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The state does have emancipation laws, Oregon Juvenile Code 419B "Dependency", Section 419.B.552 Emancipation of a Minor. Doing your own research should help you understand a little better how complicated most legal procedures can be. However, if you understand these codes then perhaps you should consider a career in the legal profession, ( I mean that in all sincerity not sarcasm). Unfortunately you must have the Oregon statues to understand the codes. ORS 419.B.558 gives you the requirements needed to qualify for emancipation. You can look up this code online or go to the library and look the code up in the 'Crimanal Code of Oregon'. The internet would probably be easier since the statues do have a habit of changing consistantly every six months or so.

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No. 16 is the age the court allows emancipation.

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Q: Can you get emancipated in Oregon at age 14?
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What age in Oregon can a teen move out?

In the state of Oregon, a teen must be 18 years of age before they can move out. The teen will need to be emancipated to move out before they are 18 years of age.

Can a parent kick their daughter out of the house at the age of sixteen in Oregon?

No, that would be child abandonment. Parents are obligated to care for their children until they emancipated, age 18 in Oregon.

Can you be emancipated in Maine at age 14?

No - too young to even petition for it.

How do you get emancipated at age fourteen in Alabama?

You can't at 14, you are too young.

Can you get emancipated at 15 in Oregon if you are pregnant?

Pregnancy does not make one emancipated. In Oregon you must be at least 16 to apply for emancipation.

Can you drive at the age of 14 in Oregon?

Not on a public road.

Is a pregnant 14 year old automatically emancipated?

Certainly not at age 14. They have not demonstrated that they can take care of themselves.

Can I move out when im 16 in California?

No, not just because of your age. You can petition the court to be emancipated at 14 - if you have good reason. Otherwise you are not emancipated until you are 18 years of age. To be emanicpated prior to 18 you have to petition the copurt to grant you emancipated status.

Can you get immansipated while on probation in the state of Oregon?


Can a girl get emancipated at the age of 14 in Indiana?

No, fourteen is much too young. Most places require the minor to be at least 16 and show proof of support to get emancipated.

In El Paso Texas can you get emancipated at the age of 16?

can i get emancipated at the age of 16

How old do you have to be to get emancipated in Portland Oregon?

A minimum of 16 years.