There's really only one city named Oakland, and it's in California. There are, however, many American towns named Oakland. There's an Oakland in Alabama, Florida (Oakland and Oakland Park), Illinois (Oakland and Oakland Township), Indiana, Iowa (Oakland and Oakland Acres), Kansas (2 Oaklands), Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan (Oakland and Oakland Charter Township), Minnesota (Oakland and 2 Oakland Townships), Missouri, Nebraska (Oakland and Oakland Township), New Jersey, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania (2 Oaklands and 3 Oakland Townships), Rhode Island (Oakland and Oakland Beach), Tennessee, Texas (6 Oaklands), Virginia (Oakland Park), and Wisconsin (3 Oaklands). Additionally, there's Oaklands in the Canadian provinces of Ontario (2 Oaklands and an Oakland Township), Manitoba, and Nova Scotia. Adding all of these up these up gives 48 towns named Oakland.
how many people vist Haleakala's national park every year?
How many people go inside the monument every year.
3 people die by bulls every year.
125 people die by tigers every year.
35 people die by jellyfishes every year.
how many people visit hamleys every year
199,000 people go to Spain every year
about 0.50 million people visit Bangladesh every year
Once every year
800,000 Hows that for as many people get kidnapped every year.
Every year 475000 people die by humans ( each other ).
3 people die by harpy eagles every year.