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They were not prepared for the courts desicion, and they were shocked and oposed it because they wanted to choose if they were a free state or a slave state. The court decided that dred Scott was not free and he was African American so he was not a citizen and could not sue. When they lived lived in free stated they were not actually pronounced "free". southerners were okay with it but northerners were upset and shocked because they wanted to fight for freedom of slaves. Abe Lincoln spoke out for the slaves.

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Q: What was the reactions of the southerners and northerners of the Republican Party?
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Postwar white Southerners who joined the Republican Party?

scalawags :)

What was the political party formed by northerners and southerners who left the Whig and Democratic parties because neither addressed the slavery issue called?

The easiest i can put this is the North was the Republicans and the South was the Democrats. And the Whig party didnt exist anymore, it eventualy formed into the Republican party as seen above.

What was the Republican party?

The republican party began over the expansion of slavery. Thia party was composed of mainly northerners and was one of the two major political parties in our countries history.

Some southerners were drawn to the republican party because?

Many Southerners were drawn to the Republican Party by of its emphasis on economic development. Their fiscal policy was that of hard money, high tariffs, high wages, and high profits.

What are some reasons southerners were drawn to the Republican Party?

they wold allow slaves

What party did the northerners tend to support because they did not fear a strong federal government?

Northerners tended to support the Federalists while southerners and westerners tended to support the Democratic-Republicans.

What political party was formed in Wisconsin in the 1850s supported by northerners who favored anti-slavery?


What are white southerners in the Republican Party called?

White Anglo-Saxon Protestants - WASPS


southerners who joined the Republican Party and they wanted the South to industrialize as quickly as possible

How did the northerners view the Republican Party?

They viewed them as very dirty and rude and they just didn't like them. The Northerners often dressed much better and were more mannered.

What three groups made up the Republican party in the South during Reconstruction?

Scalawags-white Southerners who joined the party-were mostly former Unionists Carpetbaggers were Northerners who moved South after the war to reform Southern society or to make a fortune. The third group was African Americans eager to vote

What three groups made up the Republican Party during reconstruction in the south?

Scalawags-white Southerners who joined the party-were mostly former Unionists Carpetbaggers were Northerners who moved South after the war to reform Southern society or to make a fortune. The third group was African Americans eager to vote