

Zoo Tycoon

Zoo Tycoon is a video game for a Nintendo DS or computer that lets you manage your own zoo, hire staff and create animal exhibits.

500 Questions

How do you get animals pregnant on Roller Coaster Tycoon 3?

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Asked by Wiki User

Make sure that there is one girl and one buy. Then buy one of the large dog houses (these are needed for cats also). Then use a sim that the animals like to click on one of the pets. Choose "Have baby with...". I am not sure if those are the exact words but they are along those lines. They will go to the house. If music plays when they are done, your pet is pregnant.

Fault-finding name for tycoon?

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Robber Barons

How do you rotate things in airport tycoon 3?

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do nothing! press the little arrow things in the bottom of left side of the screen

How do you save game on zoo tycoon?

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When your in-game and you want to save that game, you click the Computer Icon at the bottom of your tool bar. Once you've clicked this, click "Save Game" And type what you want the game to be called. Then click the tick!

What is the difference between Roller Coaster Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon?

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RollerCoaster Tycoon is about how to build your own park with roller coasters and rides and how to manage your theme park.

Zoo Tycoon is about how to build a zoo with animals and how to manage your zoo.

Zoo tycoon 2 game installed on my computer and you lost the CD can you still play it?

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Sorry, but the CD must be in your computer for you to play the game. It stinks, but that's the way it works. If you cannot find your CD, you can download demos of the game onto your computer from the Zoo Tycoon Official Website, but you cannot save your zoos and the animals and design possibilities are extremely limited. Just type in (not real address) into your computer and it will automatically take you to the website, or it will be first in the search results.

Can you play zoo tycoon without the disc?

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no that is not possible.

Where do you get zoo tycoon 2 formidable seas pack?

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you could download it of the pc but im not sure it works I got zoo tycoon 2 ultimate collection

What is a cheat for getting zoo fame in Zoo Tycoon 2?

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  • triceratops - Savannah- Get this animal by building a new exhibit and naming it Cretaceous Corral
  • Deinosuchus - Saltwater get this animal by naming an exhibit Super Croc.

  • Mermaid - Aquatic get this animal by putting a mermaid statue in an aquatic tank.

How can you download a blue whale to zoo tycoon 2?

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Zoo Tycoon 2 is a strategy game in which you run a zoo. According to the Zoo Tycoon Wiki, the Blue Whale is not downloadable.

How do you make a tank in Zoo Tycoon 1 Complete Collection?

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Asked by VictoriaJusticeFan

you can't, you have to have marine mania to get a water tank.

How do you put zoo tycoon 2 maps up for download?

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they are no website gives this

How do you get secret animals in Zoo Tycoon 2?

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The unicorn and dragon that's all i no

Zoo tycoon 1 complete collection direct download?

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... Ahem; This is illegal unless you pay for it. Go on It'll help. :I


Is Pacific Tycoon a Scam?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pacific Tycoon is an asset management company that specializes in shipping containers. I did not find anybody who actually said that they invested with Pacific Tycoon and lost their money. I contacted them a while back when looking into investing some of my money and they were extremely helpful. Definitely worth taking a closer look for anybody who is interested in an alternate investment.

Shipping container investments are becoming more and more popular among investors, and Pacific Tycoon is considered to be one of the largest leasing companies in the Far East. Since most of the trade comes from China, their location has a critical impact on their success. So to answer your question, Pacific Tycoon is not a scam, it is a well know container leasing company based in Hong Kong.

How can you download European Dragon you zoo tycoon 2 paranoia?

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Asked by Wiki User

you cant,the person made them but hasn't put them online!

How do you restart a game on zoo tycoon ds?

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Asked by Wiki User

it's so easy, all you have to do is click on "play freeform game" and then save it. your old game will be gone.

What is suitability rating on zoo tycoon ds?

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Asked by Wiki User

(Please note that this took me one hour to figure out, and this is Zoo Tycoon DS original)

-First, got to the Lists menu

-Then go to the Animal list

-There are five pictures with #'s next to them

-They are a smiley face (happiness), bananas(hunger), medical kit (health), and last but not least there is a little tree; THIS IS THE ANSWER TO ALL SUITABILITY PROBLEMS! Thank God!!!

-What you have to do is for a rating for 85, keep those numbers higher than 85 I would imagine, and keep them up to 90 or less for a 90 rating.

-To bring these numbers up you must have the patience to toy around with foliage, terrain, rocks, shelters, and just moving stuff around.

-If saw any animal lower than 80, I sold it.

-If no matter what I tried and still could not get it above 85 or 90, then I completely made a new exhibit. (GiariffeGiraffe was at 84 no matter what i did, even buying new ones, so i changed it to a rhino exhibit.)

----- I really hope this helps, bcause i killed myself trying to find answer to this, but it just wasn't working out.

How do you feed orcas on zoo tycoon?

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There are two ways click on an angry animal and then click on the animal again and you can do all sorts of stuff. Or you can purchase a zookeeper

Can you download sea monsters of zoo tycoon?

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In the first Zoo Tycoon, for the PC. If you have the expansion pack: 'Marine Mania and Dinosaur Digs', you can get a Loch Ness Monster for your zoo. You can also get a Yeti and Bigfoot. AND! If you name an exhibit 'Xanadu', you can get a unicorn.

Is there Zoo Tycoon 3?

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Asked by Wiki User

no there will never be a zooie tycoonie 3 ever!

Is possible to get dragons in zoo tycoon the complete collection for the PC?

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Asked by Wiki User

A: For the first generation version of Zoo Tycoon, the only unlockable creatures through cheats are the Triceratops and Unicorns.

Actually, i disagree with this answer. if u get an account on, u can get access to 8 different species of dragons

Can you have a mermaid or merman in Zoo Tycoon?

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There used to be a way, but now there is none. You used to be able to buy them in the drop down menu for 2,500 dollars, but now you can't. I have mermaids in my zoo, but no mermen. I'm sorry. People say to make a guest's name Foringus Loringus, but it won't work, and no other cheats I find will. Sorry there is no way.

~Mythical Marvels - A Zoo of Wonder