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Yes. if you want eggs to eat get females. If you only want pets get either.

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Q: Can you keep 2 ducks and 2 chickens together and if so whats the best sex to go for?
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Do chickens and ducks belong to the same species?

Yes, it will not hurt them. Ducks are often kept with chickens and they share grains. Keeping the chickens on a regular diet of duck specific grains is not a good idea as the nutritional needs of the species are slightly different. You will not get your best growth and egg production from hens fed this way.

Can chickens ducks and turkeys live together?

And they can be cooked together too....i.e. the TurduckinYep - completely possibleYes, they can. My sister has a "farm", where in one pen, she has turkeys, chickens and emus (of all things)...and they have ducks and geese as well. Every day, she allows the chickens and turkeys out of the pen, and they wander the yard with the ducks and geese. The only time any harm has come to any of them is when the male emu gets ticked off and tramples one. ----------------Yes, they can. I have chickens, ducks and turkeys living together and they do quite well. Sometimes my one, white duck (Donald) wants to 'hump' the female turkey, though. She's not interested in the venture so I feel bad that she's being bugged. My turkey, however, is an older turkey, almost a year now and she's started to lay eggs. I think her maturity brings on Donald's sexual desires, but I don't know this to be a fact. I never see Donald 'humping' his female ducks but often seems to be at the female turkey. Go figure! :o)-------------------NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Turkeys shouldn't live with chickens because chickens transmit diseases that are fatal to turkeys, such as blackhead disease (shows no effect on chickens but is fatal to turkeys). Turkeys really shouldn't be within a half mile of chickens. I kept my turkeys only a few hundred feet of my chickens and they did fine.-----------------------I have been told that the wild turkeys can but not a lot of the domestic ones. They can pick up ecoli from the chickens and mine seem to have. I had mine in the same pin and at first they seem to do all right but then they started dropping. I've lost 4 out of 10 so far and they just seem to quit eating. I am trying to research more on this but I have lost some turkeys. I have a Holland White that seems to do good but my Bronze Wings are not.

Name any three types of farmyard fowl?

Three types of farmyard fowl are chickens, guinea fowl, and ducks. The chicken may be the best known type of farm fowl. However, there are different breeds of chickens, including Wyandotte, Andalusian, Australorp, and Java.

Incubater temperature chickens?

The best temperature for hatching chickens or even ducks in an incubator is between 99.5F and 100.5F. The temperature is not the only consideration as the humidity must be right also. Eggs should be at a 55% humidity rate through to the 18th day and raised to better than 65% during the final days.Chickens take 21 days from start yo hatch and ducks can take as much as 35 days.

Why do ducks attack other ducks?

yes ... that's the way you get baby ducks. The different breeds of ducks are pretty distinct. That's what all the pretty plumage is about. It makes sure that the separate breeds don't inter-breed. Muscovy ducks and Roan ducks can inter-breed but the offspring will be infertile. We have a batch of ducklings that hatched on Wednesday. Six of them are pure Pekins; the Aflac duck. The Pekin hen also mated with Mallards and has five crossbred as a result. The coloration is incredible and hard to describe. If you would like to see pictures, email me at

Related questions

What is the best method of separating food for chickens are ducks?

I am assuming you want to know how to keep your chickens from eating the ducks food and the ducks from eating the chicken food. First ands easiest way is to keep the ducks separate/feed separate. If this is not possible and they free range together try placing the ducks food in an area surrounded by water, adult chickens by nature don't like to get wet, ducks do. If the duck food is only accessible by crossing a water barrier then the chickens will stay out of it.

Do chickens and ducks belong to the same species?

Yes, it will not hurt them. Ducks are often kept with chickens and they share grains. Keeping the chickens on a regular diet of duck specific grains is not a good idea as the nutritional needs of the species are slightly different. You will not get your best growth and egg production from hens fed this way.

Can 4 roosters hens ducks geese all live together?

Yes and no. First off most will tell you it is best to have an odd number of roosters in a flock. Not an even number. Ducks & geese are messy birds. So they make dry bedding wet which chickens dislike. Hope this helps!

Can you house chicks and ducklings together?

I have laying hens and ducks and they all live together in one coop. I haven't had a problem with them.yes they canI would say yes, I have drakes, and hen ducks living right in with my chickens. and do not have a problem. In fact one of the drakes thinks it's a chicken. He was raised from a baby with the baby chickens we got over a year ago. I also have 8 more ducks besides lucky ducky {thinks he is chicken} all living with 175 laying hens.Yes they can, and will also sit on each others eggs if you require a foster mum. However, in my experience only the females will get on well... a rooster and a drake living together can cause problems.YES! they can I used to have them together and they lived fine together and the hens still laid their eggs but it helps I found it helps out if you stack some hay bushels and put like some milk crates up on them with some hay in them and the chickens will lay there and that also makes sure the ducks wont step on the eggs by mistake (hope I helped)Once I had a hen that was pregnant and it always acted funny around my duck and after it laid its eggs it killed my favorite duck. I was so mad I kicked the hen. so I'd say no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!More on thisDucks and chickens do indeed get along fine, some squabbling happens but for the most part the birds enjoy or at least tolerate each other. Eggs can be hatched between species and the young often can be raised by whatever mother was sitting on the nest at the time. A young chicken will often enter the water along with it's "siblings" when the ducklings are first introduced to swimming.

Can chickens ducks and turkeys live together?

And they can be cooked together too....i.e. the TurduckinYep - completely possibleYes, they can. My sister has a "farm", where in one pen, she has turkeys, chickens and emus (of all things)...and they have ducks and geese as well. Every day, she allows the chickens and turkeys out of the pen, and they wander the yard with the ducks and geese. The only time any harm has come to any of them is when the male emu gets ticked off and tramples one. ----------------Yes, they can. I have chickens, ducks and turkeys living together and they do quite well. Sometimes my one, white duck (Donald) wants to 'hump' the female turkey, though. She's not interested in the venture so I feel bad that she's being bugged. My turkey, however, is an older turkey, almost a year now and she's started to lay eggs. I think her maturity brings on Donald's sexual desires, but I don't know this to be a fact. I never see Donald 'humping' his female ducks but often seems to be at the female turkey. Go figure! :o)-------------------NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Turkeys shouldn't live with chickens because chickens transmit diseases that are fatal to turkeys, such as blackhead disease (shows no effect on chickens but is fatal to turkeys). Turkeys really shouldn't be within a half mile of chickens. I kept my turkeys only a few hundred feet of my chickens and they did fine.-----------------------I have been told that the wild turkeys can but not a lot of the domestic ones. They can pick up ecoli from the chickens and mine seem to have. I had mine in the same pin and at first they seem to do all right but then they started dropping. I've lost 4 out of 10 so far and they just seem to quit eating. I am trying to research more on this but I have lost some turkeys. I have a Holland White that seems to do good but my Bronze Wings are not.

Name any three types of farmyard fowl?

Three types of farmyard fowl are chickens, guinea fowl, and ducks. The chicken may be the best known type of farm fowl. However, there are different breeds of chickens, including Wyandotte, Andalusian, Australorp, and Java.

Who owns the best chickens?

damien o'reily owns the best chickens as his can ride bikes

Do cats get along with baby ducks?

They might but it is best if they were together from birth they minght not there is a 50/50 chance they might not so maybe XD

Who is best team in NFL?


What should you do when your best friend throws a ball at ducks?

say don't through it to the ducks they get hurt

What is the best website about rubber ducks?

Why would you want to go on a website about rubber ducks you freak.

Incubater temperature chickens?

The best temperature for hatching chickens or even ducks in an incubator is between 99.5F and 100.5F. The temperature is not the only consideration as the humidity must be right also. Eggs should be at a 55% humidity rate through to the 18th day and raised to better than 65% during the final days.Chickens take 21 days from start yo hatch and ducks can take as much as 35 days.