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Q: What country was blamed for killing of Franz Ferdinand?
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Who is blamed for the killing of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

Gavrilo Princip a Serbian Student

Which country was blamed by austria for the assassination of archduck Ferdinand?

Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo in current Bosnia. Yugoslavia

Was the killingof franz ferdindand a series of accidents?

no as the killing of Arch duke Franz Ferdinand was by Serbian nationalists who were strongly opposed to Austro-hungarian rule (country that Franz was prince of)Overall this ORGANISED killing lead to world war 1

What country was to blame in the trigger of Franz Ferdinand?

Serbia was to be blamed. Even though Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a terrorist group of Serbia working separately from the government, they were still aided by a high ranking government offical, and the government should be able to control what goes on among themselves and in their country. They should be able to prevent corruption. franz Ferdinand was assassinated by gavrilo princip, who was part of the black hand gang(a terrorist group of Serbia) that all tried to assassinate franz Ferdinand.

Which country was Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated?

The city of Sarajevo, in Bosnia

What country was franz ferdinand heir to?

He was heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Who fault in war war 1?

It was the assassination of arch duke Franz Ferdinand, that caused it all. Germany did not start the war, but then were blamed for it in the treaty.

What was the relation between Franz Josef and Franz Ferdinand?

Emperor Franz Josef was Franz Ferdinand's uncle.

How many children did franz Ferdinand have?

Franz Ferdinand had 3 children

Who was assassinated during the event who sparked Austria to declare war on Serbia setting off World War 1?

Killing of Princ Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip member of Youth Bosna

When was Franz Ferdinand born?

Franz Ferdinand was born on December 18, 1863.

What did Britain have to do with the assassination of franz Ferdinand?

They did in no way, have anything to do with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.