another guy allows Crooks to express his thoughts and feelings, breaking his isolation and loneliness. It gives him a sense of connection and understanding, providing some relief from the discrimination and exclusion he faces due to his race. Additionally, through these interactions, Crooks is able to assert his intelligence and dignity, asserting his humanity in a society that marginalizes him.

Why did George Milton want to buy Mr Smith's house in the book Of Mice and Men?

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George Milton wanted to buy Mr. Smith's old house as a place where he and Lennie could settle down, work, and live off the fat of the land. It was a symbol of their dream of owning their own place and living independently.

What does the director imply is the reason George and Lennie are getting chased by dogs and shot guns in of mice and men?

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The director implies that George and Lennie are being chased by dogs and shot at because they draw unwanted attention due to Lennie's physical strength and mental challenges. Their struggles to fit in and their dream to own a farm of their own make them vulnerable targets in a society that values strength and independence.

Where is Lennie hiding in chapter 5?

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In Chapter 5 of "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck, Lennie is hiding in the brush by the Salinas River after accidentally killing Curley's wife.

How is curley's wife like a mouse in Of Mice and Men?

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Curley's wife is like a mouse in "Of Mice and Men" because she is small and vulnerable, constantly being preyed upon by the men on the ranch who see her as an object of desire. She is also trapped in a situation where she is controlled and isolated, similar to how a mouse can be cornered and unable to escape. Additionally, just as a mouse can be seen as insignificant or easily disposable, she is often dismissed and overlooked by the other characters in the story.

What about the poem To a Mouse encouraged Steinbeck to write Of Mice and Men?

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The poem "To a Mouse" by Robert Burns highlights the theme of the unpredictability of life and the struggles of the lower class, which inspired Steinbeck to write "Of Mice and Men." The poem's message resonated with Steinbeck's own views on social issues and informed the themes of his novel. Additionally, both works explore the fragility of dreams and the harsh realities of the world.

Why does George answer all the the questions directed at Lennie?

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George answers all the questions directed at Lennie because Lennie has a mental disability and George acts as his caregiver, making decisions on his behalf to protect him and ensure he stays out of trouble. George also answers the questions to help Lennie navigate social interactions and to make sure others don't take advantage of him.

Does of mice and men have a positive ending?

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No, "Of Mice and Men" does not have a positive ending. The novel concludes tragically with the death of one of the main characters, George, after he is forced to make a difficult decision. The ending is poignant and reflects the harsh realities of life during the Great Depression.

What do George and Lennie talk about when Lennie comes into the house how are Lennie' s actions similar to the events that happens earlier wen Lennie and George were coming to camp?

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When Lennie comes into the house, he talks about how he likes petting soft things. His actions of petting the soft puppy are similar to when he grabbed a woman's dress because he was attracted to its softness. Both instances show Lennie's innocent desire for comfort and his inability to control his strength.

How was slim described of mice and men?

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someone that everyone looks up to and respects...even curley. he is a source of constant good

Why are the ranch hands so eager to track down Lennie?

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The ranch hands are eager to track down Lennie because they believe he is a danger to others due to his accidental killing of Curley's wife. They aim to prevent any further harm or violence that may result from Lennie's actions. Additionally, Lennie's actions have legal implications, so they need to ensure he faces justice.