

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Skyrim is the fifth installment of the popular role-playing video game, The Elder Scrolls. Ask questions about game tactics here.

500 Questions

How do you get the Mythic Dawn armor in Skyrim elder scrolls?

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Asked by Wiki User

u can get the mystic dawn robes gloves and boots from the dawnstar museum there in a locked case to the left as soon as u enter the room or u cant do the mission the man has and at the end u have to kill him u can then get them off his body

How do you surrender in Skyrim?

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You can't it's a battle to the death.

Is it possible to continue with civil war quests in skyrim after completeing season unending?

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Asked by Wiki User

Season Unending is an optional quest during the main quest line.

If you've finished the civil war missions, then you will skip Season Unending.

If the war is still ongoing, then you must finish Season Unending before you can continue with the main quest.

What is the word of power Zol in Elder Scrolls V Skyrim?

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In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Zii means "Spirit".
It is part two of the Become Ethereal shout. This word of power can be found in Lost Valley Redoubt.

You can find more about the Dragon Shouts and Words of Power on the official Elder Scrolls Wiki.

Where can you find a khajiit city or village in Skyrim?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Khajiit are not native to Skyrim, and therefore do not have a formal settlement. They can be found in cities as traders or other NPC's but there is no settlement for them.

How do you kill trolls on Skyrim?

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Depending on your level, there are various ways to kill a troll. In the early stages of the game, it is best to try and avoid these dangerous creatures. If you find one you simply cannot bypass, try equipping your flames spell in one hand and a one-hand weapon in the other. The fire will help combat the regenerative effects. You can also use the fire breath shout if you have it. If you still cannot kill the monster, try and lower your combat difficulty in the settings menu.

How do you complete Hjerim skyrim?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no way to finish skyrim. There is always something to do. The dark brotherhood will have a quest or the companions or the thieves guild. and although it may not seem heroic, you are a hero. But you must be hated to save skyrim. You're the hero skyrim deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

Is Skyrim's DLC Dawnguard free?

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No, it is paid-for DLC.

What is a good name for a khajiit in skyrim?

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Asked by Wiki User

Please be more specific.

I think most players are okay with the name Skyrim for Skyrim. This is because the game is part of a series. Each game in the past has been named for the area of the world it occurred in. Skyrim is about a country called Skyrim, so its name fits well.

If you meant to ask about character names, try looking up "Nordic" baby names. There are sites that will give you names similar in style to the Skyrim Nords along with information about what the name means.

Can you get married to more than 1 person in Skyrim?

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yes u even get an achivment for it

Can you change your wifes cloths on Skyrim?

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< only if she says so because if u did it without her permission it would be rape

Where is a good steel mine in skyrim?

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Iron-breaker mine in Dawnstar is pretty good. Also the quicksilver in the mine across town is real nice.

What does fus ro dah mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the game called Skyrim you can unlock a power called a dragon shout (a shout that effects the world around you) Fus Ro Dah are the words you say for one of the shouts it causes the person (or people) that the direction you shouted at to be flung great distances sense its fun for most people to Fus Ro Dah random people in this game it has become a internet sensation/meme

What is the best Skyrim character?

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Asked by Wiki User

With as much as there is in the game is most certainly becomes a matter of opinion. In any case a really bug advantage is the never-ending-ness. Quest are randomly generated. Even so, if you play the game properly [not using console cheats or fast traveling all the time] It is most certain that you will not be done with the game in it's entirety by the time the next DLC is released. The greatest thing about DLC's for Skyrim is that they will be more of expansions rather than addons which also greatly raises the value of the unending barrage of quest play and leveling.

Why can't I summon anything in Skyrim?

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Asked by Wiki User

First, make sure you have one of the summon spell selected and have enough mana/energy/whatever to cast it. Then aim fairly close to your feet - most of the conjuration spells don't have a very long range.

What does the Aura Whisper Shout do on skyrim?

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Asked by Wiki User

The dragon shout for battle Fury in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is Mid Vur Shaan.

This shout is the same as the Elemental Fury shout, except that it has effect on any followers the player has at the time.

How do you restart a quest in skyrim?

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There is no possible way to restart a quest once it has been initiated, unless you can go back to a save point before starting it. Although, if you find that you are stuck in one of the many broken quest bugs and cannot proceed any further, you may be able to complete certain parts or the entire quest by using the command console.

What is the best way to increase your destruction in Skyrim?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fire spells do the same damage as the lightning and ice spells, yet costs less Magicka. It also keeps burning, doing more damage over time. If you're referring to the Augment elemental perks, I usually do Flames first. Shock is also effective against other magic users, and Dragons. Lightning Bolt, and similar spells are Hit Scan weapons, which means they strike instantly, so you don't have to lead the target. Also, no dragons are Shock resistant.

Each element has it's own advantages, so a good mage knows what to use when. There's a variety of spell effects too, just in Destruction. Ice Storm is probably the best frost based spell, and the best AOE Adept level spell because it travels in a line with a wide area. This allows you to sweep the battlefield, rather than just blasting a small area like Fireball, or strikind a random secondary target like Chain Lightning.

How do you call the horse in Skyrim?

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You cannot call your horse in Skyrim. If you lost it or it ran off, you can always wait for an hour or so ingame (using the wait action, [back] on XBOX360) and it should respawn when the waiting finishes. If it dies, there is no way to get it back.

In Skyrim should I join the stormcloaks if I'm a breton?

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If you played Oblivion my suggestion is that you join the Stormcloaks, as it makes more sense to me. I don't think the Stormcloaks will care what race you are when they learn you're the Dragonborn.

Can horses in Skyrim wear armor?

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There is a mod for skyrim which allows you to give your horse armour (it makes your horse practically invincible btw), but without the mod installed, horses can't wear armour.

What level do you have to be in skyrim to fight dragons?

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Asked by Gridlock10

Any level really. If you speak to the Jarl of Whiterun and visit the watchtower, a dragon will appear, you can do this at Lv1 if you want. From this point onwards, random dragon attacks will happen all over the game world.