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Yes. Her name was Pepper and she was salt white! A very smart dog that unfortunately died when she was hit by a car.

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Q: Did you have a dog when you were a little kid?
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No, he is Carter Jenkins.

What is the best dog for a little kid?

Labrador retriever is a good gentle breed with kids.bear hamsters are amazing too!if you didnt want a dog yet

What is the song playing in diary of a wimpy kid dog days trailer it goes i taking a little vaction?

"A little vacation" from Tiny Little Planets. Can be found D on ITunes

How old do yo have to be to walk a dog?

A kid is allowed to walk a dog at age 4 as long as a adult is around. But if adult is not around then you have to be 10 and up to walk a dog. But if is a big dog then you must be 12 and up. But if it is a very little dog and if a parent is around then you can be 1 and up to walk the little dog.

What kid of dog is this?

an invisible dog

Does getting a kid a dog make them a better kid?

well it can it may teach him/her responceabiltes however if he/she hurts the dog give the dog to a good loving family yes it can teach responsiblty but if you do get a dog you should defintely not haras it, tease it, beat it or not feed it so if a little kid under 10 has it defintely have a parent to help and even if your older like 12 you should defitely have a parent help.

Can a little kid skeet?

A little kid can skit. But after learning.

What is the plot of diary of a kid dog days?

to get a dog

When you were a kid you would have a dog or you used to have a dog?

used to