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Yes. Look up" Black; the game for Xbox 360.''

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Q: Can you play the game black on xbox 360?
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Yes. All original Xbox games are compatible with the Xbox 360. However, you cannot play an Xbox 360 game on an original Xbox, or course.

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I don't think that you can play an original Xbox game on an Xbox 360 live. But some games from the old xbox you can play on Xbox 360.

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If it is game it means the game is not working, if it is a movie it is just that you can play it on xbox 360

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Xbox 360 games do not play on the PS2 or they would be called Xbox 360/PS2 games

Can you play an Xbox game on the Xbox 360 console?

If they were popular Xbox Orignal games then most likely you can play them on your xbox 360.

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Can you play Halo 2 on the xbox 360 elite?

Yes you can infact you can play any xbox game on all xbox 360 game stations.