

Pap Smear

The Papanicolaou test (also called Pap smear, Pap test, cervical smear, or smear test) was invented by Georgios Nikolaou Papanikolaou. He was a Greek pioneer in cytopathology and early cancer detection. The PAP test is a screening test to detect possible pre-cancerous and cancerous cells of the endo-cervical canal. A plastic a speculum is used to open the vaginal canal, and an applicator is used to very gently collect cells from the end of the cervix. Special stains are added to the specimen, which is sent to a lab for processing. Cervical cancers are typically caused by sexually transmitted human papillomaviruses (HPV) which most females contract soon after first becoming sexually active. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and other experts recommend starting screening at age 21 (or between ages 20 to 60, and definitely while sexually active. The test is not painful, though it can be temporarily uncomfortable.

500 Questions

How long does it take to get pap smear results?

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A pap smear only takes a couple of minutes.
The pap test is done to make sure there are no cancerous tissues present on the cervix. I have seen the test come back sooner if the doctor requests it sooner It could take 6-8 weeks to produce results.

What laboratory department does the pap test?

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The cytology department typically performs the evaluation of the pap smear. There are many computerized test systems as well.

What does abnormal pap smear means?

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It could mean many things, most likely it will go away on its own but you will need to have a pap every six months to keep an eye on it. If its at a higher level then they may have to freeze those cells off. It could be the hpv virus or it could be signs of cervical cancer. Please keep up with your doctor and have it checked regularly. Answer They will check again using a dye to determine the severity. If severe they will do a biopsy.

What does it mean when the result pap smear detected hpv?

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A negative pap smear positive for high-risk HPV means that there were no abnormal cells (damage) noted, but the HPV result means that repeat testing or additional testing may be needed. The recommendations depend on your age and history.

Would abnormal pap smear be a preexisting condition?

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Check the definition in YOUR policy. West's Ann.Cal.Ins.Code ? 10700 q) "Preexisting condition provision" means a policy provision that excludes coverage for charges or expenses incurred during a specified period following the insured's effective date of coverage, as to a condition for which medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was recommended or received during a specified period immediately preceding the effective date of coverage. The important thing is to list it on the application, if and where asked -

Are nurse practitioners qualified to do pap smear?

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A pap smear doesn't require "cutting" of tissue samples. Specially trained nurse practitioner colposcopists take biopsies during colposcopy, but not all nurse practitioners have this training or provide this service.

Why do women have to get PAP smears?

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It is recommended for women to regularly get pap smears in order to detect cancerous processes in the endocervical canal. Pap test is a screening test that can successfully detect the initial stages of cancer.

What type of diseases does a pap smear test for?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

can detect cervical cancer, precancerous changes, inflammation (vaginitis), infections, and some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The Pap test can occasionally detect endometrial (uterine) cancer or ovarian cancer

How long does sperm stay in a girl and can be checked by a pap smear or urinalsys?

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72 hours. I'm no medical doctor. But I am a female. I have always been told sperm can live inside a female body and can pregnate for up to 72 hours. If their is any reason for health concerns or to report an incident, SEEK A MEDICAL EXAME IMMEDIATELY! And yes, sperm will show up on a pap exam. Some examiners tell you to not have sex for 3 days prior to the exam so the sperm won't mess up the results. A pap is a specific test for cancer, often caused by HPV (one in six people have HPV and most men have no symptoms. Always use a condom, and think about getting vaccinated against HPV.). It's also technically possible they would show on a urinalysis, if the urine stream carried some stray sperm from around the area into the cup, but it's not likely - and also not something that would be reported on a urinalysis, since those tests are done for specific reasons (drug testing, pregnancy, specific diseases). So - pap smear likely, urinalysis not likely, use condoms and talk to your doctor.

How did the pap test get its name?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

It is called the "Pap" test after its developer, Dr. George N. Papanicolaou.

Does it mean I have cancer if I have received an abnormal pap smear?

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Invasive cancer in a pap smear result means that abnormal cells have spread from the original site to other areas of the cervix. It is a result that requires immediate follow-up.

What is the ICD-9-CM code for pap smear?

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ICD9 codes are diagnostic codes. The pap smear is a procedure and has a CPT code.

What does inflammation means in pap smear?

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Inflammation on a pap smear does not typically mean that you need any treatment or additional testing. You may have some mild infection in the vagina or cervix, or could have an STD. If you were at risk for STDs, you health care provider likely tested for these, but you should call to confirm.

What would Cause bleeding after Pap smear?

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Bleeding after a pap smear test is normal because they are scraping skin off the sensitive cervix

Can you get pregnant if your pap smear test is positive?

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yes get pregnant if pep smear test positive

What is a pap smear urine test used for?

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There is no "pap smear urine test." A urine test may be done at the time of the pap smear to detect other conditions. Talk with your heatlh care provider to find out what tests were done during your exam.

How often should you get a pap smear?

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You should have your first Pap smear three years after you start having sex or at age 21. Continue having a Pap smear once a year until you've had at least 3 normal ones. After this, you should have a Pap smear at least every 3 years, unless your health care provider thinks you need them more often. Keep having Pap smears throughout your life, even after you've gone through menopause.

Certain things put you at higher risk of cervical cancer. Your doctor will consider these when recommending how often you should have a Pap smear.

If you're older than 65, talk with your doctor about how often you need a Pap smear. If you've been having Pap smears regularly and they've been negative, you may not need to keep having them.

The American Cancer Society recommends Pap smears on a yearly basis for women of child bearing age and as the previous answer states, older women and women who have had a hysterectomy may not need a pap as often but ask your health care provider for your own schedule.

The annual gynecological exam is still recommended, even though a Pap smear may not be part of that each year. You should start exams when you become sexually active or at age eighteen.

Is it possible to have brown discharge after 2 weeks of having your pap smear?

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The PAP Smear specimen is obtained with a plastic or wooden spatula and a small brush. These tiny instruments scrape tissue from the cervix. This scraping may cause slight bleeding. Blood that is hours old may look brown.

Can you ask to be put to sleep during a normal smear test?

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The risks of general anesthesia are such that getting put to sleep during a pap smear is not a good balance of risk and benefit. There may be other strategies for treating anxiety prior to a pap smear. Talk with your health care provider about options.

What is a Pap smear and why is it given?

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A pap smear is a simple test performed by your gynecologist to test for any cervical changes. It tests for cancer and other malignancies.

A pap smear is given by gently swabbing the cervical area. This removes cells from the surface of the cervix that can be analyzed by your doctor or gynecologist to test for any problems.

Is pap smear primary or secondary prevention?

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The goal of secondary prevention is to identify and detect disease in its earliest stages, before noticeable symptoms develop, when it is most likely to be treated successfully. With early detection and diagnosis, it may be possible to cure a disease, slow its progression, prevent or minimize complications, and limit disability.

The Pap smear or Pap test, is a screening examination for cancer of the cervix that has the potential to prevent practically all deaths from cervical cancer by finding cervical cancer at an early stage, when it is most curable, or even preventing the disease if precancerous lesions found during the test are treated

Pap smear therefore falls under secondary prevention

How much does it cost to have pap smear without insurance?

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Under the rules of the Affordable Care Act, pap smears are 100% covered with no copay. For those with no insurance, there are many programs to provide free or sliding-scale pap tests. Contact your local community health center or family planning center for information.

Under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, pap smears are covered with no cost sharing. For uninsured women, programs of free and low-cost pap smears are widely available. Contact your local community health center or family planning center for information on these programs.

Why would a pap smear take 4 months for the result to come back?

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A pap smear does not take four months for results. Contact your health care provider directly to find out why the result is not in.

What is a pap smear test all about?

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It is a screening test of a woman's uterus to look for pre-cancerous and cancerous cells. If you have them done regularly, any changes can be looked out for and checked out. During a pap smear, a tool is used to take cells from the outer opening of the cervix, the uterus and endocervix. The cells are examined under a microscope to look for abnormalities. I have enclosed a link in the related links which will give you some more information

I am spotting after a pap smear while 11 weeks pregnant?

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Spotting five days after a pap smear is not related to the pap smear. If the spotting continues, if you're pregnant, or if you have other symptoms, contact your health care provider.