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It is not a very good idea keeping them in the same cages unless you intend them to breed. If they are kept together the would keep on fighting endlessly.

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Definitely not!

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Q: Can you keep a female and a male hedgehog in the same cage?
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Is it better to keep your guinea pigs in the same room as you?

As long as you keep the cage clean then, "Yes." Use Aspen chips. You should especially keep it in your room if you only have one, as they are social creatures. If you get two get a male and female, with the male fixed.

Can you keep two male guinea pigs in the same cage?

I have tow male Ginny pigs an i keep them together and they are fine.

How long should you leave a male and a female hamster together to mate?

because the female only comes into season every four days, then you should but them together four nights in a row. if she attacks the male, then she is not ready to mate, and you should carry on until they have mated. when she attacks the male, then you should separate them immediately , with thick gardening gloves! when she is ready to mate then the signs are obvious, she will stand still and let the male mate with her. they should only be put together for 15 minutes or so, and you must always be watching them. if you leave them together for longer than that, then the female will get more and more active, and may turn on the male if he is still trying to mate with her. also, you should never put the male into the female's cage. even if she is ready to mate, she will attack him. always introduce them in the male 's cage or on unknown ground. i don't think that's true, i always stick my male hamster in the female cage and there just as happy together. it doesn't matter. my female prefers that the male is in her cage.

Why can the male guinea pig not go with the female guinea pig?

Because the male and female guinea pig would breed constantly and you would have a major explosion in the population of guinea pigs within a few months. Also, male guinea pigs can be fairly territorial and have sometimes been known to eat the offspring if there isn't enough room in the cage for all of them.

What do you do when a Guinea pig doesn't want another guinea pig on their territory?

If they are male and female, and you do not want the female to get pregnant, then IMMEDIATELY take the male out of the cage and put him in a different cage for a few hours. If you WANT the female to get pregnant, then just leave them alone.... And if they are both males, then it's trying to show the other one that it is dominant. If there are two males and one female, GET THE FEMALE OUT!!!!!!!!

Related questions

Can you keep a male and female hedgehog together for them to breed or will they fight with each other?

"They will mate but if you keep them in there at the birth then the female will kill the male."

How do you interduce a male hamster to a female hamster?

All you have to do is put the male and the female into the same cage. But you should keep an eye on them for they may fight or mate.

Is a boar a female or male hedgehog?

A boar refers to the male.

Should a male parakeet cage mate be male or female?


Should you keep your male and female hamsters together in the same cage?

If you do they'll breed. Be ready to deal with that, or keep them separated.

Who is tails girlfriend?

Amy the Hedgehog

What if your hamsters keep fighting when you try to mate them?

Well you may be doing something wrong or the male may not be the female's choice. Remember: NEVER put a female in a male's cage to mate or she may be attacked. ONLY put the male in the female's cage just after you have cleaned her out because in the wild the female would spring clean the burrow and the male would seek her out.

Is it ok to keep a male and female hamster in the same cage?

nope they will just make babies all the time

Who is bigger male or female hedgehog?

The males are smaller then the females.

How do you bred mice?

Get a female mouse and male mouse, keep them in the same cage, they are likely to mate or breed if they're alone together.

Is it normal for the male to mate with the female gerbil when she is having her pups?

Once the gerbil is pregnant, the male should be put into another cage, away from the female. In fact the female's cage should be in a quiet, isolated place. Then, she is more likely to feed and care for the pups. So, remove the male from the cage ASAP.

Can a female and a male gerbil live in the same cage?

Placing a female or male gerbil if they are not familiar (Family. prior cage mates) could be fatal in other words gerbils are territorial unless they are familiar. But a familiar male and female can be placed in the same cage but no matter if they are family or not and odds are they are they will mate and have pup's.