


Sleepwalking is a disorder in which the patient gets up and preforms functions while in a sleeping state. Some people will clean house, send emails, or even try to drive. Sleepwalking can be considered dangerous.

500 Questions

Can your husband be discharged from the army for sleepwalking?

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why not. what would happen on front line sleeping, then get up for a sleep walk ???

What happens if you wake some one up when they sleep walk?

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The wisest decision would be to NOT wake them up. Why? It is because it scares and confuses them... really bad. Instead of waking them up, just simply guide them back to their beds and tell them about it in the morning.

What causes sleep walking?

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The most common reason for sleepwalking is stress. Other causes include sleep deprivation, and alcohol/drug intake. Genetic predisposition to the disorder is also a common factor.


Sleep walking is caused by drowsiness


Sleepwalking is caused by an immaturity in the nervous system.

How many people suffer from sleepwalking?

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Nobody knows. sleepwalking could happen to anyone and just to remind you, never ever in your whole life wake a sleepwalker up, if you do and something bad happens, you diserve it for not taking my advice....

What did the doctor see in the sleepwalking scene of 'Macbeth'?

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The Doctor has to wait 2 nights in order to see Lady Macbeth sleepwalking.

Why is Gentlewomen reluctant to repeat what she has heard the sleep walking lady Macbeth say?

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Lady Macbeth has revealed her part and Macbeth's in a number of murders. Imagine what Macbeth would do if he knew that someone had heard that confession and knew of his guilt. The Gentlewoman puts herself in terrible danger by repeating what she has heard.

Why does lady macbeth sleepwalk?

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She is unable to resolve her guilt in her waking mind so she deals with it while dreaming.

What did Lady Macbeth hold in her sleepwalking scene?

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"The Thane of Fife had a wife; where is she now?"--Lady Macduff

"But who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?"--Duncan

"Banquo's dead; he cannot come out on's grave."--Banquo

Do cats sleepwalk?

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My dog definitely sleepwalks. He has done it at least three times. One night he growled at me aunt at the refrigerator, eyes all black, tail down. This is not like him AT ALL. She talked to him and he woke up and wagged his tail. Scientists are still studying to see if dogs sleepwalk, but it is not known if they do. It is very true that dogs twitch and mumble in their sleep though. I've read some stories online where dog owners witnessed their dogs doing something strange in the middle of their sleep, like standing up suddenly and growling, then suddenly laying back down. And when the owner checked her, she was completely asleep again! But it hasn't been proven yet, so this doesn't always mean this was sleepwalking.

Did the doctors watch Lady Macbeth sleepwalking?

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Lady Macbeth sleepwalking, trying to rid her hands of imagined blood stains, and upsetting herself over committed murders are what the doctor sees in the sleepwalking scene of the play "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare (Baptized April 26, 1564-April 23, 1616).

Specifically, in Act 5 Scene 1, the doctor finds a vantage point from which to witness the strange behavior of Lady Macbeth (b. c. 1015). He sees her requiring a lighted candle 24/7. He also witnesses the above-mentioned scene in which she speaks about the murders of King Duncan I (d. August 14, 1040), Banquo, and Macduff's entire family and household.

When you sleepwalk are your eyes closed or open?

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When you die, your muscle fibers can no longer engage in actin/myosin cross-linking since ATP is no longer being produced. But whatever stores are left at that moment can be used. So technically your eyes can open or remain shut depending on what state they were in during death. If you sleep with your eyes tightly shut then they will stay shut, but if you sleep with them open they will remain open if you die at that moment. Also if your body remains dead a while before it's found, and decomposition is underway, the lids might retract exposing the sclera (white part of the eye). There are too many factors involved to have a certain answer.

Can sleepwalking be a hereditary condition?

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Asked by Pratimatrivedi80

Researchers believe that narcolepsy is a neurologic disease that impairs the brain's regulatory sleep/wake mechanism. It is also believed that narcolepsy is hereditary. A study of about 300 cases found that 54 of the cases were clustered into 19 families.

Can you kill people by sleepwalking?

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One person's experience:

yes, I have died in my dreams several times. In fact, after I died in my dream, it went on to like some weird afterlife land that made no sense at all but was really cool. I mostly wake up before i am about to die in my dream though!


It is possible to dream of dying while sleeping. Death in dreams usually is a symbol for a significant change in your life. One can die while sleeping, as many people do, and this is regarded as a very peaceful way to die. But those deaths are due to heart attacks, strokes or some other physical illness. Dreams cannot cause death and you do not die simply because you dreamt of dying.

What does lady Macbeth admit while sleep walking?

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She states "Out damned spot, out, I say" she is admitting to the murder of Duncan. She felt guilty and kept seeing the blood on her hands. She asks "Will these hands ne'er be clean" as she tries to rub the blood off.

Her most revealing statements are : "Who would have thought the old man to have so much blood in him?" "Wash your hands, put on your nightgown, look not so pale" "I tell you again, Banquo's buried; 'a cannot come out on's grave." "The Thane of Fife had a wife; where is she now?" thus revealing that Macbeth is guilty not only of Duncan's murder but also Banquo's and Lady Macduff's.

Why shouldn't sleepwalker be woken up?

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One should not wake a sleeping child as this will cause substantial night time sleep disturbances which will have negative effects on the sleep of the parents as well as the rest of the household.

The song sleepwalk artist?

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Santo Farina 1959

What do you call people who faint a lot?

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fainters? I guess

What can cause a 29 year old male who does not consume alcohol or drugs to experience amnesia or blackouts spanning 2-3 hours at a time and sleep walking?

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To elaborate on the question I am not the man with the problem, it is my husband. When he sleepwalks he gets aggressive. During the episodes he is later forgetting happened he has cold sweats and acts very strange almost non responsive. He is scheduled to see a neurologist but the appointment isn't for several weeks. He somehow lost 3 hours he spent with his mother where he drove her more than 100 miles. He is loosig times where he is in the middle of work. Neither of us drink and trust me I would know he smell of alcohol a mile away. I know where every penny goes and there is nothing extra that could go to drugs (other than prescriptions which he is not taking) He used to take sleeping aids but I stopped all of those because he couldn't be woken up. He acts like he is extremely exhausted. I know people will say you don't know what he is doing when he isn't with you, you can't be sure. But, I know his schedule and where he is all of the time, he is at home, school, work, or in transit to one of those. I know not because I'm overbearing but b/c he is the type of person who calls everytime he arrives somewhere and leaves and several times in between. I'm worried I should have pushed for an appointment that was closer.

I may be a little brash here... but I would say it is the alcohol and/or drugs that you REALLY ARE USING!

But... if you aren't really using any of those.... It could be a form a brain injury? Think back any hits to the head?

Or it could be some kind of brain cancer! You need to be checked by a Dr...... tomorrow!

*I am not a medical field, not a nurse, a Doctor, heck, I dont even go to the Doctor...

this answer should not be taken as medical advise, it is simply my take on your

question using my knowledge and study of the arts & sciences... for actual medical


-AMIASDUMBASYOU (31 April 2010, 0121)

Sleep walking actually is quite common in people. It is actually more common in younger children, however, if a 29 year old male has an unusual pattern of REM sleep, then he could have some episodes of sleep walking according to psychological studies on dreams and sleep. Amnesia could have come from any sort of brain injury in his younger years. A concussion could have occurred without is knowledge, or when he was a baby something could have affected is brain growth considering that a child's brain grows the most rapidly from new born to 2 years. Amnesia could always be genetic. If the male's parents have had episodes before he might be able to see a doctor and get put on medication. As far as blackouts spanning for 2-3 hours, I am not totally sure, I have been taught that some black outs aren't really black outs but they are episodes of your brain shutting down while your body is still operating. It it called dissociative disorder, which can be cured with medication as well as using memory cues for remembering activities so black out episodes don't occur.

-rebeccaboo (March 31, 2010)

Sleepwalking and children?

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Is sleepwalking normal for children?


Sleepwalking is a disturbance where a person leaves their bed and walks without being aware of the event. It is usually triggers by poor sleep habits.

In children, sleepwalking starts between ages 6 and 12 and occurs more often in boys than girls. Children usually out grow sleepwalking.

If you can, gently steer someone who is sleepwalking safely back to bed. Try to make the home safer, such as adding gates to stairways, to prevent injury.

Trying to maintain a bedtime routine may help reduce the problem.

Does a fever cause sleepwalking?

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i don't think so but I'm just trying to help

no a fever does not cause sleepwalking a fever would most likey cause sickness

Do dogs sleep walk?

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Some dogs sleep walk. When they sleep walk it is because they are scared.