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It depends on the courses taken, where you took the courses, the grades received in those courses, whether the completed courses are applicable to your chosen program of study, etc.

Typically, a bachelors degree requires the completion of 124 to 128 credits in specified areas at specified levels. It not just the amount of credits that gets you the degree.

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Q: You have 120 college points how much of that is transferable to get your bachelors?
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How many credits do you need to transfer from a junior college?

If you attended a regionally accredited college, the credits are transferable. However, if the credits you completed do not fit in the program of study at another college or university, they will not be accepted. It's not that the credits are not transferable as much as it is there may be no place to use them. Still, how many credits are transferable is always up to the receiving institution. For individuals who are in a transferable program at a two year school, most all credits (between 60 - 64 credits) are typically accepted.If you attended a regionally accredited college, the credits are transferable. However, if the credits you completed do not fit in the program of study at another college or university, they will not be accepted. It's not that the credits are not transferable as much as it is there may be no place to use them. Still, how many credits are transferable is always up to the receiving institution. For individuals who are in a transferable program at a two year school, most all credits (between 60 - 64 credits) are typically accepted.If you attended a regionally accredited college, the credits are transferable. However, if the credits you completed do not fit in the program of study at another college or university, they will not be accepted. It's not that the credits are not transferable as much as it is there may be no place to use them. Still, how many credits are transferable is always up to the receiving institution. For individuals who are in a transferable program at a two year school, most all credits (between 60 - 64 credits) are typically accepted.If you attended a regionally accredited college, the credits are transferable. However, if the credits you completed do not fit in the program of study at another college or university, they will not be accepted. It's not that the credits are not transferable as much as it is there may be no place to use them. Still, how many credits are transferable is always up to the receiving institution. For individuals who are in a transferable program at a two year school, most all credits (between 60 - 64 credits) are typically accepted.If you attended a regionally accredited college, the credits are transferable. However, if the credits you completed do not fit in the program of study at another college or university, they will not be accepted. It's not that the credits are not transferable as much as it is there may be no place to use them. Still, how many credits are transferable is always up to the receiving institution. For individuals who are in a transferable program at a two year school, most all credits (between 60 - 64 credits) are typically accepted.If you attended a regionally accredited college, the credits are transferable. However, if the credits you completed do not fit in the program of study at another college or university, they will not be accepted. It's not that the credits are not transferable as much as it is there may be no place to use them. Still, how many credits are transferable is always up to the receiving institution. For individuals who are in a transferable program at a two year school, most all credits (between 60 - 64 credits) are typically accepted.

You have an associate's degree how much additional education to get a bachelor's degree?

If your associates was taken as a transferable program of study, and your intended bachelors degree is in the same field of study, then it should take approximately two additional years.

How much does it cost to get a Degree in game design at state college?

Around 75-85,000 with books and materials for a bachelors

How much does it cost to complete online bachelor degree programs.?

The cost of online bachelor degree programs depends on the number of classes required and the school you choose. You can expect to play close to $12,000 for a bachelors from a public college versus $30,000 for a bachelors from a private college.

You have certificate four in community services how long will take you to finished degree at a university?

Typically, a bachelors degree is designed as a four year program of study as a full-time student, provided the student takes the degree as prescribed by the college or university. Evidently, as a part-time student it would take longer. If you have a certificate and the work you completed within that certificate is at college or university level, then how much additional work you would need to complete your degree would be strictly dependent on the receiving institution. In other words, the institution you attend would have to equate your prior work to determine how much of it would be transferable toward the bachelors degree.

How long does it take to earn a bachelors degree after earning an associates?

Well an associates degree is a two year degree while a bachelors is four. Not all major will transfer from an associates to a bachelors. For example you can get an associates in nursing and go on later to get your bachelors and it only be about two more years. But if you have an associates in nursing and you want a bachelors in business. You will pretty much have to start over and most likely only your prerequisites will count toward your new degree.

How much collage would you have to have to join the FBI behavioral analysis unit?

You will need enough college to get a bachelors degree but your going to need to know how to spell college correctly before you can work for the BAU.

How does a person become a CIA agent?

There is much training needed to become a CIA agent. You will first need to go to college and receive a Bachelors at the minimum.

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To apply to be an agent requires at least a Bachelors degree from an accredited college or university.

How long do you have to attend college before you get a bachelors degree?

A bachelors degree is designed as a four year program of study as a full-time student, provided the degree is taken as prescribed by the college or university. As a part-time student it will take longer. How much longer depends on the credit load carried each semester. The bachelors degree can range in credits between 124 and 128 depending on the specific program of study.

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No college is required to enlist in the US Marine Corps, a High School diploma is all that is needed. To be a US Marine officer, a Bachelors degree is pretty much required.

How much year to complete fybcom after ssc?

take 2 years. First year junior college then second year junior college then finally to first year bcom leading to bachelors in commerce ending up at third year of bcom.