

The Vampire Diaries Book Series

The Vampire Diaries book series is written by the author L.J. Smith. The series is about the teenage high school girl Elena Gilbert which meet the two vampire brothers, Stefan and Damon Salvatore. The original series contain four books, but because of the pressure by the fans, the author made a spin-off trilogy later.

500 Questions

What is Elena Gilbert's real name in vampire diaryes?

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The actress who plays Elena Gilbert on Vampire Diaries is Nina Dobrev. She was born in Bulgaria and was raised in Canada. She previously appeared as Mia Jones on Degrassi: The Next Generation.

Does Elena come back to life in vampire diaries?

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Yes she does. The first time when she dies, she comes back as a vampire. The second time she stays dead for almost all of the dark reunion but she does come back. What happens is when they are fighting Klaus Bonnie calls Elena for help, and Elena come in ghost form along with some other ghosts who take care of Klaus. Anyways she ends up having to leave, and Stefan is all upset and Bonnie says it isn't fair, and that is somehow enough to bring her back to life. She actually comes back as a human. Elena doesn't seem to ever stay dead.

Does Damon have a baby with Elena?

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I hope they do. They are perfect together. Way better than elana and stefan. Damon protects her like nobody can. He risks his life for her, he listens to her, he lets her do wjat she wants, he loves her with the worlds greatest passion, more than anyone could love another.

In season 2 vampire diaries what grade was Stefan Elena Matt Bonnie Damon Caroline Tyler Anna and Jeremy?

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10 because in season one Mr. Tanner said last year he gave her a break for obvious reasons being last year she was still in high school. also Jeremy is younger then her and he is also in the same high school so she must be in grade 10.

Where can you get Vampire Diaries midnight?

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in astrovision in sm bicutan, sm bicutan is in paranaque city in dona soledad.. when you entered sm bicutan, make sure that you enter in the department store, then go to the main hall then you will see astrovision beside the department store, ask them about the vampire diaries and they will show it to you... that's how i bought the 2 complete season..

How does Elena kill Catherine?

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Elena, Damon, and Stefan are all captured by Katherine at the end of The Fury. Just as Katherine is about to kill Stefan and Elena, Elena gets free of the ropes that are binding her and throws herself and Katherine into a sunspot in the tomb they're in.

Without a special ring to protect them from the light, vampires die. Katherine had already taken Elena's. Elena took Katherine's from her and it was thrown aside as they struggled.

Katherine turns to dust.

Elena dies in Stefan's arms, with Damon watching.

(If you're wondering why Katherine turns to ash and Elena doesn't, it because old vampires crumble, the young ones don't.)

Who is going to die in vampire diaries?

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So far we've seen the deaths of:

Caroline - suffocated by Katherine + turned into a vampire as she had Damon's blood in her system.

Carter - killed by Caroline.

Jimmy - killed by Mason, triggering the curse.

2 deputies - killed by Caroline.

Mason - killed by Damon by ripping his heart out.

Aimee Bradley - Spine snapped then killed by Katherine.

Sarah - killed by Tyler, triggering the curse.

Man - killed by Trevor

Trevor - killed by Elijah with a smack of the hand.

Elijah - staked by Damon but comes back to life.

Various members of Katerina's family.

Slater- compelled to kill himself by Elijah.

Old woman - killed by Rose and fed on by Katerina.

Two vampires - hearts ripped out by Elijah.

Unknown number of campers - killed by Jules

Forest Ranger - killed by Jules.

Trashman - killed by Rose.

Eddie and Jill - killed by Rose.

Rose - staked by Damon.

Jessica - attacked by a drunken Damon after he stops her car.

Four werewolves - killed by Stefan and Damon.

Alaric - killed by Stevie but comes back to life

3 werewolves + Stevie - killed by Elijah (hearts ripped out + punched)

Brady - killed by Stefan.

Elijah - killed by Alaric, then by Elena.

Luka - killed by Damon with a flame thrower.

Jonas - killed by Katherine, then by Stefan.

Is season 3 the final vampire diaries series?

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It was the last episode aired before the February/March hiatus, but the season returns on April 7th with the last 6 episodes.

What is Damon Salvatore's middle name?

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It is Francesco. Damon's full name is Damon Francesco Salvatore.

Does stefan love Elena?

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He used to but now he just hates her because she played him.Also she left him when he needed her most but Katherine loves Stephen. I don't know why but everyone seem to love Stephen instead of Damon who is the one that always does the job in order to protect everyone.

Good luck


How old is Damon from The Vampire Diaries?

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In the casting call, Damon Salvatore is said to be in his mid-20s. Ian Somerhalder, who played him, was 30 when he began the role and 38 when the series ended in 2017.

Damon is older then Stephan, and we know Stephan is 17.

Does Elena become a vampire in vampire dairies the movie?

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In The Vampire Diaries book series ("The Struggle") by L.J. Smith, Damon gives Elena his blood. Later in the novel Elena gets into a car accident, dies, and becomes a vampire.

In the TVD television series Elena has not been turned into a vampire...yet. She wants to be with Stefan, but they haven't discussed how this will happen. It's assumed by the fans that eventually Elena will become a vampire.

When does Elena turn in Vampire Diaries?

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In the books, Damon and Stefan exchange blood with her, she dies and then becomes a vampire, but since the TV Show hasn't really followed the books at all that much, some blogs are saying that she won't turn in the Show. The newest episode certainly doesn't show any signs of her even wanting to become a vampire, anyway

What is Vampire Diaries what is it rated?

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I have not yet finished the book yet, but it is very good (:

The Twilight series, in my opinion are still better but these books are a close second!

( Edited Answer from Confused1996 )

i have read all the books that have come out and In my opinion the Vampire Diaries is way better than the Twilight Saga.

The first 4 books are really good because you learn all about the characters and Elena and Stefan's relationship grows.

but books 4 and 5 ( book six is not out in the UK yet) are amazing because Stefan vanishes and the relationship between Elena and Stefan's brother Damon grows and reaches a new level. so because one girl fall for 2 brothers and the brothers fall for her. that is why i think the Vampire Diaries is much better than Twilight any day.

Overall, all of the Vampire Diaries books are really good but to understand them you need to have read all of the books.

What is Katherines last name in The Vampire Diaries?

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The actress who plays Katherine is Nina Dobrev. In the show, Stefan, Damon, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Alaric, Jeremy etc. know her as Katherine Pierce. Elijah, Klaus, and all the people Katherine knew in 1492 before she was a vampire, knew her as Katerina Petrova. Katherine changed her name. Probably because she didn't want Klaus to find her. I don't know but her real name is Katerina Petrova

Which episode of season 1 of vampire diaries does Elena find out she looks like Katherine?

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Episode 10, "The Turning Point"

She has sex with Stefan and when he goes to get a glass of water, she sees the photograph and runs out of the house, leaving behind her vervain necklace.

What happened to rebekah on The Vampire Diaries?

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She is alive and well, we saw her the last episode of Season 3.

Is The Vampire Diaries an AR book?

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I would say no because this book is mainly for the older generation of readers as like middle school or high school etc.Which means children younger probably should not read without parental guidance

Does Damon die in the vampire diaries tv show from a werewolf bite?

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Yes, in the sixth book. He is staked in the heart by the tree protecting Inara's star ball. The last chapter of the book hints that the power from the star ball may have brought him back to life.

How do you become a dopple ganger in The Vampire Diaries?

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A doppelganger from the Vampire Diaries is a exact (physical) copy of the original Petrova. The name of this person has not yet been revealed on the show. There are two Petrova doppelgangers so far, Katerina Petrova aka Katherine Pierce and Elena Gilbert. The purpouse of the doppelganger is to break the "Sun and the moon curse" which would unleash the power of a vampire-werewolf hybrid. The sun and the moon curse forces vampires to not be able to walk in the sun (without a lapis lazuli ring) and allows werewolves to only change during a full moon. I hope this helps!

Who is the most important character in The Vampire Diaries?

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Elena's parents, Vicky, Anna, Pearl, John Gilbert, Issobel, Jenna, Bree, Rose, Tomb Vampires, Mason Lockwood, Mayor Lockwood, Mr. Tanner, Jules, Brady, Gretta, Luca, Luca's dad, Lexi, Trevor, Logan Fell, Zach, Ben, Elijah, all the random people Damon killed and that's all i can think of though i feel as if i missed someone really important. but that's it so far.

What is the theme of the vampire diaries books?

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the theme is when 2 girls, Sabrina and Daphne Grimm are orphans and their parents arent dead, just in some coma. Along the way, the sisters meet their grandmother, Relda and thought she was dead. Her grandma thells the sisters that they are desendents of

How old is Damon salvatore in the books?

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In the series he is 500-520 years old. His exact age was never reavled.