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People have been talking all over the internet about how to hack Xbox live accounts, although there are many ways, this is by far the best way to Hack an account. Its very easy and takes less than hour.

Its a very simple glitch in the Xbox servers that tricks the system. Here are the steps.

1. Sign into your email and compose a message.

2. The recipient you need to send this hacked message to is

3. The subject should be 30%Recover30%Activate (GAMERTAG YOU WANT TO HACK)

4. Next you will need to type this message EXACTLY as it appears. If you dont get a reply within 5 minutes then send another message. By then you should definitly have an account.

/cgi-bin/start?v703&login.USER=passmac… ne&class=supervisor&f={YOUR PASSWORD}&f=27586&javascript=ACTIVE&rsa= {YOUR WINDOWS LIVE ID} / YOUR EMAIL THAT YOU SIGNED UP FOR XBOX LIVE WITH / AND PASSWORD ACTIVATE{YOUR GAMER TAG}

And make sure you leave the parenthese in there too or this could possibly not work

Make sure you replace everything that needs to be replaced.

And whala, an account!

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12y ago
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13y ago

That answer is simple. All that happens is the account goes to the new xbox but it still keeps all your old data. Another easy trick is to get a flash drive and plug it un to the xbox with the account on it. Then With the flash drive in the xbox go to My Xbox > System Settings > Memory > Flash Dirve > Conifigur > Hard Drive > Account > Move to flash drive. Once that is done your account is in your flash dive so all you have to do is plug it in to the desired xbox and you have your account.

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12y ago

Nothing happens, the owner of the Xbox has two or more accounts.

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