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As a politician, he had noticed that the people of German descent in the USA never asked the US to support Germany; at best they supported non-intervention. The US citizens of English descent on the other hand actively supported the French/British cause and were in favor of a policy of support and even of joining the Allied war effort. Moreover, the US public and Wilson were revolted by the stories of German atrocities in Belgium, the torpedoing of the Lusitania by a German submarine and of German efforts to have Mexico declare war on the USA and reclaim Texas.

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Q: Why was Wilson more sympathetic toward Britain and France than Germany?
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How was the Wilson's 14 points involved in world war 1?

The 14 points of the Versailles Treaty were NOT President Wilson's 14 points they were created by many countries, mainly France, to punish Germany. Wilson's agenda was the League of Nations.

Who were the leaders of the four nations that dominated the paries conference in 1919?

Well it was the main three;Woodrow Wilson(USA),Britain(Llyod george) and France(Clamencea)

Who were the Big 4 and what was their role in ending World War 1?

The ones more commonly known are the Big Three - George Clemanceau (France) David Lloyd George (Britain) and Woodrow Wilson (America). Their role was to decide what would happen to Germany for starting the war in the first place. They met in the Hall of Mirrors (Palace of Versailles in France) in 1919 and drew up the Treaty Of Versailles

Who were the big 4 that arrended the peace conference during ww1?

David Lloyd George: Britain Georges Clemenceau: France Vittorio Orlando: Italy Woodrom Wilson: United States.

Why would Wilson consider a war against Germany to be a war for democracy?

US President Woodrow Wilson, saw the main World War One allies, France and England to be "democratic" nations, even if there were some flaws in how their governments operated. Clearly, not all of the allies had the democratic freedoms of the US. With that said, the main enemy, Germany, was a monarchy run by the Kaiser. There were few democratic features in Germany's government, and with other nations allied with Germany. With that said, it was easy for Wilson to connect the dots and see the war as one where democratic nations were in conflict with non-democratic ones.As an aside, the US has never fought a war against a democratic nation.

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Why did Woodrow Wilson send America in World War 1?

To help France and Britain when the war over Germany

What role did Woodrow Wilson play in rejection of the treaty of versailes?

He rejected the way Germany would be treated, but was outvoted by France and Britain because they wanted to teach Germany a lesson, which lead to the retaliation of WW2.

Which the 14 points by Woodrow Wilson did Britain and France disagree with and why?

None of them

How did decisions made by the Allies during the war affect postwar affairs?

In WWI: It made Wilson control the others, whilst France, Britain and Italy babbled over the defeated Germany, Wilson decided to cash in on their dept and make plans to help the economies of Europe which would help USA. Britain and France didn't agree about Germany, whilst Britain wanted to take a more helping role, France wanted their complete annihilation. In WWII: Soviet Russia became less and less friendly with USA, to the point the 'Cold War started. Britain always stood by USA, making hostility towards Russia stronger. France were neutral.

Who wanted fair treatment for Germany after World War I?

Woodrow Wilson, who was President at the time, wanted fair treatment for Germany after World War 1. His reasoning was that he didn't want Germany to start a war in retaliation. However the attempts were failed as World War II was started by the Germans some 20 years later.

Why did France and Germany dislike Wilson's Fourteen Points speech?

Cos they didnt like it

Why did the other Allies reject wilsons plan?

Wilson's plan didn't let Britain and France have the spoils of war, and focused more on mollifying everyone involved. They wanted to make Germany and the Ottoman Empire pay for the war, while Wilson simply wanted peace.

Why did Wilson protest against britain's blockade around Germany?

Because the British blockade prevented the United States from trading with Germany.

Who did President Wilson blame for World War 1?

President Wilson blamed Germany for World War 1.

How did France and great Britain respond when Germany disobeyed the treaty of Versailles?

Woodrow Wilson made this treaty to have germany to accept full responsibility and pay millions of $ in reparations. They also had to disarm compltely and give up all overseas colonies and some territory in europe. Germany had NO choice. So they signed. But it was never passed with wilson's laws. the senate had the new and"improved' version(made by Henry Cabbot lodge, an enemy of Wilson) so germany never could have disobeyed the treaty if it was never passed

How did Wilson's plan for peace differ from that of England and France?

Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points plans were designed to check the Central Powers' continuation of the War and to inspire the Allies to victory. However, the treaty was not ratified by Congress, and France, Britain and Germany were more interested in regaining all of their territories, and grabbing more by punishing Germany.

How did the goals of George Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson differ?

Woodrow Wilson & George Clemenceau differed because they both had different goals. George Clemenceau wanted Germany to pay them back and for France to get them back. While Woodrow Wilson jest wanted to let France have some land and maybe some money so they could repair all the damage Germany had caused in WW1.