

The Duggars

The Duggars are the main casts of an American reality television show 19 Kids and Counting. A conservative Christian, the Duggar family consists of Jim Bob, Michelle Duggar and their 19 children.

500 Questions

What is Josh Duggar's annual income?

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Josh Duggar's annual income is not public information.

Josh recently accepted a job as the executive director of a conservative family oriented lobbying group based in Washington, D.C.

Prior to taking this executive position, Josh supported his family with a used car lot and income from appearances on his family's reality TV show "19 Kids and Counting."

As the oldest of the Duggar children, Josh is paving the way into adulthood, providing a glimpse at how the Duggar children will transition from home and homeschooling into a career and supporting a family.

What church do the Duggars attend?

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They are Conservative Baptists. They have their own Sunday service in a house with other families.

What are the release dates for 17 Kids and Counting - 2008 Duggars Snowed In 7-6?

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Asked by Wiki User

17 Kids and Counting - 2008 Duggars Act Out - 6.5 was released on:

USA: 7 February 2011

Do the Duggar children get paid for being on '19 Kids and Counting' on TLC?

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The Duggar children are not individually paid by TLC for each episode. TLC hands the family (i.e. Jim Bob) a check for each episode, and it's up to Jim Bob to divide the money however he chooses, if he divides it at all.

What is 19 Kids and Counting about?

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There is no public information on how much the Duggars are paid for their reality television show. Some reality TV families have been paid $1,000 for a week of shooting for a 30 minute single episode - but the compensation could be anything from that base depending on the popularity of the show and production costs.

Do the Duggars have the most kids in the world?

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No. On their TV show, 19 Kids & Counting, the Duggars have even met with families that they're friends with that have 21 kids. It is still very likely that these 21 children families still do not have the most children in the world.

Why do none of the Duggar women cut their hair?

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Asked by Wiki User

because of their religious beliefs

Actually it is not because of their religious beliefs. They don't have to wear their hair long. Jim Bob likes long hair and since they love their dad they try as best they can to do what pleases him. Not to mention they all like to have it long.

Is Jana Dugger married or engaged?

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Jana Duggar is not currently engaged, married, or living away from home. But there are rumors that she is planning on attending a Christian college away from home soon.

Did Jim bob Walton ever married?

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Asked by Tonyflores3950

yes, Jim-Bob Walton, and John-Bo Walton do get married.

How old is Josiah Duggar?

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Josiah Duggar (8th of 19 Duggar siblings) is 21 years old (born August 28, 1996).

Is the duggar family repunlican?

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  • They are Independent Baptists. They watch TV but not a lot, and they do have a computer. I know this because they have said so themselves. I do not know for sure if they are Quiverfull, the reason, (according to them) that they want as many children as God allows is because they were using birth control in the beginning and miscarried their first child. They also follow the teachings of Bill Gothard, which is where they get the beliefs of women wearing dresses and having long hair and no dancing. Josh and Anna were married in a Baptist church.
  • The Duggars also are associated with a Conservative Christian movement called Quiverfull. Quiverfull families try to have as many children as possible and do not use any birth control.They just have as many children as "God intends them to have."

What are the ages of the duggar girls?

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Asked by Wiki User

Josh- 21
jana & John-David- 19
Jill- 18
Jessa- 17
Jinger- 15
Joseph- 14
Josiah- 13
Joy-Anna- 12
Jedidiah & Jeremiah- 10
Jason- 9
James- 8
Justin- 7
Jackson- 5
Johannah- 4
Jennifer- 2
Jordyn-Grace- 1 year
**NEW!** Josie Brooklyn- currently, 9 days.

How many miscarriages had Michelle Duggar had?

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Anna has admitted she had a miscarriage in between Mackynzie and the new baby they are expecting now. It happened only a few days after she found out she was pregnant. She talks about it in the episode "Grandduggar First Birthday".

Is the Duggar family Baptist?

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No. The Duggar family are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church). The Duggars have attended several churches and generally are described as independent conservative Baptists. The Duggars tend to be more conservative than the average Mormon, although they have said they are often asked if they are Mormons.

Is Josie Duggar still alive?

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After being born prematurely in December 2010, Josie Duggar spent the first months of her life in the hospital.

Based on family updates and her appearances on the Duggar family's popular reality TV show '19 Kids and Counting" - Josie is a lively toddler who is no longer on any special medical help.

How old is Jim Palmer?

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Asked by APIBirthday

NFL tight end Michael Palmer is 29 years old (born January 18, 1988).

Singapore politician Michael Palmer is 48 years old (born July 14, 1968).

US novelist Michael S Palmer was 71 years old when he died on October 30, 2013
(born October 9, 1942)

How do you email Michelle or Jim Bob Duggar?

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The Duggars do have email addresses listed on the Contact Us page of their family website. Due to the high volume of emails, they are not able to respond to every email individually, but you never know! A link to their website is below under Related Links.

WikiAnswers will not provide the address for Michelle and Jim-Bob Duggar of TLC's 17 and Counting. WikiAnswers will not provide personal contact information for celebrities and noncelebrities alike.

Does anyone have more kids then the duggars?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes,there was a family in the 1700's with a total of 69 children!!Her name was Feodor Vassilyev. She had 16 pairs of twins,7 sets of triplets,and 4 quadruplets!!

Who are the Duggars?

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The Duggars are a family with 19 children and who are featured on a reality television "19 Kids and Counting." Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are best known for their devout faith and belief that all children are a blessing from God. They are best known for sharing their family and faith on television, and the family devotion to living debt free following the motto "buy used and save the difference." The Duggars also have active speaking schedules and are involved in public politics and policy. Jim Bob Duggar served in the Arkansas state government, and support.

This is their children's order:

Joshua James

Jana Marie

John David

Jill Michelle

Jessa Lauren

Jinger Nicole

Joseph Garret

Josiah Matthew

Joy Anna

Jedidiah Robert

Jeremiah Robert

Jason Michael

James Andrew

Justin Samuel

Jackson Levi

Johannah Faith

Jennifer Daniele

Jordyn Grace Makiya

Josie Brooklyn

The Duggars recently had a miscarriage with their 20th child, Jubilee Shalom Duggar.

Are any of the duggars getting married?

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Some viewers are confused, since they have seen Jana (and her sisters of courting age) wearing rings on their left hands. These are not engagement rings, but promise rings. These are a sign of their commitment to find their future mate via the courting process, and to avoid casual relationships with boys.

One wiki.answers contributor wondered:

I thought I have seen an engagement ring on her finger.

Is Michelle Duggar pregnant with her nineteeth child?

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Asked by Wiki User

Michelle duggar had proplems with josie baby 19 and josie is born though . Please people on wiki-answer stop asking ? about Michelle and having her 19 baby and josie is fine gosh !!!!!

Did Michelle Duggar have a baby before she was married?

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No, that is the Jeub family you're thinking of.

The Jeub family's oldest daughter is Alicia. She was featured on a few follow up episodes that highlighted her relationship with her mom and Chris Jeub.

Critics have pointed out that Alicia, along with the second oldest daughter Alissa, are infrequently mentioned on the family blog or website. They are both adults living on their own, but it does seem odd references about them are sparse.

Alicia has posted about the experience of being on a reality television show on the Television Without Pity forums. See related links.

When were Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar married?

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Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar were married July 21, 1984.

How Much do the Duggars make from TLC?

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The Duggars are a huge family, TLC pays them much more then the Gosselins.

The Duggars get $95,000 dollars per episode and $100,000 dollars per special.
They own several commercial properties which leads up to $50,000 a year.

The Duggars accept donations from rich people $50,000 dollars a year and they are getting filmed by several international videographers which is $75,000 a year. They get TV interviews and have some businesses which leads up to $100,000 dollars a year.

They use lots of coupons and freebies and discounts. They do not have college money for the kids. And they are debt free.

Are any one from 19 kids and counting pregnant again?

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As of February 4, 2013, there has not been an announcement of a new pregnancy in the Duggar family.

However, fans of the family have reported that Anna Duggar might be pregnant, and her sister is most definitely pregnant - and announced it on her blog.