

Best Answer

Mahatma Ghandi.

  • A. The long march
  • B. The Amritsar Massacre
  • C. The balfour declaration
  • D.The pan-african congress

The answer is B. The Amritsar Massacre.

By Dustin Wood

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Q: What helped convince many Indians to rid themselves of there british rulers?
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What role did british literature play in the colonization of India?

It helped promote the spread of English culture and values.The spread of English literature was encouraged by the colonial government to Anglicize India.The spread of English literature was encouraged by the colonial government to Anglicize India. -apex

What was the effect of the Zimmerman Telegram on World War?

It affected public opinion, and helped convince US leaders to send American troops to fight in Europe.

What wars did the British win?

The French and Indian War. There are to many to list,Britain has won many many battles and wars over thousands of years of history.

How did the British attempt to reform the American empire contribute to the growth of the revolutionary movement?

it helped by bring together the americans to detest the british together and for them to get a reason to come together

What led the British government to take control of India?

AnswerEnglish businessmen first came to India in 1612 as the English East India Company in pursuit of the spice trade. Until the early 1700s, they competed with other European trading companies. With the decline of the Mughal Empire, English influence increased. Then, in 1757, as part of the world-wide Seven Years War between the English and French, the French East India Company with their Bengali allies attacked the English East India Company in West Bengal about 150 km north of Calcutta. The British came to India to look for spices. and gold and silver but when they saw that Indians were fighting among themselves they eventually took control over India. The Indians then saw that the Britishers came to India for wealth but they were taking control of their land. The Britishers stole Indian things and became very rich. They asked Indians to give their land to them but Indians didn't agree with that and tried their best to get independent and free. People like mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Jawarharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose comforted the people by giving them hope that one day they will get independent. They gave their lives to help India get free and independent. The Britishers were expecting Indians to change their religion and become Christians. The Indians started wearing British clothes, shoes and tried to follow British fashion and technology but Gandhiji told people to burn British clothes and start follow our religion and culture.the Britishers colonized India for almost 200 years. but finally India got freedom on 15th august 1947. just after one year Dr. Ambedkar finished writing the constitution and laws of India on 26th January which is celebrated as republic day.The Indians struggled a lot and salute to those people who died and helped India to get independent.

Related questions

Why did the Indians help the british in the French and Indian War?

They actually helped both sides. The Iroquois, Cherokee, and Catawba helped the British and the other nations helped the French.

How many troops did the English have during the french and Indian war?

around 3,000 men died in the french and indian war

What Indians sided with the British in the French and Indian War?

The Iroquois Confederation sided with the British in the French & Indian War.

How did the British treat the Indians?

They treated them with no respect. The British look away their land for the new British colonists. Hope this helped!

Why did the Indians help the French in the French Indian war?

They actually helped both sides. The Iroquois, Cherokee, and Catawba helped the British and the other nations helped the French.

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France they would ally themselves with anybody who was fighting the British.

What war did the Americans Indians support the French?

The French and Indian War (also know as the war of the conquest) The American Indians supported the french because the french fur trappers and traders that they had come across treated them with respect and the English did not. (the war was against the french and british) french and Indians were enemies of the british the Indians helped the french the british won :(

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The Iroquois Indians helped the French capture many British forts during the war. They also helped ambush British forces. The British may have had help from Indians also, but I'm not sure.

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The Indians who helped the pilgrims were Wampanoag.

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No one helped he Indians plant crops! The Indians helped the Pilgrims plant crops, and saved their lives.

What did Gandhi do for India?

he pretty much led India to Independence. Gandhi also helped India by not letting the British take over the Indians.

Who helped the U.S. Armed Forces by helping to decode secret messages?

You could be talking about the Navajo Indians or British Intelligence / Bletchley Park.