


Rays are cartilaginous fishes related to sharks with flat, disk-like bodies.

500 Questions

What object can be used to make a light ray turn round?

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Asked by Wiki User

A concave mirror or a lens can be used to make a light ray turn round by reflecting or refracting the light rays towards a focal point, causing the light to change direction.

How do the direction of the original incident ray and second refracted ray compare?

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Asked by Wiki User

The direction of the original incident ray and the second refracted ray are typically different, as the second ray is refracted in a different manner from the first ray. This is due to the change in speed and angle as light passes through different mediums, causing the rays to bend at different angles.

Is it possible to make a death ray?

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Asked by Wiki User

Creating a "death ray" as commonly depicted in fiction is not currently possible with our current technology. High-energy weapons capable of causing widespread destruction are not feasible for civilian use and are subject to strict regulations and limitations. It is important to prioritize developing technologies that benefit society rather than seeking to create weapons of mass destruction.

What is gamma ray in physics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation with high frequency and energy, typically emitted during radioactive decay or nuclear reactions. They have the shortest wavelength and highest energy in the electromagnetic spectrum, making them useful in various fields such as medicine and astrophysics.

Why do you think gamma rays are drawn as wavy lines?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gamma rays are often represented as wavy lines in diagrams to denote their high energy and frequency. The wavy lines symbolize the oscillation or vibration of electromagnetic waves associated with gamma rays. This visual representation helps to differentiate gamma rays from other types of radiation.

How do gamma rays pass through the body?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gamma rays are able to pass through the body because they have high energy and very short wavelengths. This allows them to penetrate matter easily, including the tissues in the body. This ability makes gamma rays useful in medical imaging and cancer treatment.

What are Gamma rays and neutrons used for?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gamma rays are used in medical imaging, cancer treatment, industrial radiography, and sterilization processes. Neutrons are used for material analysis, neutron radiography, and in nuclear reactors for power generation and research purposes.

Will gamma rays passes through egg?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, gamma rays are a highly penetrating form of electromagnetic radiation and typically pass through most materials, including an egg.

What sort of sound does a stingray make?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stingrays do not have vocal cords so they do not produce sounds. They communicate mainly through body language and behaviors.

Why is lead used in shielding gamma rays?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lead is used in shielding gamma rays because it has a high density, which allows it to effectively block and absorb the high-energy gamma rays. Additionally, lead is a malleable and cost-effective material for constructing radiation shielding barriers. Lead's ability to attenuate gamma rays makes it a popular choice for applications where radiation protection is needed, such as in medical facilities or nuclear power plants.

Can gamma ray pass through the human body?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation with high energy and penetrating ability. They have the ability to pass through the human body, potentially causing damage to tissues and cells along the way. However, the extent of this damage depends on factors such as the intensity and duration of exposure.

What is a baby string ray called?

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Asked by Wiki User

A baby stingray is called a pup. It is born fully developed and able to swim immediately after birth.

What kind of body covering does a stingray have?

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Stingrays have smooth skin covered in tiny tooth-like structures called dermal denticles. These denticles help protect the stingray's skin from predators and abrasive surfaces.

What kind of light has a wavelength shorter than green light is it red light raido waves X-rays or infrared waves?

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Asked by Wiki User

In th visible spectrum blue and violet light are shorter than green. x-rays are way shorter than green.

What is the difference between ultraviolet radiation and ultrasound?

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Ultraviolet radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation that has shorter wavelengths and higher energy than visible light, while ultrasound is a type of mechanical wave with frequencies higher than the upper limit of human hearing. Ultraviolet radiation is used in applications such as sterilization and tanning, while ultrasound is commonly used in medical imaging and industrial testing.

Are comic rays faster than gamma rays are?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, gamma rays travel at the speed of light, which is the fastest speed in the universe. Comic rays, on the other hand, are high-energy particles that can approach the speed of light but are not faster than gamma rays.

Why positive rays called canal rays?

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Asked by Wiki User

Positive rays are called canal rays because they are positively charged particles emitted by the anode and accelerated through a small canal or channel in the cathode of a cathode ray tube. These rays were discovered by Eugen Goldstein and were later studied by J.J. Thomson.

What are Neutron rays?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Neutron rays are not a recognized form of radiation. Neutrons are subatomic particles found in the nucleus of an atom, and they can be emitted as radiation during certain nuclear processes. However, they are typically referred to as neutron radiation, not neutron rays.

What are the components of gamma rays?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation characterized by high energy and extremely short wavelengths. They are composed of photons with no mass or charge, and they exhibit properties similar to X-rays, but with even higher energy levels. Gamma rays are produced by nuclear reactions, such as those in stars or nuclear decay processes.

What lenses refract light rays in toward a central point?

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Asked by Wiki User

Converging lenses refract light rays in toward a central point, known as the focal point. These lenses are thicker in the center than at the edges and are commonly used in applications like cameras, microscopes, and eyeglasses.

Are stingrays carnivores?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, stingrays are carnivores. They mainly feed on small fish, crustaceans, and mollusks that live on the ocean floor. They use their flattened bodies to efficiently glide through the water in search of prey.

What are convergent rays?

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Asked by Wiki User

Convergent rays are light rays that come together or meet at a specific point after passing through a convex lens or a concave mirror. This point is called the focal point, where the rays converge and form a focused image. This is crucial for the formation of clear and sharp images in optical systems.

The point at the end of a ray is called?

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Asked by Wiki User

The point at the end of a ray is called the endpoint. It is the specific location where the ray ends or terminates.

How large does a stingray get?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stingrays can vary in size, with some species growing up to 6.5 feet (2 meters) in width and weighing over 790 pounds (360 kilograms). The size of a stingray can depend on its species, environment, and age.

Is the suns rays gamma rays?

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No, the sun's rays primarily consist of visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared radiation. Gamma rays are a type of high-energy electromagnetic radiation that are produced by nuclear reactions and processes in outer space, not by the sun.