Moro The Celebes Sea of the western Pacific Ocean has two gulfs:
Davao Gulf and Moro Gulf both of which are at the coast of Mindanao Island of the Philippines.
The Celebes Sea is surrounded by the Sulu Sea and the Philippines on the north. The Sangihe Islands chain to the east. Sulawasi to the south. Kalimatan, Indonesia to the west. == ==
celebes sea
celebes sea
celebes sea
The sea south of Mindanao and east of Borneo is the Celebes Sea. It is a marginal sea of the western Pacific Ocean, located in Southeast Asia.
The three seas that surround the Philippines are the South China Sea to the west, the Philippine Sea to the east, and the Celebes Sea to the south.
Celebes Sea
There are three seas surrounding the Philippines. They are the Celebes Sea, the Philippine Sea and the South China Sea
The sea that is located south of the island of Mindanao and east of Borneo is the Celebes Sea. It is a body of water in the western Pacific Ocean and is known for its rich marine biodiversity. The Celebes Sea is surrounded by several countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.
In the western Pacific Ocean.
Sunda Plate
Celebes Sea
Celebes Sea