Abraham Lincoln was assassinated
James Garfield was assassinated
William McKinley was assassinated
Franklin D. Roosevelt died suddenly in the midst of his 4th term
John F. Kennedy was assassinated
Richard Nixon resigned (before he was going to be impeached)
Presidents who served less than one full term are the following:
William Henry Harrison (pneumonia)
John Tyler (Harrison's VP)
Zachary Taylor (stomach virus)
Millard Fillmore (Taylor's VP)
Andrew Johnson (Lincoln's VP)
James Garfield (assassinated)
Chester Arthur (Garfield's VP)
Warren Harding (stroke)
John F. Kennedy (assassinated)
Gerald Ford (Nixon's VP)
Elected presidents who did not serve their full term were:William Henry Harrison ( died of pneumonia after 30 days)
Zachary Taylor ( died of a stomach disorder in first term)
Abraham Lincoln (assassinated early in his second term)
James Garfield ( assassinated in first year of office)
William McKinley ( assassinated in second term)
Warren Harding ( died of an apparent stroke during first term)
Franklin Roosevelt ( died of cerebral hemorrhage early in his 4th term)
John Kennedy ( assassinated in his first term)
Richard Nixon ( resigned during his second term)
Vice presidents who finished out a partial term and were not re-elected were
John Tyler, MiIlard Fillmore, Chester A. Arthur, and Gerald Ford.
he was the only former slave to rule over the u.s. senate.! APEX!
the presidents.
Blanche Kelso Bruce is best known as the first African American to serve a full term in the US Senate. He was a Republican who represented Mississippi from 1875 to 1881. He also served as Register of the Treasury after his appointment by President James Garfield in 1881.
Abraham Lincoln
4 years with a total time of 2 terms (8 years).
4 years.In the US, four years. Also, US Presidents cannot serve more than ten years.
Presidents can only serve for 2 terms. 4 years are in a term.
us presidents are allowed to sever two terms only
No. This is not a requirement for being president of the United States.
vary's on if they if they where alected twice and if they where impeached
Many presidents have served two full terms.
Not any more. There is a two term limit on the US. presidency
blanche kelso Bruce
One full presidential term is 4 years.
presidents may only serve only one 6 year term
US presidents currently get a pension after they leave office. The pension was authorized by Congress and is automatic. It is not an "entitlement" or funded by contributions from the President. It can be reduced or revoked at the will of Congress.