



Summer it the season that immediately follows Spring and precedes Autumn, characterized by warm temperatures and long days of sunlight.

66 Questions

How do global air circulation patterns influence development of line thunderstorms in summer?

Global air circulation patterns help create regions of convergence where warm, moist air rises, leading to the development of thunderstorms. In summer, the interaction of these circulation patterns with localized factors like heating from the sun can enhance atmospheric instability, fueling the growth of thunderstorms along boundaries between air masses. This can result in the formation of organized lines of thunderstorms, known as squall lines, which can bring heavy rain, strong winds, and lightning.

Why is it better to wear a white shirt on a hot summer day instead of a black shirt?

White shirts reflect more light and heat compared to black shirts, which absorb more light and heat. This means that white shirts help keep you cooler by reflecting sunlight away from your body, while black shirts may trap heat and make you feel hotter on a hot summer day.

On a very hot summer day, railroad tracks can buckle, causing train delays and derailments. Select the best reason below for the buckling?

Railroad tracks buckle on hot days because the steel expands due to the heat, causing the tracks to push against each other and form kinks. This can lead to misalignments and structural stress on the tracks, resulting in buckling.

Why does tar on roads melt on the summer sun?

The "tar" on roads is a mixture of several asphaltic and hydrocarbon compounds. These become liquid or often at higher temperatures (over 150 F). This temperature can be approached due to sunlight on a hot day and the road tar will become soft. If the supplier has adulterated the tar with more liquid oils or used the wrong compind (say roofing tar the surface may become soft or even liqufy at ambient conditions.

Why doesnt dill return for the summer how to kill a mockingbird?

Dill doesn't return for the summer in "To Kill a Mockingbird" because his parents decide to keep him at home with them instead of allowing him to visit Maycomb. This decision is made without consulting him, and it reflects their prioritization of his well-being and their desire to keep him close.

What is the falling action in searching for summer by Joan Aiken?

In Joan Aiken's "Searching for Summer," the falling action occurs as the main character, Arun, reunites with his lost sister, Holly, who has been cared for by a wealthy family. They reconnect and Arun learns to appreciate the simple joys of his family and surroundings. The story resolves as Arun accepts his sister's new life and finds peace within himself.

Circle examples of the metaphors similes personification or any other literary devices that are found in the poem bed in summer?

Sure, here are some examples of literary devices in the poem "Bed in Summer":

  1. Personification: "the windows are fast and high"
  2. Metaphor: "the cricket’s cry"
  3. Simile: "And some are cool and some are cold"

These are just a few examples; the poem is rich in various literary devices.

What type of literary device is the following sentence 'that was the summer dill came to us'?

The literary device in the sentence "that was the summer dill came to us" is personification. This is because the herb "dill" is given human qualities by suggesting that it came to the speaker, which is a human-like action.

How was life different for Lyddie in the summer in chapter 11?

In chapter 11 of "Lyddie," life was different for Lyddie in the summer as she found herself working in the textile mill with longer hours and hotter temperatures. She also experienced a sense of isolation as her family visited less frequently due to the distance from their farm. Additionally, Lyddie faced challenges managing her responsibilities while dealing with the demanding and exhausting work conditions in the mill.

Did lily and Tom do the right thing by going back to cottage in the story searching for summer?

Yes, Lily and Tom did the right thing by going back to the cottage in the story "Searching for Summer." It showed their commitment to their relationship and their willingness to confront the challenges they faced together. This decision also allowed them to find closure and potentially discover new beginnings.

Why doesn't the summer solstice have the earliest sunrise or latest sunset of the year?

It's due to the complicated discrepancy between our silly human clocks and the actual length of days. When measured from one solar noon—the time that the sun reaches its highest point in the sky—to the next, days around the solstices are actually about 15 seconds longer than 24 hours. But that means solar noon rarely lines up with noon on your watch, which in turn pushes the sunrise and sunset times around on the clock.

So, even though there is more daylight on the summer solstice than any other day of the year, the earliest sunrise comes before the summer solstice, and the latest sunset comes after.

What would be a good job for college students in the summer?

anything that the teenager/student feels comfortable with taking on whether it be in a store assistant in a clothing department or being a waiter in a restaurant either way its the kids choice of interest, but talking from experience when you nail it down what really runs through a kids mind when the word 'job' is mention is usually $$money$$

Why telephone wires need to be slack in the summer?

Telephone and electric wires stretch (expand) when the weather is hotter. Conversely, in the winter they shrink. Without some slack, they could become too tight and break, or pull loose from their anchors.