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For many, survival was an acceptable achievemnt. If you managed to survive both starvation and the Bread Riots and avoided the Riots and the guillotine then you were among the majority and the lucky. For those in poverty the goal could be as simple as bread and hope.

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Most probably up-to how much I have read...I suppose the major goal was to end the system of one man rule i.e. monarchy which is hereditary.They wanted to make a new government where the powers of the monarch were checked and was termed as the 'constitutional monarch'.I hope this answer will help you ! :-D
A major goal of the French Revolution was to end the system of government where a king or queen ruled the nation. With the monarchy deposed, the goal was set set up a government that was to end famine and give male citizens the right to vote. In other words, to create a new government that represented the people.

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to create a constitutional monarchy

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Q: Which of the following was an initial goal of the French Revolution?
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