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No they don't.

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Q: Do African dwarf frogs need a large tank?
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Why do African dwarf frogs eat their skin?

African Dwarf frogs eat their skin to get the protein they need

Is land needed for African dwarf frogs?

No, it is not needed. African dwarf frogs are fully aquatic (living in water). However, they need to breath air.

Why can't you feed your African dwarf frog fish food?

African Dwarf Frogs need to be fed bloodworms, or brineshrimp once every few days.

What are African dwarf frog?

African dwarf frogs are clawed frogs, which are completely aquatic and only need space between water level and tank lid to gulp some air about once an hour. I have never seen the dwarf species reach more than about an inch in length while the normal clawed frogs I have seen up to about 6 1/2 inches. This species originates in Africa, thus you have the African Dwarf Frog.

Can female bettas share a tank with albino frogs?

It depends on what species the frogs are. African dwarf frogs (which remain very small) are ideal tankmates for female bettas provided the tank is filtered and large enough for all the occupants. African clawed frogs are fine while young, but grow quite large and will eat the female bettas when fully grown; when grown they also need a much larger tank than the average betta sorority.

Do you need a license to keep a African dwarf frog in Victoria?

I believe African frogs are not permitted to be brought into Australia, so there will not be a licence available to keep a banned animal.

Do dwarf African frogs sleep?

I think so they do have Compound eyes which they cannot close there eyes but when they sleep they need to rise up to the surface to get water.

Are African dwarf frogs kept in salt water?

African dwarf frogs do not live in saltwater. They are fully aquatic frogs however they will breathe from the surface and can often be seen swimming up to the top of the tank and then 'zoom' back to the bottom of the tank. They require a temp of 24 - 26 oc and Tank lights should be on for a maximum of 12 hours a day as they are cyclical animals and need regular periods of 'night' and 'day'.

Do you need a license to keep a African dwarf frog?


What kind of water do african-bullfrogs need?

African Bull-frogs need fresh water to survive.

Are African dwarf frogs piosonous?

No they are not but like any other amphibian or reptile they can carry salmonella which is bad if you were to ingest it so after touching the frog or water the frog is in you just need to wash or disinfect your hands.

Can African clawed frogs self fertilize?

You will need a male for that.