


Pepsico is a food and beverage corporation. Founded in 1965, the company as grown to include Frito-Lay, Tropicana, Quaker Oats, and Gatorade as some of its brands. They are well known for their carbonated beverages, including Pepsi and Mountain Dew.

482 Questions

Does Pepsi support or oppose same-sex marriage?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pepsico publicly supports the legalization of same-sex marriage.

What is the definition of senior account executive used in advertising agency?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on what country you live in. In the UK this is a person who has had some experience as an Account Executive but their boss has not deemed them quite good or experienced enough to be promoted to an Account Manager - the next 'true' level up. If you live in the US, the titles are completely different and in the 1950's-70's an 'executive' could cover any range of experience right up to a mature (in age) level. In the UK some agencies in the UK don't bother with the senior or junior titles and go straight for a more linear approach - namely: account executive (starting position) account manager account director From account director position, a person can then go onto be anything from a board account director, or managing director or client services director. Alternatively in the US many people are given a (very grand sounding but in truth, meaningless) 'Vice President' title when reaching the equivalent of Account Director level in the UK.

What is the date of PepsiCo initial public offering?

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The first initial public offering (IPO) by PEPSICO was on 6 January 1978 from $1.47 to $1.48. In 1996, Roger Enrico did an IPO on the bottling business for $2.3 billion.