



Xanax is the trade name of Alprazolam, a drug used to treat panic attacks, depression and social anxiety disorder. It offers fast symptom relief as it possesses muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant hypnotic, sedative and anxiolytic properties.

500 Questions

How do you tell if a xanax bar is fake?

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What Is the Dosage for Xanax?

How much Xanax a person takes—and how often they take it—comes down to their specific needs. “The dosing and schedule for Xanax is dependent on the therapeutic needs of the individual,” says Dr. Nadkarni, “but given that it is a short-acting medication, it can be taken more than once a day.” Kindly Email: Pharmalifepharmacy@proton mail. com | +17204327482 to buy xanax online. It’s always best to start with a low dose and gauge how you respond to this medication before consulting with your health care provider to increase your dosage, adds Dr. Dimitriu.

“Start low and go slow with increases is a good mantra to follow for anyone,” he says. This advice is especially important for older individuals who may be at a higher risk for impaired cognition and mobility as well as an increased risk of falls when taking a benzodiazepine.

And for those who take Xanax regularly long-term (which is not recommended), it’s possible to build up a tolerance. “Sometimes people will require higher doses to achieve the same effect when the medicine is taken often,” says Dr. Dimitriu. “If used sparingly, this can be avoided.”

What Are the Side Effects of Xanax?

The side effects of taking Xanax often mirror those of drinking too much alcohol, according to Dr. Dimitriu. “People can become slow, wobbly, uncoordinated, sedated and be at an increased risk of falls and even car accidents,” he says.

Additional side effects of Xanax may include:




Difficulty concentrating

Dry mouth

Changes in mood

Changes in sex drive

Changes in appetite

Changes in weight



Withdrawal symptoms of Xanax can include:


Muscle pain


Visual disturbances

Sleep disturbances





If you experience symptoms including shortness of breath, seizures, a severe skin rash, yellowing of the skin or eyes, confusion, problems with speech or problems with coordination or balance, reach out to your doctor immediately, as these could be serious.

Can you take flexural Xanax and Paxil together?

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You may take Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine), Xanax (alprazolam) and Paxil (paroxetine) together, although they will cause drowsiness when taken together. You should not operate a car or other heavy machinery while under the influence of these substances.

Can xanax and Advil pm be taken together?

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lets go with No...why would you take 1 CNS Depressant with another CNS depressant?

Who is able to prescribe controlled MEDICINES?

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Only a physician licensed to prescibe medications can sign a patient's presciptions. Office staff or a nurse may write out the doctor's order, but each script must be signed by a licensed physician.

What milligram is a peach Xanax?

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Now what is the difference between the green and the white xanax tablets?is it true the green ones are 3 mg?

In a drug test for pharmacy do they test for xanax in a drug test?

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It depends on what type of drug test and how many panels. Some states are required to reveal the type of drug test the company uses before they drug test.

Is it safe to mix 2mg xanax with 7.5 mg vicodin?

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Did the doctor that prescribed you Vicodin know you were on Xanax? Phone your pharmacist and find out, both those drugs can cause drowsiness, both are addictive-especially Vicodin. Knowing the kind of trouble narcotics can cause even on a prescription basis I would only ask a professional qualified to answer.

What does Xanax do to you if you take it without a prescription?

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It makes no difference if you take it with or without prescription; a prescription does not alter what a drug does. Xanax is used to treat anxiety and should only be taken if prescribed by your GP. Taking Xanax not specifically prescribed to you is foolhardy at the best of times, but if you have breathing problems, glaucoma, kidney or liver disease, a history of depression, suicidal thoughts or addiction to drugs or alcohol, you must not take Xanax. Xanax is habit-forming.

How does someone act when taking suboxone and xanax?

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Dead. Except they won't be acting. One is an upper and one is a downer. Kind of like ur heart exploding and u easily die. Very dangerous mix

What do you if you take some xanax and drink alcohol?

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Very very dangerous as this can cause respiratory depression and vomiting. It is definitely not recommended to take these two substances together.

Does xanax dilate the pupils?

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I just ate 3 bars so il let u know in about 30 mins...if i remember haha

Is it safe to take Xanax if you have a NSAID allergy?

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Xanax is not an NSAID. Therefore NSAID allergy would not be a contraindication to using Xanax.

Take Xanax only as prescribed.

Is Xanax a schedule 2 drug?

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It's a 2, weirdly. Most sedatives, fast or short acting, are sked 4 tho

How many milligrams are in green Xanax bars 2mg or 3 mg?

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i know that the green monsters are double the dose of the yellow and white bars. so at least 4mg but i think 5.

ight man everything i just put a line through is bullsht Green Monsters and the same as white or yellow bars 2mg unless they are the pies which can be anything from .25-.5-1mg but if they are bars the are 2mg no such things and a 4 or 5mg bar.

Is it good to take xanax and smoke weed?

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Xanax, or commonly known as alprazolam, is a drug of the benzodiazepine class. It's classified as a minor tranquilizer and has anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, skeletal muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant, and amnestic properties.

Basically, it's a mild anti-anxiety medication that makes you relax during times of high stress or anxiety. However, a lot of people don't really seem to notice the feeling of the drug when taken, as they don't have major anxiety issues (unlike for the people to whom it was properly prescribed to). You can't really get a 'high' from it, you more so acquire a sense of 'relaxation' more than a 'high' commonly associated with marijuana or opiates.

In very simple terms, there isn't much euphoria associated with Xanax, it just basically mildly tranquilizes someone so they aren't over thinking about things too much (main cause of anxiety attacks).

Stay away from it, it can cause a lot of problems without much euphoria involved. Especially when alcohol is involved. You'll just end up doing something stupid. Xanax, when combined with alcohol, is just asking for a blackout.

What is the difference between a generic 1 mg green Xanax and the regular 1mg blue Xanax?

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No, those are footballers they are alot less stronger than a xanax bar.

Is alprozopam the same thing as lorazepam?

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Alprazolam, better known by the brand name Xanax, is a different drug than lorazepam, better known by the brand name Ativan.

Both drugs are related and classified as benzodiazepines. Lorazepam is commonly used for anxiety, acute treatment in certain medical emergencies (eg., amphetamine intoxication, seizure), among other things. Unlike lorazepam and most benzodiazepines alprazolam is ONLY approved for psychiatric disorders. Alprazolam is also once a a handful of drugs approved to treat panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, a specific type of anxiety. Both lorazepam and alprazolam (and oxazepam) are approved to treat anxiety associated with depression however only alprazolam has been shown to have unique antidepressant effects of its own. In New Zealand alprazolam is actually approved to treat depression without anxiety.

Are all zanny bars 2 mg?

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Can you take alprazolam with st john's wort?

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Not entirely sure, but since there are St. John's Wort extracts with alcohol (and I'm assuming this is ethanol and not other alcohols), you might be able to. Still, I would check with your medical specialist before doing any "mixing" since combining chemicals without knowing the effects can be deadly.

What is the drug alprazolam?

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Xanax = alprazolam

Alprazolam is the (only) active ingredient in the Brand Name medication known as Xanax.

Xanax is known as "Tafil" in Mexico, and is known under different Brand Names in other countries, but its active ingredient is still alprazolam.

Here in Canada, generic alprazolam is frequently prescribed. Although the name Xanax doesn't necessarily appear on the bottle, the pharmacist knows that a prescription for alprazolam is the same as Xanax.

Generic medications are just as good as their Brand Name equivalents, and contain the same active ingredient(s), but are virtually always more economical (because of the lack of advertising money spent by the pharmaceutical companies).

Can a Xanax prescription be faxes?

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Does Xanax make you itch?

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This is rare - but has occurred in some people taking Xanax.