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Czechoslovakia, now Czech Republic and Slovakia, Yugoslavia, now Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montengro, Macedonia ( name in contention), Serbia, and a split province of Serbia, Kosovo. Also an enlarged Romania, and today a part of former Romania Moldova, a reduced in size Hungary, and an Austrian State reduced to mostly core German areas. Poland reappeared on the map after being partitioned in 1795. The Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland. In the Middle East out of the Ottoman Empire came Modern Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan- eventually just Jordan and the Palestine Mandate eventually Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Also Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and the eventual Gulf States of Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and Oman.

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Q: What are the new countries formed after WW1 from peace treaties?
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How many years long did World War I last?

World War 1 lasted for about 4 years and 3 months. WW1 started in August of 1914 and ended in November of 1918, however, the last peace treaties were not signed until 1923.

What were the newly formed countries that became an independent nation as a result of ww1?

Lithuania, latvia, estonia, finland, yugoslavia, czechloslovakia. several more but these are the main ones.

What extent did the Paris Peace settlement attempt to solve problems in World War 1?

The Paris Peace Settlements took place during the Paris Peace Conference, post-WW1 in 1919 in Versailles, France. The settlements were an attempt to lay a new foundation for international peace relations and negotiate post-war treaties. Representatives from many countries involved in WW1 came to take part in the negotiations. Each country had different goals for the settlement treaties. Their common focus was on the need for a modern industrial society, but the high costs of war made it difficult to negotiate and please the needs of every country. In turn this did not solve many problems, and left some countries without resolutions, creating more tensions. The conference was for the most part run under biased opinions. The popularity of the “Big Four” meant that the peace settlements would be under the control of Great Britain, France, the United States and Italy. Not only did this allow for those four countries to focus on decisions that would benefit their own country, but they had the authority to be involved in the decision making process for settlements regarding other countries. Meaning ideas could be direct or redirected by the choices of the “Big Four,” where commonly unfair settlements resulted. One such occurrence happened to Russia, who benefited almost nothing from the Paris Peace Conference since for the greater part of the peace settlements Russia’s presence in the world was ignored and not recognized. The aims for the peace settlements were most often decided by the United States. Their influence on overcoming conflicts and tensions was the idea behind strengthening international law. This meant a great focus was put on the Treaty of Versailles. The treaty gave little acknowledgment to solving the problems of the WW1 since it was for the most part dedicated to outlining restrictions for Germany. So the peace settlement attempted to resolve conflicts by focusing on Germany land claims, navy and army sizes, and putting pressure for Germany to take responsibility for WW1 to have the country take care of the war reparations. Having the main treaty from the Paris Peace Conference only focusing on Germany meant little focus was put on other countries, so in the end the peace settlements guaranteed little about solving the problems created by WW1, but mainly made sure Germany was punished for taking part in the war.

Peace treaties of World War 1?

The main treaties after WW1 include the Treaty of St. Germain, which dissolved Austria-Hungary and held votes to move certain conflicting populations. The Treaty of Trianon dealt with Hungary's borders. The Treaty of Sevres dealt with the Ottaman Empire's troubled borders. Finally, the Treaty of Neuilly dealt with Bulgaria's borders. Sources: Wikipedia and history course

What was the main goal of the treaty of versaille?

it was a peace treaty that ended ww1

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What 2 major changes did WW1 cause?

The US became the worlds first (and only) major superpower and many break away countries were formed like Poland, and Czechoslovakia. The league of nations was also formed to try and succeed in world peace. Germany was economically crippled

Who was the negotiator of anti war treaties of ww1?

alexander morrow

The organization formed after World War 1 to maintain a lasting peace was?

The League of Nations was formed after WW1 (1919) to settle international disputes peacefully, to help prevent future wars and maintain lasting peace.

What was the event that happened in world war 1?

the paris peace treaties ended World War 1 in 1919. specifically the Treaty of Versailles on June 28th of that year that outlined the conditions of peace, and the amount that Germany would have to pay back to the world. Eventually these strict guidelines led to World War 2.

How did the people react to the treaties?

How did the people of Germany react of the ww1 treaty of versai

Was Serbia part of Yugoslavia after WW1?

Yes. After the years of the death of Tito, it began to collapse and formed into Serbia and Montenegro. By 2006, it had formed into two different countries: Serbia, and Montenegro.

What was the Plan for peace after ww1?


Why was the murder of archduke and his wife important?

The assassination of the Archduke was important because it marked the start of WW1. Austria-Hungary then declared war on Serbia[the assassins] and because of all the treaties the countries have, it turned into a world war.

Which countries formed alliances with germany?

WW1: Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria WW2: Austria (Anschluss), Japan, temporarily Russia & Italy

Who was the ruler of Poland during World War 1?

Poland doesn't actually exist as a nation in ww1. It was created after the end of the war by the Peace treaties. The ruler of where the Poles lived then was the Czar of Russia, it was part of the Russian Empire.

What was the goal of the Paris Peace Conference?

The goal of the Paris Peace Conference was to negotiate peace treaties between the Allied and Central Powers after World War I. It aimed to establish terms for peace, create new boundaries, and address issues such as reparations, territorial adjustments, and the establishment of the League of Nations.