The Ganaka or Kaniyar of south Kerala region in India were honored with the title Asan (malayalam corrupt word of sanskrit "Acharya') because of their functional role as teachers.
The Kaniyar or Ganaka people were generally scholars in sanskrit and Astrology.
The Kaniyar or Ganaka Asans ( Acharya ) were the basic teachers of malayali of ancient and medieval kerala. Eventually all of their descendants were known as Asan.
Kaniyar (Ganaka) Asans were teachers of the past generations ,who had served as the sole media for sanskritastion of Kerala people.
The author of the Ramakatha paattu was a member of the traditional astrology community of ancient Kerala. His name was Ayippally Asan. The traditional astrology community of Kerala was known as Kaniyar or Ganaka. Kaniyar people had two titles, Asan and Panicker, in southern and northern Kerala respectively. These titles were believed to be socially assigned to them by virtue of their preceptor status to the traditional martial art of Kerala (Kalaripayattu) and literacy and numeracy. The Author of Ramakatha paattu belonged to the Asan sect of Kaniyar, which lived in the southern region of Kerala, at Kovalam near Thiruvanthapuram.
Ganaka or Kaniyar is a caste name of traditional astrologers in south India. They are known by various other names such as Kanisan, Kanisu, kani, Kaniyar Panicker , Kalari Panicker,Kalari Kurup, kaniyan ,Balyaya etc as well, at different local regions. Their ancestors were the first group of ancient Brahmins who reached in south Indian region,far ahead of the arrival of the alien Brahmins of pre medieval era. Predecessors of Ganaka/kaniyar were earlier known by the name Arivor .More over they had a supreme status in social hierarchy by virtue of their excellent sense of past ,future and present (Trikaala ngani)and profound skills in guiding the society. They are actually descendants of sakadwipi Brahmins. Origin dates back to vedic period ,Before 2000BC . Their ancestors were " Maga"people came from indo- Iranian region, eventually migrated and settled at various parts of ancient India .Some of them had taken up the practice and belief of heterodox groups (Ajivka , Jainism, Budhism) . Later their predecessors become separated and segregated in to different groups by taking up different calling or names at different places. Ganak Brahmins in Assam , Acharya in Tripura , Graha Bipra in Bihar, Nakshtra Darsa, Jothishi in Orrisa, Joshi in western and central India, Kaniyar, Ganaka , Kaniyan kanikal, kaniyar panicker, kalari panicker in south India. Ganaka were scholarly people and were traditionally engaged in intellectual vocations such as Astronomy Astrology,Literature, Ayurveda, Teaching , physicking etc. Kannassa Panickers, Ayyappilli asan, and Ezhuthachan are some of the noted personalities among them who set out the process of development of a regional language ''Malayalam'' . Kaniyar or Ganaka people were the only media who enabled the sanskritasation of non Brahmins in the kerala region.Many historians including foreign travelers have noted their proficiency in mathematics and Sanskrit. In general, they had taken up the role of astute physical and psychic healers ,as astrology is said to have a major role in social regulation by means of social and individual psychological intervention. In Kerala region, they had many titles such as Bhata, kookaniyal, Nakaniyal, Panicker , Kurup, Asan, Kalari or Ezhuthu asan, Gurukkal, Viadyan or Vaidyar ,jyotsian or Jyotsiar confered to them by then local Royal authorities, in virtue of their eminence in the respective occupational fields such as royal court scholarship , martial art preceptior, teaching, Indian medicine and astrology. Eventually such titles were adopted by the descendant family members and regarded themselves as different sub sects. From 18th century or so the privileged titles such as Asan, Vaidyar or Vaidyan, Jolsian or Jyolsiar , Panicker become no longer restricted to the arena of Kaniyar or Ganaka community ,but members of other castes and religion were also found eager to adopt and hold such surnames. Many eminent and scholarly people among Ganaka had made tremendous contributions in astronomy, astrology , literature and ayurveda. It has enriched the Indian culture. { ex : Aryabhata Ganaka of 5th century AD, Kalidas Ganaka of AD 500 , Kumara Ganaka of 14thcentury AD,Ayippilli Asan of 14 th century AD (Ramacharitha pattu) ,Niranam poets (Kannassa panickers) ,Ezhuthachan (father of malayalam) ,Edakkadu Sankaran Kookaniyal etc}. Ganaka or Kaniyar were indeed the guiding spirits of the society. Kaniyar were noted for their indispensability to the society .Opinion of Kaniyar were keenly sought by every individual at the moments of auspiciousness and at times of misfortunes alike. Hence they were highly respected by the society till 16th century.
The Kaniyar or Ganaka Asans ( Acharya ) were the basic teachers of malayali of ancient and medieval kerala. The Kaniyar or Ganaka people were generally scholars in sanskrit and astrology. They were the only agents for sanskritisation of eligible non- brahmin people of Kerala till 17th century. For the acquisition of intellectual abilities in literacy and numeracy ,all non -Brahmin pupils of ancient and medieval kerala were indebted to Kaniyar or Ganaka Asans . Even though the sudra people were prohibetd from learning sanskrit in that era ,the Kaniyar or Ganaka Asans had taught them to read, write ,recite and calculate , along with the sanskrit literature ( kavyas ) and superficial knowledge of astronomy and astrology. They had set up ezhuthu salai and ezhuthu palli (kalari or pallikoodam) in pre- medieval and medieval era respectively . When most of the people lost their interest in intellectual pursuite and turned for martial training during the medieval period ,again the Kalari Panicker or Kalari Kurup of ( a sect of Kaniyar panicker) Kochin region become their preceptors (Asan ) in Kalari. Every academic year were begun on Vijaya dasami pooja day. Elementary education was initiated with oral learning and then allowed to practice with writing in sand , eventually taught them to scriblbe on palm leaf . Since 18th century ,the learned members from other castes had also begun take up the role of Asan and helped their pupil to acquire literacy and numeracy. During the later half of British imperialistic era ,the ezhuthupalli (pials) had lost its significance as the English education had gained a higher momentum.
The Kaniyar or Ganaka Asans ( Acharya ) were the basic teachers of malayali of ancient and medieval kerala. The Kaniyar or Ganaka people were generally scholars in sanskrit and astrology. They were the only agents for sanskritisation of eligible non- brahmin people of Kerala till 17th century. For the acquisition of intellectual abilities in literacy and numeracy ,all non -Brahmin pupils of ancient and medieval kerala were indebted to Kaniyar or Ganaka Asans . Even though the sudra people were prohibetd from learning sanskrit in that era ,the Kaniyar or Ganaka Asans had taught them to read, write ,recite and calculate , along with the sanskrit literature ( kavyas ) and superficial knowledge of astronomy and astrology. They had set up ezhuthu salai and ezhuthu palli (kalari or pallikoodam) in pre- medieval and medieval era respectively . When most of the people lost their interest in intellectual pursuite and turned for martial training during the medieval period ,again the Kalari Panicker or Kalari Kurup of ( a sect of Kaniyar panicker) Kochin region become their preceptors (Asan ) in Kalari. Every academic year were begun on Vijaya dasami pooja day. Elementary education was initiated with oral learning and then allowed to practice with writing in sand , eventually taught them to scriblbe on palm leaf . Since 18th centuary ,the learned members from other castes had also taken up the role of Asan to conduct ezhuthu pallikkodam. During later half of the British imperialistic era ,the ezhuthupalli (pials) had lost its significance as the English education had gained tremendous momentum.
Little is known about Ayyappilli Asan. He was a member of the Kaniyar caste, which were known to have been teachers, but it is not known for sure if Ayyappilli Asan was a teacher, let alone a teacher of Buddhist heritage.
Ganaka and Kaniyar are both terms used to refer to caste groups in India. Ganaka typically refers to traditional Brahmin priests or scholars, while Kaniyar can refer to a group traditionally associated with astrology, ritual practices, and traditional healing. Both groups play specific social roles within the Indian caste system.
Ganaka or Kaniyar is a caste name of traditional astrologers in south India . They are known by various other names such as Kanisan, Kanisu, kani, Kaniyar Panicker , Kalari Panicker,Kalari Kurup, kaniyan ,Balyaya etc as well, at different local regions. Their ancestors were the first group of ancient Brahmins who reached in south Indian region,far ahead of the arrival of the alien Brahmins of pre medieval era. Predecessors of Ganaka/kaniyar were earlier known by the name Arivor .More over they had a supreme status in social hierarchy by virtue of their excellent sense of past ,future and present (Trikaala ngani)and profound skills in guiding the society. They are actually descendants of sakadwipi Brahmins. Origin dates back to vedic period ,Before 2000BC . Their ancestors were " Maga"people came from indo- Iranian region, eventually migrated and settled at various parts of ancient India .Some of them had taken up the practice and belief of heterodox groups (Ajivka , Jainism, Budhism) . Later their predecessors become separated and segregated in to different groups by taking up different calling or names at different places. Ganak Brahmins in Assam , Acharya in Tripura , Graha Bipra in Bihar, Nakshtra Darsa, Jothishi in Orrisa, Joshi in western and central India, Kaniyar, Ganaka , Kaniyan kanikal, kaniyar panicker, kalari panicker in south India. Ganaka were scholarly people and were traditionally engaged in intellectual vocations such as Astronomy Astrology,Literature, Ayurveda, Teaching , physicking etc. Kannassa Panickers, Ayyappilli asan, and Ezhuthachan are some of the noted personalities among them who set out the process of development of a regional language ''Malayalam'' . Kaniyar or Ganaka people were the only media who enabled the sanskritasation of non Brahmins in the kerala region.Many historians including foreign travelers have noted their proficiency in mathematics and Sanskrit. In general, they had taken up the role of astute physical and psychic healers ,as astrology is said to have a major role in social regulation by means of social and individual psychological intervention. In Kerala region, they had many titles such as Bhata, kookaniyal, Nakaniyal, Panicker , Kurup, Asan, Kalari or Ezhuthu asan, Gurukkal, Viadyan or Vaidyar ,jyotsian or Jyotsiar confered to them by then local Royal authorities, in virtue of their eminence in the respective occupational fields such as royal court scholarship , martial art preceptior, teaching, Indian medicine and astrology. Eventually such titles were adopted by the descendant family members and regarded themselves as different sub sects. From 18th century or so the privileged titles such as Asan, Vaidyar or Vaidyan, Jolsian or Jyolsiar , Panicker become no longer restricted to the arena of Kaniyar or Ganaka community ,but members of other castes and religion were also found eager to adopt and hold such surnames. Many eminent and scholarly people among Ganaka had made tremendous contributions in astronomy, astrology , literature and ayurveda. It has enriched the Indian culture. { ex : Aryabhata Ganaka of 5th century AD, Kalidas Ganaka of AD 500 , Kumara Ganaka of 14thcentury AD,Ayippilli Asan of 14 th century AD (Ramacharitha pattu) ,Niranam poets (Kannassa panickers) ,Ezhuthachan (father of malayalam) ,Edakkadu Sankaran Kookaniyal etc}. Ganaka or Kaniyar were indeed the guiding spirits of the society. Kaniyar were noted for their indispensability to the society .Opinion of Kaniyar were keenly sought by every individual at the moments of auspiciousness and at times of misfortunes alike. Hence they were highly respected by the society till 16th century. But, due to their firm egalitarian attitude in providing astrological service to all in the society (for King and sudra alike) ,other Brahman groups considered the Ganaka as inferior . In addition to that, the intolerance of the then power enjoying priestly community towards Kaniyar people's excellence in ancient branches of science (astronomy, astrology and Ayurveda) and Sanskrit language is also believed to have paved the way to degrade them to lower status. Different ocuppational groups were existed among them with different names such as Asan ,Ezhuthassan( Teaching reading writing and reciting ), Panicker, Ganaka, Kanisan(Hindu Astrology) Kalari panicker or Kurup (Martial art preception), Thinta(polluted) Kaniyan( exorcism ,palm leaf umbrella making) etc with each signifying their respective chief occupation. The Thinta Kaniyan (polluting Kaniyan) sect was an endo gamous group separated themselves from Kaniyar proper or Ganaka community.They were believed to be non talented ( intellectual vocations) members and their families from Kaniyar proper . Since they had taken up other vocations (such as Palm leaf umbrella making, exorcism, Kolam making) rather than practicing pure astrology , they had to undergo degradation to the status of underprivileged class . The higher social status of Ganaks was begun to lose since the medieval era, as the advances in modern science resulted in loss of relevance of Astrology Eventually they lost the significance of avocations such as traditional healers(Vaidyar) and Kalari sanskrit teachers (Asan) as the practice of western system of medicine and English teaching had pushed back the Ayurveda herbal healing and sanskrit eduaction . The British prohibition of traditional military practice has also made the kalari martial art preceptor (panickers) to lose their vocation. Even though their predecessors had a uniform and unique cultural practice , generally they observed the rituals and customs of high caste Hindu. subtle variations from region to region are seen in following such cultural practice.The humbleness in their behavior as a trait is believed to be a marker of esteem in high level of knowledge.
Ganaka or Kaniyar is a caste name of traditional astrologers in south India . They are known by various other names such as Kanisan, Kanisu, kani, Kaniyar Panicker , Kalari Panicker,Kalari Kurup, kaniyan ,Balyaya etc as well, at different local regions. Their ancestors were the first group of ancient Brahmins who reached in south Indian region,far ahead of the arrival of the alien Brahmins of pre medieval era. Predecessors of Ganaka/kaniyar were earlier known by the name Arivor .More over they had a supreme status in social hierarchy by virtue of their excellent sense of past ,future and present (Trikaala ngani)and profound skills in guiding the society. They are actually descendants of sakadwipi Brahmins. Origin dates back to vedic period ,Before 2000BC . Their ancestors were " Maga"people came from indo- Iranian region, eventually migrated and settled at various parts of ancient India .Some of them had taken up the practice and belief of heterodox groups (Ajivka , Jainism, Budhism) . Later their predecessors become separated and segregated in to different groups by taking up different calling or names at different places. Ganak Brahmins in Assam , Acharya in Tripura , Graha Bipra in Bihar, Nakshtra Darsa, Jothishi in Orrisa, Joshi in western and central India, Kaniyar, Ganaka , Kaniyan kanikal, kaniyar panicker, kalari panicker in south India. Ganaka were scholarly people and were traditionally engaged in intellectual vocations such as Astronomy Astrology,Literature, Ayurveda, Teaching , physicking etc. Kannassa Panickers, Ayyappilli asan, and Ezhuthachan are some of the noted personalities among them who set out the process of development of a regional language ''Malayalam'' . Kaniyar or Ganaka people were the only media who enabled the sanskritasation of non Brahmins in the kerala region.Many historians including foreign travelers have noted their proficiency in mathematics and Sanskrit. In general, they had taken up the role of astute physical and psychic healers ,as astrology is said to have a major role in social regulation by means of social and individual psychological intervention. In Kerala region, they had many titles such as Bhata, kookaniyal, Nakaniyal, Panicker , Kurup, Asan, Kalari or Ezhuthu asan, Gurukkal, Viadyan or Vaidyar ,jyotsian or Jyotsiar confered to them by then local Royal authorities, in virtue of their eminence in the respective occupational fields such as royal court scholarship , martial art preceptior, teaching, Indian medicine and astrology. Eventually such titles were adopted by the descendant family members and regarded themselves as different sub sects. From 18th century or so the privileged titles such as Asan, Vaidyar or Vaidyan, Jolsian or Jyolsiar , Panicker become no longer restricted to the arena of Kaniyar or Ganaka community ,but members of other castes and religion were also found eager to adopt and hold such surnames. Many eminent and scholarly people among Ganaka had made tremendous contributions in astronomy, astrology , literature and ayurveda. It has enriched the Indian culture. { ex : Aryabhata Ganaka of 5th century AD, Kalidas Ganaka of AD 500 , Kumara Ganaka of 14thcentury AD,Ayippilli Asan of 14 th century AD (Ramacharitha pattu) ,Niranam poets (Kannassa panickers) ,Ezhuthachan (father of malayalam) ,Edakkadu Sankaran Kookaniyal etc}. Ganaka or Kaniyar were indeed the guiding spirits of the society. Kaniyar were noted for their indispensability to the society .Opinion of Kaniyar were keenly sought by every individual at the moments of auspiciousness and at times of misfortunes alike. Hence they were highly respected by the society till 16th century. But, due to their firm egalitarian attitude in providing astrological service to all in the society (for King and sudra alike) ,other Brahman groups considered the Ganaka as inferior . In addition to that, the intolerance of the then power enjoying priestly community towards Kaniyar people's excellence in ancient branches of science (astronomy, astrology and Ayurveda) and Sanskrit language is also believed to have paved the way to degrade them to lower status. Different ocuppational groups were existed among them with different names such as Asan ,Ezhuthassan( Teaching reading writing and reciting ), Panicker, Ganaka, Kanisan(Hindu Astrology) Kalari panicker or Kurup (Martial art preception), Thinta(polluted) Kaniyan( exorcism ,palm leaf umbrella making) etc with each signifying their respective chief occupation. The Thinta Kaniyan (polluting Kaniyan) sect was an endo gamous group separated themselves from Kaniyar proper or Ganaka community.They were believed to be non talented ( intellectual vocations) members and their families from Kaniyar proper . Since they had taken up other vocations (such as Palm leaf umbrella making, exorcism, Kolam making) rather than practicing pure astrology , they had to undergo degradation to the status of underprivileged class . The higher social status of Ganaks was begun to lose since the medieval era, as the advances in modern science resulted in loss of relevance of Astrology Eventually they lost the significance of avocations such as traditional healers(Vaidyar) and Kalari sanskrit teachers (Asan) as the practice of western system of medicine and English teaching had pushed back the Ayurveda herbal healing and sanskrit eduaction . The British prohibition of traditional military practice has also made the kalari martial art preceptor (panickers) to lose their vocation. Even though their predecessors had a uniform and unique cultural practice , generally they observed the rituals and customs of high caste Hindu. subtle variations from region to region are seen in following such cultural practice.The humbleness in their behavior as a trait is believed to be a marker of esteem in high level of knowledge.
Ganaka or Kaniyar is a caste name of traditional astrologers in south India. They are known by various other names at different local regions, such as Kanisan, Kanisu, kani, Kaniyar Panicker, Kalari Panicker, Kalari Kurup, kaniyan, Balyaya, etc. Their ancestors were the first group of ancient Brahmins who reached the south Indian region, far ahead of the arrival of the alien Brahmins of pre-medieval era. Predecessors of Ganaka/kaniyar were earlier known by the name Arivor. Moreover they had a supreme status in social hierarchy by virtue of their excellent sense of past, future and present (Trikaala ngani)and profound skills in guiding the society. They are actually descendants of sakadwipi Brahmins. Origin dates back to vedic period, before 2000BCE. Their ancestors were "Maga", people who came from the indo-Iranian region and eventually migrated and settled at various parts of ancient India. Some of them had taken up the practice and belief of heterodox groups (Ajivka, Jainism and Budhism) . Later their predecessors become separated and segregated into different groups by taking up different calling or names at different places. Ganak Brahmins in Assam, Acharya in Tripura, Graha Bipra in Bihar, Nakshtra Darsa, Jothishi in Orrisa, Joshi in western and central India, Kaniyar, Ganaka, Kaniyan kanikal, kaniyar panicker, kalari panicker in south India. Ganaka were scholarly people and were traditionally engaged in intellectual vocations such as astronomy, astrology, literature, ayurveda, teaching, physicking, etc. Kannassa Panickers, Ayyappilli asan and Ezhuthachan are some of the noted personalities among them who set out the process of development of a regional language ''Malayalam''. Kaniyar or Ganaka people were the only media who enabled the sanskritasation of non-Brahmins in the kerala region. Many historians including foreign travelers have noted their proficiency in mathematics and Sanskrit. In general, they had taken up the role of astute physical and psychic healers, as astrology is said to have a major role in social regulation by means of social and individual psychological intervention. They had four to five Gothras in the north Malabar , Six Gotras (Bhrigu , Viswamitra Vasishta, Kasyapa etc ) in the region of southern Malabar and cochin. Similarly six steps (pambar illam , Thachar illam , Chowla Mangalathu illam etc) were also had reported to been existed in southern Travancore region. In Kerala region, they had many titles such as Bhata, kookaniyal, Nakaniyal, Panicker, Kurup, Asan, Kalari or Ezhuthu Asan, Gurukkal, Viadyan or Vaidyar, Jyotsian or Jyotsiar conferred to them by then local Royal authorities, in virtue of their eminence in the respective occupational fields such as royal court scholarship, martial art and literacy preceptorship , practitioners of Indian medicine and astrology. Eventually such titles were adopted by the descendant family members and regarded themselves as different sub sects. From 18th century or so the privileged titles such as Asan, Vaidyar or Vaidyan, Jolsian or Jyolsiar, Panicker become no longer restricted to the domain of Kaniyar or Ganaka community ,but members of other castes and religion were also found eager to adopt and hold such surnames. Many eminent and scholarly people among Ganaka had made tremendous contributions in astronomy, astrology, literature and ayurveda. It has enriched the Indian culture. Examples: Aryabhata Ganaka of 5th century AD, Kalidas Ganaka of AD 500, Kumara Ganaka of 14thcentury AD,Ayippilli Asan of 14 th century AD (Ramacharitha pattu), Niranam poets (Kannassa panickers), Ezhuthachan (father of malayalam), Edakkadu Sankaran Kookaniyal, etc. Ganaka or Kaniyar were indeed the guiding spirits of the society. Kaniyar were noted for their indispensability to the society. Opinion of Kaniyar were keenly sought by every individual at the moments of auspiciousness and at times of misfortunes alike. Hence they were highly respected by the society till 16th century. But, due to their firm egalitarian attitude in providing astrological service to all in the society (for King and sudra alike) ,other Brahman groups considered the Ganaka as inferior . In addition to that, the intolerance of the then power enjoying priestly community towards Kaniyar people's excellence in ancient branches of science (astronomy, astrology and Ayurveda) and Sanskrit language is also believed to have paved the way to degrade them to lower status. Different ocuppational groups were existed among them with different names such as Asan, Ezhuthassan (Teaching reading writing and reciting), Panicker, Ganaka, Kanisan(Hindu Astrology) Kalari panicker or Kurup (Martial art preception), Thinta (polluted)- Kaniyan (exorcism, palm leaf umbrella making), etc, with each signifying their respective chief occupations. The Thinta Kaniyan (polluting Kaniyan) sect was an endo gamous group separated themselves from Kaniyar proper or Ganaka community. They were believed to be non talented (intellectual vocations) members and their families from Kaniyar proper. Since they had taken up other vocations (such as Palm leaf umbrella making, exorcism, Kolam making) rather than practicing pure astrology, they had to undergo degradation to the status of underprivileged class. The higher social status of Ganaks was begun to lose since the medieval era, as the advances in modern science resulted in loss of relevance of Astrology Eventually they lost the significance of avocations such as traditional healers (Vaidyar) and Kalari sanskrit teachers (Asan) as the practice of western system of medicine and English teaching had pushed back the Ayurveda herbal healing and sanskrit eduaction. The British prohibition of traditional military practice has also made the kalari martial art preceptor (panickers) to lose their vocation. Even though their predecessors had a uniform and unique cultural practice, generally they observed the rituals and customs of high caste Hindu. Subtle variations from region to region are seen in following such cultural practice. Humilty and dignity in their behaviour as a trait has been interpreted as a marker of their self esteem, in lieu of the possession of extra ordinary knowledge and skills in the intellectual vocations,.they practiced.
Generally the Asan Kalaris of ancient Kerala were the sole institution for elementary education for past generations of Keralites . It was from where the pupil did acquire the basic abilities for literacy and numeracy .They helped to develop and sharpen the skills of 3 R (read, write and recite). Though English system of education has been widely replaced the ezhuthu Kalari, since the 19th century, the ancestors of present generation of Keralites undoubtedly owed to the Ezhuthu kalari system for their intellectual advance ment. History of education system of Kerala dates back to samgam age with all its vicissitudes. Budhist and Jain teachers were the earlier Gurus. Later pada salai kala salai culture established and Matoms(exclusively for Brahmans ) for education purpose . But, since the medieval period, ezhuthu palli or kalari were the only sources for elementary education to eligible- non brahmans. Kaniyar or Ganaka people were the teachers of such Ezhuthu palli or Asan Kalary.They were always esteemed as teachers in every parlance by virtue of their scholarship in sanskrit and astrology. So they were honoured with a title "Asan'' ( Acharyan) , particularly in southern region of Kerala In northern region of Kerala (Malabar) they were known as Kanisan (truncated form of kaniyar-Asan) and in Kochin area as Kaniyar Panicker(Kalari panicker or Kurup) in view of their role as martial art preceptors. some places they were known as Ezhuthu asan. It was through them the sanskritisation of non- Brahmin people was made possible, especially while a period sudras were stringently prohibited from learning sanskrit. It is notable that the development of Malayalam as a distinct language was begun through the tremondous literary contributions from some Kaniyar scholars such as Ayyipilli Asan(Ramacharitham pattu) Kannassa Panickers (kannassa ramayanam) Ezhthachan(Adyatma ramayanam) Since 18th century , the learned members from others castes(Nair,Ezhava etc) had also taken up the role as Asan and had set up Ezhuthu pallikkoodam. Highest number of contribution in Malayalam literature began since late 18th century and that was the renaissance period of Kerala. it is unfair to omit the fact that in addition to multiple factors, the Literacy has also enabled the Keralites for social revolution.
Asan's population density is 442 people per square kilometer.