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The confederate's color was gray!

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Q: Is the confederate soldier color red and gray?
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What color was Robert e lee's outfit in the civil war?

Gray. Confederate uniforms were gray with red piping.

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What color do you get when you mix gray with red?

When you mix gray with red, you will usually get a slightly toned down or muted version of red, depending on the proportion of each color. The resulting color may appear more subdued and have a blend of red and gray undertones.

What color uniform was the confederate in the civil war?

The Confederates, unlike the Union, didn't really have a specific color to their uniforms. The colors ranged from tan, to gray, to a lighter blue. This was due to the fact that the South did not have manufacturing corporations where they could have their uniforms made. The North's uniforms where very specifically colored dark blue.

Is gray a color for Christmas?

no its red and green

What color is a sandhill crane?

gray and red

What is the color of roadrunner?

red,gray and brown

What color was the red coat soldier uniform?

Could it have been red.

What color can you mix with green to get gray?

To turn a color gray you need to add its contemporary color (the color opposite of it on a color wheel). Greens contemporary color is red but it will probably be to dark so add some white to get a nice gray.

What was the color of the confederate states of America?

White, red and blue

What was the color that represented the union artillary soldier in the civil war?

The red color.

What uniforms do Battle of Vicksburg are using?

Union- wore blue ( Yankees ) Confederate- gray/red