



The piano is a keyboard instrument and can be considered a member of both the string and percussion families of instruments. Questions about the piano and its close relatives (harpsichords, clavichords, etc.) belong here.

500 Questions

What are the keys to a successful paper?

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Essentials of good working papers

1) Completeness: The working papers should contain all the essential information so that they may be of maximum utility. Facts which are not important should be omitted.

2) Clearness: The facts in the working papers should be set out clearly.

3) Organization and Arrangement: The working paper should be so arranged that one may not find any difficulty in locating a particular matter. If they are not properly arranged it will entail loss of time in finding a particular fact while preparing the report.

4) Sufficient space: Sufficient space should be left after each note so that any decision taken by the auditor may be taken down in that space.

What sad piano song is used on tv programs?

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songs like La Valse D'amelie by Yann Teirsenit is a really sad song in my opinion...or if your looking for something a bit different you can try Saddness and sorrow from the anime Naruto it is done by different people and also has other names..these are some of the sad songs i know of on piano.

What is the complete piano chords of love is all that matters?

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Sang during the 1995 World Youth Conference in the Philippines.

What is the compass of the piano?

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Asked by Bigjbfan101

has a bell on the end, then a tube that goes back, then curves around, after that it goes straight and has a little tuning slide, then curves around. with 3 buttons on top

Where can I get a KORG RK-100?

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I got one from

Although they're certainly few and far between, they do come up on ebay occasionally, as well as Craigslist. You may find it worthwhile to contact guitar and keyboard stores that sell used instruments, as well as pawn shops, and let them know you're looking for one; they may have valuable contacts or leads that the internet doesn't share.

Can you train a hamster to play the piano?

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Asked by Wiki User

You get a toothbrush and stick it in a tub of home made mayonnaise. Then put it on the hamster when he is asleep, and he will wake up with it stuck to him and he will freak out. Then give him some marijuanna and he will start to dance but only if you are watching greys anatomy on tv

How do you tone the booty?

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Here’s a Free Article on How To Tone Your Bottom, which I thought might be helpful to anyone who is interested in finding out 6️⃣ Simple Workout Poses to achieve a toned bottom during your Yoga routine.

Check Out These 6️⃣ Tips On Toning Your Bottom Here (Free Article)

Where was the grand piano invented?

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The generally accepted answer is around 1720 by Cristofori who invented the hammer escapement action, where hammers strike the strings and there is control over dynamics.

There were a lot of innovations that occurred over then next century and a half. The grand piano, with a cast iron frame, trichord treble strings, modern action, overstrung, copper wrapped bass strings, as we know it today was pretty much standardized by the mid to late 1800s



Can you play piano parts on a marimba?

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obviously that's why it's an instrament monica h. :)

How much would Bartolomeo Cristofori's pianos cost?

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They came out in l720 ad so are purely museum pieces- no one would attempt to use one as a concert instrument- the risks are too great- they have one in the Metropolitant Museum of Art"s musical instrument colllection. They are, as stated priceless museum pieces and not suitable for regular use. please don"t try to pound out a C-Chord for old time"s sakes ( Pun intended) the instrument is probably under glass to prevent such a practice!

How do you play lean on me on piano using letters?

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What language does piano forte come from?

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English. It is the full word for piano. (Like telephone is the full word for phone)

Is the xylophone harder to play then the piano?

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Well, there is no easiest song to play on a xylophone because there are many songs that are easy to play like: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Mary Had a Little Lamb

What are the notes for the FUN song on the piano?

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Hope this helps!

How old is my Wellington piano with serial number 173114?

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A Cable-Nelson piano with serial number 215022 would have been produced sometime between 1947 and 1950. At this time, Cable-Nelson pianos were actually produced by the Everett Piano Company, who was later acquired by Yamaha.

Is the piano and drum related instruments?

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This is an interesting question.

First, it is important to remember there are many kinds of drums, and different kinds of pianos.

Then, it's important to specify a type of music.

Generally, piano and drum can go together, but it has to be done right.

It doesn't alway's work; without a more concise question, it is difficult to provide a complete answer.

Final Answer: if done right.

How many keys are there in an octave on a piano?

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In an Octave or Perfect Eighth, there are 12 ( 13 if you count the eighth).

For scales that begin on white keys, there are always 8 white keys and 5 black keys in a single full octave. For scales that begin on black keys, there are always 6 black keys and 7 white keys in a single full octave.

How many pianos were used to create the final not in the song a day in the life?

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A: 3 playing one note simultaniously

Treble clef establishes what note?

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Listen. I ain't know what the hellz you be talking bout. But listen. You need to stop searching all of this on the internet and go to school and learn it!

How do you play jack and Jill went up the hill on keyboard?

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Asked by Wiki User

Here are the lyrics but I don't know what are the notes!

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water,

Jack fell down and broke his crown,

And Jill came tumbling after.

There's more but I can't remember it!

Can you play Hava Nagila on piano?

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Hava Nagila can be performed in midi, which means it can also be played on piano.

Mostly ALL songs which has Chords can be played on piano, so yes.

What is the weight of a 7 foot Baldwin grand piano?

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It depends...

Without a player system or a life system in the piano, a run-of-the-mill 9-footer can be between 800 and 1200 pounds, depending on the year it was made, or type.

A player system or a life system can add a significant amount of weight.

Where is C on the piano?

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The third C up from the bottom (left) of the piano; it is the C below Middle C.

Who invented the treble clef?

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The treble clef is used in violin music, and other instuments like clarinet, flute, piccolo, cor anglais and oboe. the trumpet and horn also use it. interesting fact: in Anton bruckner's symphony no 7, the 4 tubas use the treble clef.


The treble clef is used for high instruments, such as the violin, flute, clarinet, piano, harp and others.

What are the piano notes to we three kings?

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In the key of C major (or A minor) the first part is as follows: E D C A B C B A E D C A B C B A C C D D E E G F E D E D C B A


Be careful how you read the notes above. Some will be below the C note, others above.