


Parachutes are devices most commonly used in skydiving. They are sections of fabric, usually made from nylon, that helps to slow a person or object when dropped form a high open location.

500 Questions

What is the definition of parachute?

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Parachute may be a noun or a verb.

As a noun it means "a cloth canopy that fills with air and allows a person or heavy object attached to it to descend slowly when dropped from an aircraft, or that is released from the rear of an aircraft on landing to act as a brake."

Example: You need a parachute to jump our of an airplane.

As a verb it means "drop or cause to drop from an aircraft by parachute"

Example: He will parachute from an airplane for the first time tomorrow.

They plan to parachute when they drop the supplies.

or "appoint or be appointed in an emergency or from outside the existing hierarchy."

They will chose someone to parachute into the position quickly.

Why do parachutes help you slow down?

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Asked by Wiki User

Parachutes help you slow down by increasing air resistance, which creates drag and opposes the force of gravity pulling you down. The larger surface area of the parachute catches more air, significantly slowing your descent and allowing for a safer landing.

When was Parachute Rigger Badge created?

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Parachute Rigger Badge was created in 1948.

When was the Parachute Regiment first formed?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Parachute Regiment, or Paras, is the British Army airborne unit and is attached to the Special Forces Support Group, or SFSG. It was first formed in 1941 during World War II as the 11th Special Air Services Battalion, later changed to the 1st Parachute Brigade.

What episode comes after partners and parachutes in Austin and ally?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Freaky Friends & Fan Fiction" and it aires april 5th at 8pm :)

Which parachute company has the highest safety rating?

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Red Bull Stratos have the highest safety rating of parachutes. One feature deploys the main chute and cuts away drogue at the same time.

Does a Cessna 180 Bush Plane have parachutes?

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The aircraft it's self does not have parachutes, though a pilot might bring a parachute with him although likely it would be of no use as jumping out of a Cessna 180 would likely cause severe injury or death from impact with the horizontal stabilizer.

Which fiber is used for making parachutes and stockings?

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Nylon is used for both parachutes and stockings.

What seeds has parachutes?

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What force exert by parachutes?

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Parachutes exert a drag force on the object they are attached to, which helps slow down its descent by creating air resistance. This force opposes the force of gravity acting on the object, allowing it to descend more slowly and safely.