

Social Work

Social work is an interdisciplinary field committed to the pursuit of social change, social justice and social welfare. This academic and professional discipline works toward practice and research to enhance the quality of life.

500 Questions

Why do humans need carbohydrates?

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Carbohydrates are the body's primary source of energy. They are broken down into glucose, which is used by cells for fuel, particularly in the brain and muscles. Carbohydrates also play a role in maintaining healthy digestion and providing a feeling of satiety.

What are the purpose of social work?

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The purpose of social work is to help individuals and communities overcome challenges, improve their well-being, and achieve their full potential. This is often done by providing support, advocacy, and resources to promote social justice and equality. Social workers aim to empower people to address personal and systemic issues that affect their lives.

Which goal did outspoken social reformer and fearless soul Mother Jones work for?

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Mother Jones worked tirelessly to improve working conditions and advocate for the rights of workers, especially coal miners and children. She fought for fair wages, safe working conditions, and the end of child labor in the United States.

. How can the family be the social laboratory of a growing child?

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A family who chooses to have children, must realize the responsibilities and rewards of raising a child. Must people say children are resilient and can adopt to almost anything. I disagree. Every child is unique and requires different attention. Kids are very sensitive, they hear and retain most of things parents tell them. No one is or will be a "perfect" parent, but we have to realize that everything we say to kids can be very hurtful. Most criminal's victims of some sort of childhood abuse. This is why we must, watch what we say to kids. Learn to study your kids watch for some kind of cues, withdrawn, over sensitive and act up. This are some signs of something not right talk to your child, find out whats wrong get to the bottom of it.

What are function of social worker?

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Social workers help individuals and families navigate challenges and access resources to improve their well-being. They provide counseling, support, and advocacy to address social and emotional issues, such as mental health, poverty, abuse, and addiction. Social workers also work to promote social justice and equality through community outreach and policy development.

How easy and difficult is it to find placement in social work?

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Finding placement in social work can vary in difficulty depending on factors such as location, specialization, and individual qualifications. In some areas, there may be high demand for social workers, making it easier to find placement, while in others, competition may be more fierce. Building a strong network, gaining relevant experience, and continuing education can all help make the process of finding placement in social work easier.

How can work relationships and the cultural and social environment support or hinder achieving planned outcomes?

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Work relationships and a supportive cultural and social environment can enhance productivity, collaboration, and creativity among team members, leading to successful outcomes. Conversely, strained relationships, cultural differences, and a negative social environment can create tension, communication barriers, and conflict that hinder progress and impede goal achievement. It is important for organizations to foster positive relationships and establish an inclusive work culture to promote a conducive environment for achieving planned outcomes.

What are the themes for mom luby and the social worker?

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Some of the themes in "Mom Luby and the Social Worker" by Kristin Hunter include the impact of poverty on families, the importance of community support, and the complexities of intergenerational relationships. It also explores themes of resilience and the struggles faced by African American families in a changing society.

How are mom luby and the social worker different?

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Mom Luby in "Mom Luby and the Social Worker" is a resilient, determined elderly woman who asserts her independence despite her struggles, while the social worker represents the bureaucracy and lack of understanding of the challenges faced by people like Mom Luby. Mom Luby embodies strength and dignity, while the social worker symbolizes institutional barriers and insensitivity.

What are parallels are called as?

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Parallels are referred to as lines that never intersect and maintain the same distance apart from each other at all points. They represent a relationship of uniformity and constant separation.

What is social referencing?

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Social referencing is a process where individuals look to others for guidance when faced with uncertainty or ambiguity in a situation. This often involves observing others' reactions or expressions to determine how to respond. It is commonly seen in young children relying on their caregivers for cues on how to interpret and navigate new experiences.

Who the narrator for mom luby and the the social worker?

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The narrator in "Mom Luby and the Social Worker" is an unnamed third-person omniscient narrator who tells the story from an outside perspective, providing insights into the thoughts and feelings of the characters. The narrator guides the reader through the interactions between Mom Luby and the social worker, offering a nuanced understanding of their personalities and dynamics.

How social work defined in social costractivism theory?

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In social constructivism theory, social work is defined as a collaborative process that aims to promote social change and empower individuals and communities to address systemic issues and enhance well-being. It emphasizes the importance of understanding social context, interactions, and relationships in shaping individuals' experiences and identities, and views social workers as facilitators of this transformative process through dialogue, empathy, and advocacy.

What are the components of social work research?

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The components of social work research include identifying the research question, conducting a literature review, selecting a research design, collecting data, analyzing data, and interpreting and presenting the findings. Additionally, ethical considerations, cultural sensitivity, and implications for social work practice are integral components of social work research.

Where do social workers work?

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Social workers can work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, schools, non-profit organizations, government agencies, mental health clinics, and private practices. Their work often involves helping individuals and families with various social and emotional challenges, such as addiction, abuse, poverty, and mental health issues.

What might a social worker or a Counselor do to maintain peace between the two gangs?

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A social worker or counselor could facilitate conflict resolution sessions or mediation between the two gangs, helping them identify common goals and find peaceful ways to coexist. They could also provide individual or group counseling to help address underlying issues related to gang involvement and promote empathy and understanding between members. Lastly, they could collaborate with community organizations to create opportunities for positive engagement and skill-building for gang members.

What is social adequacy?

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Social adequacy refers to the extent to which an individual is able to meet social expectations and norms within their community. It encompasses factors such as social skills, communication abilities, and the ability to interact effectively with others in different social settings. A socially adequate individual can navigate various social situations with ease and form meaningful relationships with others.

What is uni logical social work?

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"Uni logical social work" does not appear to be a commonly recognized term or concept in the field of social work. It may be a typo or a mistaken phrase. If you can provide more context or clarify the term, I can try to provide a better answer.

What are the qualities of a social prefect?

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i think some of the qualities of a good social prefect are; He/she is someone with good communication skills

Someone very interactive

Someone fun and really interesting to be with

Someone who is able to upgrade or improve the social status of the school

What post secondary course of study or training is required to be a social worker?

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To become a social worker, a bachelor's degree in social work (BSW) is typically required for entry-level positions. Some positions may require a master's degree in social work (MSW) for advanced roles or specialized practice areas. It is also essential to complete supervised fieldwork or internships as part of the training.

How do equal employment opportunities impact on work and social practices?

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Equal employment opportunities help ensure that individuals are hired, promoted, and treated fairly regardless of their gender, race, age, sexual orientation, or other characteristics. This can lead to a more diverse and inclusive workplace, which can improve employee morale, productivity, and innovation. In society, equal employment opportunities promote social justice and equality, contributing to a more equitable and harmonious community.

How do equal employment opportunitiessexracedisability and discrimination and similar legislation impact on work and social practices?

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Equal employment opportunities legislation ensures that individuals are treated fairly without discrimination based on sex, race, or disability in the workplace. This promotes diversity and inclusion, leading to a more productive workforce and better social practices. Such legislation encourages organizations to create a culture of equality, respect, and fairness for all employees.

How long does it take for social services to come out?

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The time it takes for social services to respond can vary depending on the urgency of the situation and their current workload. Typically, they strive to respond to reports within 24-72 hours, but in more urgent cases, they may intervene immediately.

What classes do you have to take in high school to be social worker?

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To become a social worker, it's beneficial to take a mix of social science courses such as psychology, sociology, and social work if available. Additionally, classes in communication, writing, and diversity can help build important skills for the field. It's also important to focus on developing strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Where did social work begin?

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Social work as a profession began in the late 19th century in response to urbanization and industrialization's social challenges in the United Kingdom and United States. The profession's early practitioners focused on addressing poverty, inequality, and improving the well-being of individuals and communities.