

Olympics Handball

Handball was first introduced as an Olympic sport for men during the 1936 Berlin Summer Olympics, but was later dropped. It was again reintroduced at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.

343 Questions

How long is a regulation game of handball?

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2 halfs 15:00 minutes each

What ball do they use in Handball?

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you touch the ball with your hand or hit the ball with your hand when your not a goalie.

The goalie can only pick up the ball or make contact with the ball inside of the 18 metre crease. (The bigger crease).

Who invented handball?

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The Danish.

Which country won the 2004 team handball Olympic gold medal?

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United States won most medals in 2004 olympic games.

Gold: 35

Silver: 39

Bronze: 27

TOTAL: 101

Who made the meat ball?

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with food no one really knows especially with such a simple item as we documented religion back to 50,000 BC so if people back then had time for religion they also had time to cook and with out dental care I sure ground meat started very early on as the meat ball is common item in virualy evey country

If the ball is on the ground and the goalie has his two hands on top of the ball kind of trapping it can it be kicked away?

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No, that would be a foul. When a goalie has two hands on it he is deemed "in control" of it.

As a kid in all technicallity if the ball is stopped on the ground and the goalie has one finger on it, its techniacally possesion. When you get to college and the goalie needs to actually have possesion, two hands and control of the ball.

Exam question papers for 8 standard ICSE?

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Yes there are question papers for the exam. You will be given one if and when you sit the exam.

How many referees in the handball game?

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i think there are four referees.

What are the attack formation in handball?

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it all depends on how the possession is gained. if the ball is stolen then it one on one with goalie and maybe another defender. if it from a save then you should push two players down the court and two other almost parallel with the player who has possession of the ball on either side. this leaves many passing lanes open and many other passes and shot capabilities after the initial possession change.

What athlete has won the most medals in olympic handball?

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Through the 2008 Games, the most medals won is four by two athletes ... Seong-Ok Oh of South Korea (1 gold, 2 silver, 1 bronze) and Andrev Lavrov who has represented USSR, Russia, and the Unified Team (3 gold, 1 bronze).

What is field handball?

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It was the ancestor of the modern handball what is played in sports halls.

Field handball was played on a sports field, like football (soccer). It was olympic in 1936. But with the time hall handball got more and more popular and in 1972 this type of handball got olympic. In 1966 was the last world chamionship in field handball.

What is the difference between basketball and handball?

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you can only dribble 3 times in european hand ball and in Basketball you can have unlimited dribbling :)

Is it true that skilled hand work is enough to win any game of handball?

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throwing, catching, and dribbling. most important......teamwork