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India, St.-Domingue (Haiti), the 13 colonies of america, South Africa, and Canada.

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Q: In the 1700's who were the most valuable colonies?
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What did the European settlers of the 1700s consider the most valuable resource in America?

The European settlers of the 1700s think was the most valuable resource in America is coins.

In the mid 1700s what countries had the most colonies in north America?

United Kingdom

How much people lived in the 13 colonies in the mid 1700s?

The population of the 13 colonies in the mid 1700s was about 2.5 million.

What was the second most widely read book in the English colonies in the 1700s?

The New England Primer

Most English colonies in America during the 1700s were governed by?

a colonial legislature and a royal governor.

What major regions developed in the colonies by the 1700s?

The colonial regions in the 1700s were the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies, the Southern Colonies, and the Back Country. The Back Country was near the Appalachian Mountains.

Why did population increase in colonies in the 1700s?

Large families and more immigrants came to the colonies.

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In which region of the 13 colonies did slavery expand most rapidly during the 1700s?

Slavery expanded most rapidly in the Southern colonies during the 1700s, due to the labor-intensive nature of agriculture, particularly cash crops like tobacco, rice, and later cotton. The Southern colonies had a larger demand for enslaved labor compared to the Northern colonies.

What was The total population of the British colonies by the mid-1700s?

The total population of the 13 American colonies was around 2.5 million people in the mid-1700s. Other British colonies were growing in population size as well.

Which historical event most likely shaped the cultural values of British society in the 1700s?

American colonies' break from British rule

What were Great Britain's most valuable colonies in Africa?

South Africa, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe.