

Rice Flour

Rice flour is a gluten-free form of flour made from finely milled rice. It is often used as a substitute for wheat flour in recipes, and as an ingredient in dishes such as Japanese mochi, General Tsao's chicken, Filipino cascaron, and rice bread.

333 Questions

Is rice flour similar to plain for self raising flour?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. Rice flour is made from rice. Plain flour is refined wheat flour. Self rising flour is refined wheat flour with baking powder and salt already in it. Wheat flour has gluten, rice flour does not and cannot be used to substitute for wheat flour.

Compare rate of fermentation in rice flour and potato?

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Asked by Wiki User

The above things contain starch; in the presence of an enzyme called diastase these undergo fermentation to give maltose.

2(C6H10O5)n+ nH2O Diastase n(C12H22O11)

Starch Maltose

The Lab Reaction with 1% Iodine solution result is


Color of reaction mixture obtained with 1% Iodine Solution

Wheat Flour

Gram Flour



Blue Black

Blue Black

Blue Black


Prussian blue





Prussian Blue

Prussian Blue


Faint Blue




Colorless (after 10 hrs 20mins)

Faint Blue

Faint Blue



Colorless (after 12hrs 10mins)

Colorless (after 13hrs 10mins)

The result of the above experiment shows the rate of fermentation

Hence Potato Ferments Slowly.

Can you use rice flour and gluten free self raising flour to make rice bread?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes you can. i believe it is the best way.

Can you substitute rice flour for gram flour when making Onion Bhajees?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes you can , However the taste will not be as good. Better stick to Gram Flour

What nutrients does glutinous rice flour have?

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Glutinous rice, also known as sticky rice, sweet rice or pearl rice, is a form of short-grain rice that has a higher starch content than its medium- or long-grain cousins. Manufacturers remove the husk, bran and germ of the rice grain to produce this sticky white rice that is a staple food in many Asian countries. Glutinous rice is relatively healthy, having an extremely low fat content, but it doesn't offer the nutritive value of brown or wild rice.

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A 1-cup serving of cooked glutinous white rice contains 169 calories, 36.7 g of carbohydrate, 3.5 g of protein, 1.7 g of fiber, 0.3 g of fat, 9 mg of sodium, a negligible amount of saturated fat and no cholesterol, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Nutrient Database. Carbohydrate accounts for roughly 90 percent of the calories, protein for 8 percent and fat for 2 percent.

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VitaminsThe same serving of rice offers 7 percent of the pantothenic acid; 3 percent of the thiamine, niacin and vitamin B-6; and 2 percent of the riboflavin that the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine advises adults to consume daily. These five vitamins are water-soluble B-complex vitamins that play vital roles in healthy skin and vision, hormone and red blood cell formation, and central nervous system and metabolic function. Glutinous white rice also contains trace amounts of other vitamins. MineralsA 1-cup serving of glutinous white rice also provides 18 percent of the selenium, 6 percent of the zinc and 2 percent of the magnesium and phosphorus that adults should consume each day. These four essential dietary minerals aid in muscle, nerve, thyroid and immune function; protein and DNA synthesis; wound healing; cell division; energy storage; heart rate and blood pressure regulation; and bone health and red blood cell oxygenation, according to the National Institutes of Heath Office of Dietary Supplements and the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. Glutinous white rice also contains smaller amounts of other minerals. ConsiderationsGlutinous white rice supplies considerably less fiber than other types of rice. While a 1-cup serving of glutinous white rice has only 1.7 g of fiber, similar servings of wild rice and brown rice offer 3 g and 3.5 g, respectively. Wild rice and brown rice also contain significantly higher amounts of essential vitamins and minerals than glutinous white rice does. Despite its name, glutinous white rice does not contain gluten. Serving SuggestionsAvoid using salt to flavor glutinous rice if you are watching your sodium intake. Because of its bland nature, this rice makes a natural filler in soups. Add lightly cooked vegetables to white rice for a healthy side dish, or serve lean meats or plant proteins like tofu over a bed of glutinous rice.

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Nutrition Facts for Glutinous Rice

Can i substitute rice flour for all purpose flour for baking sapin sapin?

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Sapin Sapin is a glutinous rice and coconut dessert, traditionally calling for rice flour.

If your recipe calls for all-purpose flour, you can safely substitute equal parts brown or white rice flour.

How much alum in rice flour?

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How would you describe the geography of Italy

Did they use rice flour to make the great wall of China?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. They used regular flour.

What is the texture of 1st class flour?

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Asked by ReylanEnoyafb2713

Very fine and powdery

Is rice flour organic or inorganic?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are asking in the chemical sense it is organic as it is made of carbon compounds. If you mean it in the marketing/foodie sense of manufactured without artificial chemicals, that depends on how it was grown. It would be labelled 'organic' if that were the case.

Do you use the same amount of rice flour vs plain flour for gluten free baking?

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Since rice flour tends to be 'grainy', most people mix it with other flours, such as potato starch flour and tapioca flour. They also add Xanthan gum, which is used as a binder in the flour mixture. To get to ratios of flour mixtures, you can probably 'Google' something like "Celiac Disease", or "Gluten-free Flour" to get the correct amounts and instructions. In the meantime, I will try to find more info for you.

Can you substitute rice flour for plain flour in cooking?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes you can. For every cup of Rice Flour, substitute 1 1/8 cup of All Purpose flour.

Best of luck!

What is the function of rice flour in biscuit making?

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The function of rice flour in biscuit making is to make the biscuit crumbley and to add texture. Rice flour is good for people who live on a Gluten free diet therefore it is also a healthier option.