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Defining Saxon Blood requires a definition of what a Saxon is and that is an essay alone. By the time that historians of any type are attempting to write about tribes of Europe the genetic groups had already begun mixing.

To my mind, and as a result of study I believe that the general population of Saxon tribes were mostly R1b amongst males and mostly U106 from Germanic regions. I say mostly because non Celtic DNA is showing up in England that is related to Saxon genes and yet predates the Anglo-Saxon invasion as we know it. It seems that our cousins from Holland, Fresia, Germany and Belgium have been mixing with us for many thousands of years. Saxon blood is perhaps more about time and culture in the Romantic sence as we reguard it, and therby of 5th century omnwards. In this case it would mean that gentically it could for males contain the genes of R1b, R1a, I, etc....

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