

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious medical condition. It is marked by a reduction or cessation in respiration during sleep.

500 Questions

Can you have apnea while awake?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes its very common to expierence sleep apnea while awake.

but consult a doctor to be on the safe side

How do you get sleep in 5 minutes?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's actually not good to fall asleep in 5 minutes. If you are able to fall asleep within 5 minutes of going to bed, that is a sign that you are sleep deprived and could be a result of a hidden sleep disorder.

Falling asleep should take about 10-15 minutes. To do so, make sure you're going to bed and waking up every day at the same time (even on weekends), your room is at a cool, comfortable temperature and is dark. Also avoid using electronics an hour before bed because the light emanating from them will cease the production of melatonin, which is a hormone that makes you sleepy.

Can distilled water with added electrolytes be used in a CPAP machine?

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Asked by Wiki User

You don't breathe distilled watter in a CPAP machine, but the air brought into the machine is passed through distilled water before it is sent to your mask. This humidifies the air and prevents your mouth and/or nose from drying out while you use the machine.

If distilled water is not available, you can use plain tap water, but:
  • The reservoir in the machine will have to be cleaned more often and more thoroughly
  • if your tap water is heavily chlorinated, you may find the smell of it unpleasant

Is sleep apnea a characteristic of narcolepsy?

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Narcoleptics are not narcoleptics because their sleep was interrupted or otherwise affected by sleep apnea. Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder caused by the brain's inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally.

Some narcoleptics might have sleep apnea, but there is no cause-and-effect relationship.

Can sleep apnea be treated at home?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you have a milder form of sleep apnea you may be able to cure it by some simple lifestyle change such as losing any extra weight, or quitting smoking if you smoke. Also avoiding alcohol and other sleeping medicines may help. Sleeping on your side instead of back or using a nasal spray before sleeping may also help. Check with your doctor to find out what form of sleep apnea you have.

Can someone die of sleep apnea?

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Asked by Sherrimurphy

Sleep Apnea can be fatal. It can become very severe. If you can't breathe, your heart may stop pumping. Normally, if your heart stops, it's for a three to five second moment. If longer, you may die. In conclusion, sleep apnea is no joking matter and, yes, can be fatal.

What is narcoepilepsy?

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You are probably thinking of Narcolepsy, which is the tendancy to fall asleep unexpectedly.

What is the purpose of a CPAP mask?

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The purpose of a CPAP mask is to better the sleep of those diagnosed with sleep apnea. A CPAP machine provides a steady stream of oxygen through the nose and the throat while he/she sleeps. There are many different kinds of machines for each particular person based on their needs. CPAP machines eliminate snoring issues, and have also proven to lower blood pressure the following day for people who use them.

Can weight loss help a person get rid of sleep apnea?

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My understanding is that losing weight can help with sleep apnea. It usually requires exercise, which always helps one sleep. And the reduction in excess fat can reduce difficulty in breathing and snoring, which is also helpful.

How do people with sleep apnea gain weight?

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The sleep apnea doesn't directly cause weight gain. Usually it is the other way around. But sleep apnea can indirectly cause weight gain by making you tired throughout the day and thus less likely to exercise.

What tests are used to diagnose sleep apnea?

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Asked by Wiki User

Obstructive sleep apnea affects 18 million people and is more common among overweight males over age 40. But it has been known to affect otherwise healthy men, women and children of any age group. If you are frequently tired upon waking and throughout the day or if you have trouble staying asleep at night, ask yourself these questions:

• Have I been told that I snore or stop breathing during sleep?
• Do I wake up throughout the night or constantly turn from side to side?
• Have I been told that my legs or arms jerk while I'm sleeping?
• Do I make abrupt snorting noises during sleep?
• Do I feel tired or fall asleep during the day?

If you answered "yes" to any or all of these questions, you could have sleep apnea, and it is important that you discuss such symptoms with your doctor.


Can you use a cpap machine when you need a bipap?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, because it uses pressure to aid breathing. If two people are connected to one source of pressure, it will either not be enough pressure (assuming both people are breathing in and out in unison) or if one person is breathing in whilst the other out, the pressure will be mis-placed.

How do you change pressure on 418g model cpap?

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Asked by Wiki User

In order to adjust your settings, you must do the following:

  1. Disconnect the machine cord from the power block.
  2. Press and hold down on the selector (this is the button used to turn therapy on).
  3. Simultaneously while holding down, reconnect the cord to the power block.

You should now see a new option on your screen with multiple options available.

How do sleep apnea relates to sinus bradycardia?

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Asked by Wiki User

It has several origins. Apnea is most likely one of them.

Is sleep apnea contagious?

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Sleep apnea is potentially deadly because you can die if you stop breathing in your sleep. Sleep apnea is not contagious, since it is physiological, not a viral or bacterial disease.

Can sleep apnea cause infertility?

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Asked by Wiki User

In some uncommon cases, yes.

Sleep apnea can lead to hormone inbalances and insulin-resistance.

Insulin-resistance can cause difficulties in conception and reproduction. It is uncommon but very possible.

Hormone inbalances will also make reproduction very difficult, but it will not cause permanent infertility because hormone levels can be corrected.

Lack of a decent sleep cycle can also cause mental stress on your body. Any form of stress lessens your conception chances, but do not cause infertility.

The best advice you can get from here is to visit a doctor or health professional.

What body systems like respiratory system are affected by sleep apnea?

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Asked by Wiki User

The cardiovascular, urinary, reproductive, neurolgy, brain, endocrine, senses( sight and new research show hearing), gastrointestinal, muscular, and the lymphatic. So the entire body is affected if the body doe not receive enough sleep

Could sleep Apnea cause high level of hemoglobin?

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Asked by Wiki User

High Hemoglobin would allow you to carry more oxygen. so i don't think it would cause fatigue.

High hemoglobin can most definitely cause fatigue. I thought the same as the above answer until I was diagnosed with it BECAUSE of fatigue. But as is the case many times, too much of a good thing is bad for you. Causes are varied, from blood disorders to living in high altitude to simply not getting enough sleep (or not sleeping well such as if you have sleep apnea).

It can also be dangerous as it can clog your arteries if not kept in check. See your doctor!!

Do people with sleep apnea always snore at night?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes they do. People with Sleep Apnea often have a decrease in stage REM therefore they may not dream as often. REM sleep is often considered our dream stage. It is also our restorative sleep. Just because you don't remember your dreams doesn't mean that you did not dream. If you wake during REM stage you will remember what you were just dreaming. If you do not wake during REM but wake in a different stage of sleep (example stage 3) then you probably won't remember having a dream.

How often should cpap water be changed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Water in the humidifier should be changed daily. Empty the humidifier chamber in the morning after you wake up, and fill it with fresh distilled water in the evening before you go to bed.

Does Vyvanse affect sleep apnea?

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Effexor XR increases serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. Serotonin makes people sleepy, and norepinephrine wakes them up. Since everybody's brain is wired differently, Effexor might make one person sleepy while waking up another person. Sleep apnea is a disorder in which a person stops breathing over and over again during the night. Because of this, the person does not get a restful sleep. As a consequence, during the day he is very sleepy. Some people with sleep apnea are so sleepy during the day that they doze off while driving their cars. Thus, sleep apnea is a potentially fatal disease. Sleep apnea can be treated with CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), a device which has a mask which is worn all night long, and keeps the person's throat open with air pressure so that the person does not stop breathing while sleeping. If a patient is taking Effexor, and it tends to make that particular patient sleepy, and the patient has sleep apnea, and the sleep apnea is not being treated, then the Effexor is potentially dangerous for that patient to take. It will make him even more sleepy during the day, and might even increase the frequency of his apneic episodes during the night. If Effexor makes the patient more alert, on the other hand, it might be beneficial. However, Effexor does not affect the mechanism that causes the person to stop breathing during the night. So it is not a treatment for sleep apnea.

Can lack of sleep cause weight gain?

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Asked by Wiki User

Eating too soon before sleeping definatly causes weight gain, and actually a lack of sleep contributes to weight gain as well. Your body essentially resets itself after a minimum of 7 hours of sleep, including rebalancing your metabolism. If you fall asleep on a full stomach your body's ability to absorb nutrients is greatly reduced and in response stores most of what is digested for later, i.e. Fat.

What happens in central sleep apnea?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

central sleep apnea

is caused by the internal brain stem, where the autonomic system doesn't work properly. You can go minutes without breahting. Constructive sleep apnea is where the back of the throat collapses during sleep and you struggle to breath. The pauses in breathing last 10-20 seconds or longer. constructive sleep apnea is no where near as bad as central.

Can sleep apnea cause enlarged heart?

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Sleep apnea is a sleep-related breathing disorder whereby the pharynx closes causing the patient to gasp or even stop breathing in their sleep. Yes, obstructive sleep apnea can cause an enlarged and thickened heart.