

Suez Canal

This category contains questions and answers related to the Suez Canal, a canal that connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea.

500 Questions

What continent is the Suez Canal locates on?

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The Suez Canal is in southwest Asia/northeast Africa.

Which 2 seas are connected the Suez canal?

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Not oceans but the Mediteranean Sea and the Red Sea

What company was the Suez Canal was built by?

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he Suez Canal was built by a company from which country?

What maximum weight ships are allowed in the Suez Canal?

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210,000 deadweight tons

How did President Dwight Einsenhower respond to the Suez Canal crisis after Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez canal?

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Einsenhower refused to support his western allies attempts to take the canal.

Is Suez canal salty?

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Which country acquired control of the Suez Canal by purchasing stock from the Egyptian rule?

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Egypt had too much debt that they could not pay back. apex

British Prime Minister Disreali bought enough shares to gain controlling interest in the canal

Why did Britain and France worry when Egypt nationalized the sues canal?

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Egypt would now control the supply of oil to Europe.

-noova net

What is the Suez Canal used for today?

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Asked by Rrclay

It is used for transporting oil to various different regions such as China, The Americas, and Europe

How much time does it take to cross Suez canal?

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Asked by Wiki User

started 1859 completed 1869

11 year it took to build it

11 years

10 years from 1859 to 1869

from 1859 to 1869

Who owned the Suez Canal first?

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The Suez Canal Authority. They are an Egyptian state owned entity.

Official religion of Ecuador?

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The Amazonian region (or the Oriente), the Andes region (or the Sierra), the coastal region (or the Costa), and the insular (or Galapagos) region.

Why was the Suez Canal important to the British?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Suez Canal, completed in 1869, connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea and allows shipping to bypass the stormy Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa. This allows goods to travel between Europe and the Indian Ocean, connecting to areas of the Eastern Hemisphere more quickly and safely. It allowed Great Britain to maintain colonies in eastern Africa, India, and the East Indies, and to trade more easily with Australia. Later, it became a vital shipping route for oil from the Persian Gulf and Saudi Arabia, as it is in the present day.

Who tried to conquer the Suez Canal?

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The Egyptians

Why was the significance of the Allied Victory at the Suez Canal?

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The Allies victory defending the Suez Canal was very significant. It allowed the supply routes to remain open. This was especially important for the Allies when it came to oil flowing from the mid-east. If this supply fell into Hitler's hands, the war would have gone on much longer, and possibly been lost by the Allies.

What is the name of the canal that divides mainland Egypt?

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Well the answer is simple.So the answer is Suez Canal.JOHNNY TEST ROCKS

Which statement best explains why the Suez canal is significant for development in the region?

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It provides a direct route between the Mediterranean and Red Sea.

How did Britain and France respond to the Suez crisis?

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Great Britain and France, along with Israel, invaded Egypt