


The Great Depression

An economic recession that began on October 29, 1929, following the crash of the U.S. stock market that led to economic and political unrest.

500 Questions

What was the crime rate during the Great Depression?

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Crime rates during the Great Depression varied depending on the location and type of crime. Overall, crime rates increased during the Great Depression due to economic hardship and high unemployment, leading to a rise in theft and other property crimes. However, violent crimes like murder actually decreased during this time period.

Where in California did migrant workers find jobs in the great depression?

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Migrant workers during the Great Depression found jobs in agricultural regions such as the Central Valley, Salinas Valley, and Imperial Valley in California. These workers sought employment in farms, picking crops like grapes, citrus fruits, and vegetables, often facing difficult working conditions and low wages.

What is the name of the main character in gumption?

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The main character in the book "Gumption" is simply referred to as the author, Nick Offerman. The book showcases individuals who demonstrate great determination, passion, and drive in their own fields.

What was john steinbeck's novel about tenant farmers during the great depression?

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John Steinbeck's novel about tenant farmers during the Great Depression is "The Grapes of Wrath." It tells the story of the Joad family, who are forced to leave their farm in Oklahoma due to economic hardships and travel to California in search of a better life. The novel focuses on themes of poverty, labor exploitation, and the resilience of the human spirit.

Why did the british immigrate to America?

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The British immigrated to America for various reasons, including economic opportunities, religious freedom, and the chance to own land. Some were seeking a new start or adventure, while others were looking to escape political or social unrest in England.

Books during the Great Depression?

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Books that gained popularity during the Great Depression include "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck, "Of Mice and Men" also by John Steinbeck, and "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. These books often reflected the struggles and hardships faced by individuals during that time period.

What was the roaring twenties impact on the great depression?

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The Roaring Twenties, characterized by economic prosperity and cultural change, created a sense of optimism and excess. However, it also fueled speculation in the stock market and led to overproduction in industries such as agriculture and manufacturing. When the stock market crashed in 1929, it triggered a chain of events that eventually led to the Great Depression. The economic imbalances and excessive debt accumulated during the 1920s contributed to the severity and duration of the crisis.

How did the drought in the west make the great depression worse?

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The drought in the west, known as the Dust Bowl, exacerbated the Great Depression in several ways. It led to widespread crop failures, destroyed farmland, and caused massive dust storms, which displaced many farmers and their families. These conditions worsened the economic hardship already experienced during the Great Depression, as it reduced agricultural output, caused food shortages, and created massive unemployment in rural areas.

What happened to people who could not pay their rent or mortgage during the great depression?

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During the Great Depression, a significant number of people were unable to pay their rent or mortgage. As a result, many individuals faced eviction and home foreclosures. Homelessness rates increased, and people were forced to live in shantytowns or move in with relatives or friends. Government relief programs, such as the creation of the Federal Housing Administration, were established to provide assistance and prevent further displacement.

The right of every worker to join a union was guaranteed in?

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The right of every worker to join a union was guaranteed in the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) of 1935 in the United States. The NLRA provides workers with the right to organize, bargain collectively, and engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of mutual aid and protection. This legislation helps protect workers' rights and ensures their ability to participate in collective bargaining with employers.

Why did they think the great depression Hoovers fault?

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Many people believed that President Herbert Hoover was responsible for the Great Depression because they felt that his policies, such as high tariffs and limited government intervention, exacerbated the economic downturn. Furthermore, Hoover's belief in voluntary cooperation instead of direct government aid was seen as insufficient in addressing the widespread unemployment and poverty during the depression. Ultimately, public dissatisfaction with his handling of the crisis led to the perception that Hoover was at fault.

What does PWA mean in history?

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In history, PWA stands for the Public Works Administration, a New Deal agency created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933. The PWA aimed to stimulate the economy and provide relief during the Great Depression by funding public infrastructure projects such as construction of roads, bridges, dams, and schools. Its initiatives helped create jobs and improve the nation's infrastructure.

How did unions help during the Great Depression?

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Unions played a crucial role during the Great Depression by advocating for workers' rights and better working conditions. They helped establish minimum wage laws, improved safety standards, and fought against unfair practices such as wage cuts and layoffs. Through strikes and collective bargaining, unions were able to secure better wages and job security for workers during a time of economic hardship.

What is a period of temporary business reduction shorter and less extreme depression call?

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A period of temporary business reduction shorter and less extreme than a depression is commonly referred to as an economic recession.

What happened in the great depression in Utah?

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During the Great Depression in Utah, the state experienced significant economic hardships. The collapse of the mining industry and agricultural droughts caused widespread unemployment and poverty. The federal government implemented various relief programs to provide jobs and support, such as the Works Progress Administration, which constructed public infrastructure. The Depression had long-lasting effects on the state's economy, with recovery only occurring after World War II.

Which describes Britain's method's of fighting the great depression?

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During the Great Depression, Britain adopted a mix of policies to combat the economic downturn. The government introduced public works programs to create employment opportunities and stimulate the economy. They also implemented protectionist trade policies to protect domestic industries. Additionally, the government provided assistance to the unemployed and introduced social welfare measures to alleviate the hardships faced by the population.

Did government intervention increase after the Great Depression in the 1930s?

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Yes, government intervention increased significantly after the Great Depression in the 1930s. The economic crisis led to the implementation of numerous New Deal programs by President Franklin D. Roosevelt that aimed to stimulate the economy, provide relief for the unemployed, regulate the financial sector, and protect against future economic downturns. These interventions marked a significant expansion of the federal government's role in the economy and set the stage for increased government involvement in subsequent years.

Was the Great Depression boring?

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The Great Depression was a period of great economic hardship and suffering for many people, so it can be said that it was far from boring. The severe decline in economic activity, high unemployment rates, and widespread poverty made it a challenging and distressing time for those affected.

What were the migrants during the great depression called and why?

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The migrants during the Great Depression were commonly known as "Okies" or "Arkies" because many of them came from Oklahoma and Arkansas. They were forced to move due to severe drought, widespread poverty, and economic hardship. These migrants were searching for better opportunities, mainly in California, where they faced challenging living conditions and often worked as agricultural laborers.

How did the Franklin Delano Roosevelt and newdeal help with the great depression give two examples in detail?

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Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his New Deal played a crucial role in alleviating the Great Depression. One example is the establishment of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), which provided employment for young men through conservation projects. Another example is the creation of the Works Progress Administration (WPA), which employed millions of workers to carry out public works projects, such as building infrastructure and developing cultural programs. These initiatives not only provided job opportunities but also stimulated economic recovery and revitalized communities across the country.

How did the 3 R's attempt to solve the problems of the depression?

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The 3 R's (relief, recovery, and reform) were the pillars of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal policy to address the problems of the Great Depression. Relief measures aimed to provide immediate assistance to those suffering most from poverty and unemployment. Recovery initiatives focused on stimulating economic activity and restoring stability to the financial system. Finally, reform measures sought to address the underlying causes of the depression and prevent future crises through regulations and social programs.

Why should we remember the Great Depression?

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We should remember the Great Depression as a cautionary tale and a valuable historical lesson. It serves as a reminder of the devastating impact that economic downturns can have on individuals and society as a whole. Additionally, the policies and reforms implemented during this time have shaped the way we approach economic crises and financial regulation today. Finally, remembering the Great Depression allows us to appreciate the resilience and determination of those who lived through it and the importance of collective action in times of crisis.

How do you forget the pain of the depression?

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There is no quick fix for forgetting the pain of depression, but there are strategies that can help manage and alleviate it. Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor is crucial, as they can guide you through the healing process. Developing a support network, practicing self-care, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment can also contribute to finding relief from the pain of depression.

What were the dates of the Great Depression in the US?

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The Great Depression in the US lasted approximately from 1929 to 1939. It began with the stock market crash in October 1929 and continued until the early 1940s when the United States entered World War II and saw an uptick in economic activity.